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mazingerz88's avatar

Do you agree with the suggestions Joan Baez gave to Speaker Pelosi regarding the 126 Republicans who joined the Texas Attorney General in a lawsuit?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) December 19th, 2020 from iPhone

Or would you rather the 126 Republicans’ action be ignored?

Here is Joan Baez letter to Pelosi.


Thank you, Speaker Pelosi, for not mincing words about the 126 Republicans who joined the lawsuit filed by the Texas Attorney General.

As you said: “Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions.”

But in these virulent times are words enough?

Direct action is what John Lewis called “making good trouble.” Good trouble calls for a determined and unflinching willingness to stand up for the truth, no matter the consequences or inconvenience.

As Speaker of the House, you might be the only official in a position to do something, subtle or rash, to lift us above the moral morass in which we find ourselves.

Part of making good trouble is finding imaginative ways to confront one’s adversary.

How difficult would it be to establish something like a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, where these Representatives, in order to be seated, would have to testify publicly to what they were doing and why, while being questioned by a Democratic or independent panel?

The point would not be retribution or punishment, but re-establishing, through public exposure, some extent of moral equilibrium and public trust that has been lost.

Perhaps the most essential by-product would be re-establishing and demonstrating the authority and power of the Democratic Party by putting it on offense rather than defense.

Another interesting approach would be to not allow these Representatives to be seated until they attend a class on Constitutional Law (yes, like driving school), taught by an independent and respected professor who would explain to them the meaning of what they did in detail, and make sure they were able to retake their oath of office with full understanding.

Exceptional times need to be dealt with by exceptional measures, or else the most brazen authoritarian forces will continue to feel free to push ahead unchecked, as they have been doing.

My nonviolent community of troublemakers and I are here as a resource for you. Call any time.

Joan Baez

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7 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I have full confidence in Joan Baez’s authenticity and sincerity. Her commitment to political action for social justice and nonviolence goes way back and has been carried out consistently in actions as well as words and music over five decades and more. So I say yes.

Could you please add a link to your source?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^It was on her FB page.

filmfann's avatar

On one hand, it would be counter-productive to reestablishing civility in Congress.
On the other hand, fuck these assholes.

Jeruba's avatar

@mazingerz88, thanks. I confess I’m very much surprised to see that she incorporated “Official” into her FB account name. Of all the people I never expected to see calling themselves “official” anything, she’d have been near the top.

Smashley's avatar

@filmfann – I don’t think the idea is a horrible one, if the commission were picked well, and could establish a reputation as truly independent, and structure was in place to resist Republican interference. There’s plenty of blame to share, too, and the commission could go a long way to addressing Republican (few in comparison, but still valid) grievances. A slow, public process of discovery that cut both ways might just be the TV we need to heal.

I’d make all members of Congress take the classes, so not to single anyone out directly. Then I’d use the media to say the offending members probably won’t attend because they don’t believe in the Constitution, and either bring them to heel, or make them sit out.

filmfann's avatar

When you make an assertive move like that, when the opposing party takes power they double down. For example: I can see the Republicans giving a lot of grief to a muslim congresswoman.

Smashley's avatar

@filmfann – that’s why I’d make everyone go, rather than use the house rules to punish individuals. It would be their own reluctance to join in that would exclude them.

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