Have you found "comfort foods" a comfort during the pandemic?
Asked by
janbb (
December 20th, 2020
I just discovered a local diner makes a hot open roast beef sandwich just the way I used to like it as a kid. And the mashed potatoes remind me of Horn and Hardart’s from back in the day. And for $15 I get enough for two meals plus cole slaw and soup! Can’t be beat on a rainy day.
Let’s lighten the mood with a stroll down comfort food ally!
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7 Answers
The first few months I was eating fairly well and not too many comfort foods, but lately I’ve been eating more of them.
Sucks that comfort foods tend to be ones not very good for us.
My comfort foods are linguine with meat sauce and melted mozzarella, pizza, Chinese food, mashed potatoes and gravy.
@JLeslie I tend to keep my weight under control and then not worry too much about whether foods are “good” or “bad” for me. But that’s just me.
I wish weight was the biggest part of my problem. I was a thin 16 year old and still had cholesterol at 270. My family is known to die very young from heart disease. My uncles were both thin (died in late 30’s and 40’s). My grandmother was what would be a more or less average weight today (died in her early 50’s). My dad, who was overweight was 46 when he had bypass.
Same here @janbb. I count calories before I think about whether a food is “good” for me. This habit causes me to naturally gravitate toward lower calorie, healthier food.
No. My doctor has told be to cut out comfort foods. So I am unable to partake in what comforts me.
My sister sent me a tower of Godiva chocolate. It consisted of golden boxes increasing in size. There were 5 boxes. 4 went out the door with the grandkids. I kept the smallest one.
Not too much, having been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in June. I will once in awhile have some sweets, which are my go to.
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