Is the successful use of wing men in the pursuit of hot chix, evidence that cooperation is the key to the dominance by the human species?
Asked by
Brian1946 (
December 19th, 2020
Do wing men have feathers with opposable digits?
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13 Answers
That’s an interesting supposition, particularly since certain breeds of ducks are notorious for gang raping the females of their species. Wings and feathers?
I think Darwin wrote about that after his first date .
Well wing men can fly and normal men can’t. So wing men win the evolution race. Without any competition, the only thing left is cooperation :)
@Mimishu1995 – ANOTHER WINNER!!!
Do you mind sharing your Nobel Prize with Brian ?
@JLoon @Mimishu1995
Anyone who can write a Doctoral thesis on humavian evolution in just 3 sentences, deserves the entire prize!
As a wing woman, she can fly to Washington to intercept it while Trump is tweeting.
No. People who think and talk that way are on the bottom of the gene pool.
@Zaku – Bet you can’t swim…
Fell down laughing and now I think I have a cracked rib.
Whatever works. And you never argue with success.
Say what? Wing men pursuing Cheese Mix evolved into what? Oh I get it. More far right conspiracy think. Okayyy….somebody humor ‘em, and I’ll go phone the boys in the white jackets.
@Zaku …bottom of the gene pool
I guess that puts me at the shallow end of the gene pool!
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