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LostInParadise's avatar

Has Pat Robertson finally seen the light?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) December 22nd, 2020

As a white evangelical, Robertson is a good personification of Trump’s demographic. It should come as no surprise that he said that God told him that Trump would win Now, however, Robertson is saying, like a good number of Democrats, that there is something not quite right about Trump. What are we to make of this? Did Robertson mishear what God said? Is he actually capable of rational thought? Who will be the next one to suddenly see Trump for what he is?

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4 Answers

chyna's avatar

My brother who was a very strong trump supporter now thinks he’s crazy.

_____'s avatar

I was hoping “finally seen the light” meant Robertson was finally dead.

elbanditoroso's avatar

More likely Robertson’s income is going down because his church- so closely tied to Trump – founds itself backing a losing horse.

So like any good businessman, Robertson wants to get rid of a loser and back a winner.

Religion is not about faith or belief. It is all about money.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe since Trump is becoming a televangelist now Robertson has to find a new niche to keep some market share.

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