General Question

damien's avatar

How do you manage your RSS feeds?

Asked by damien (2404points) September 8th, 2008

Do you use a website such as Google Reader or Newsgator? Or do you prefer a desktop app such as NetNewsWire?

I did have all my feeds going through the webmail of my current mail host (and so into my inbox) but they’ve pulled the plug on rss feeds (thanks Mailtrust) so I need to find a new home for them!

I’m liking the looks of NewsGator/NetNewsWire since that’ll mean I can access my feeds on my desktop, my iphone or online. I’ve used Google Reader in the past but the interface got to me (oh, the pain). I just found this which looks much nicer than the default UI but I’m still not completely sold.

Any other suggestions? (needs to be for Mac if it’s a desktop app)

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6 Answers

bodyhead's avatar

I use google as a homepage and just plug all my rss feeds directly into it. I don’t read every post but it keeps me updated on certain blogs, shirt woot, fatwallet, tigerdirect, the weather, howto of the day and my google calendar. If I needed a bunch more stuff, I would use google reader.


row4food's avatar

I’ve tried Google Reader also, but I keep going back to NetNewsWire. It’s nice to be able to get your feeds anywhere, and it’s pretty customizable.

willbrawn's avatar

I use google reader, i mainly use it on my iphone. No app yet but im hopeful with Google.

aanuszek1's avatar

Bookmark Bar in Firefox 3. I <3 Firefox. Then again the only feeds I read are Gizmodo, Lifehacker and a few other various blogs

wenbert's avatar

I use
You should have a look at it. You can use if you are on a Mac.

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