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socialfly26's avatar

What is the best call of duty game.

Asked by socialfly26 (215points) December 22nd, 2020

I’m just curious on what you guys think is the best call of duty game. I personally think that call of duty advanced warfare is the best but I haven’t played any of the newer ones.

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3 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I’ve only played a few of them, and not very heavily, so I don’t know. Having been an editor of computer game reviews though, and read a few CoD reviews outside that job, I can say opinions will vary widely depending on personal tastes. As I recall, there were one or more fairly gritty earlier games, and then later games tended to be rather different in various ways, adding zombies and drones and so on.

I played the Android version for a bit and was surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did, but I think that was because of the way it matched me as a new player with newbie opponents, and I could just be somewhat cautious and usually end up with the best kill to death rates because the other players were inexperienced and rushing around. But I thought all the extensive upgrades, power-ups and vanity armor looked mostly like nonsense and the game was so large that I removed it after a while.

I don’t like the aspect of hoarding vanity upgrades as if your soldier was surviving countless gun battles, despite DYING multiple times.

socialfly26's avatar

Cool thank u for that. I just wanted to spark some conversation.

Zaku's avatar

Sure. I used to be more into FPS games. My most recent habits with them were playing Planetside 2, and Team Fortress 2. I tend to prefer relatively realistic games, or at least ones where I find the action relatable. I like gun fights to be more about taking cover, maneuver, and avoiding getting shot because getting hit once tends to be serious, perhaps debilitating or lethal. I don’t like FPS games that allow bunny-hopping or strafing around in the open as an effective way to avoid getting shot. And I don’t much like grinding for upgrades, especially, as I wrote before, when they’re carried over despite death, so it’s just a matter of grind time and/or paying, which is one of the things I did not like about Planetside 2.

Another FPS that’s about my style is the Arma series, though I haven’t gotten much into it, as I’ve been more into other games in recent years, and it seems to have a high amount of time put into getting into the action, only to usually have me get quickly killed because I haven’t developed my skill and understanding enough yet.

The Hidden & Dangerous games were good at being realistic and gritty World War 2 games. There was also a mod for Battleground 2 I liked that made it very deadly and more realistic.

I’ve enjoyed Doom, Quake, Quake 2, and several others… there was a mod for Unreal Tournament I liked to play multiplayer with a lot, where the only weapon was a blaster that killed in one shot.

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