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JLoon's avatar

What's your mental & spiritual refuge from the scourge of American politics?

Asked by JLoon (8588points) December 23rd, 2020

Dangerous drugs, meaningless sex, satanic rituals, Russian roulette… What have we got to lose?

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23 Answers

janbb's avatar

Reading fiction, hot baths, nature walks, good toast…....

JLoon's avatar

@janbb – Toast ??!

You animal.

janbb's avatar

^^ I like to walk on the wild side.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Meditation. I am a churchgoer: highest of the high church Episcopalian. Reading good gay literature. I’m reading a wonderful book of essays by a young gay native American from Canada.

JLeslie's avatar

My best friends here where I live. They make me happy. We talk about meaningless things and serious things and zumba together (mostly on zoom now) and help each other.

Brian1946's avatar

Dangerous sex, meaningful drugs, Satanic roulette (666 chambers, with one empty), and Russian rituals.

misfit's avatar

Remote camping

gondwanalon's avatar

I go canoe paddling with my wife 5 days a week (paddled >2200 miles so far this year). We go walking/hiking 2 days a week. Also I enjoy working on modifying my Hobie Cat sailboat.

chyna's avatar

I lose myself in a book. When the weather was nice I would sit outside and leave all electronic devices inside.
I play with my dog.
I sip some wine.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I just fantasize about my life as Captain Savage of the Foreign Legion.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Going out in the woods, walking or biking.

Embroidery/cross stitch. I am working on cross stitching a blanket (it is patterned) for my niece.

Jaxk's avatar

I sit at home, watch TV, complain about everything, and wait for a check from the government. Oh my god, I’m turning into a Democrat.

janbb's avatar

@Jaxk We knew we’d bring you over to the dark side eventually. :-)

lastexit's avatar

Reading good fiction, listening to good music, watching dance videos and trying their moves. All of this is topped off by a shot of Jack Daniels chased by a Corona with lime.

KNOWITALL's avatar

After the election I chose to take a break from politics. An intentional mental health break. I’ve also redirected my focus to helping others to get out of my headspace.

mazingerz88's avatar

My refuge was actually the act of writing letters urging people to vote in battleground states and giving small amount of money to political groups.

If I don’t feel like I’m doing something useful getting some peace of mind is difficult.

Jeruba's avatar

GQ for using “scourge.”

I haven’t taken refuge. Instead, to mix a metaphor, I’m wallowing in it. It’s my refuge from things that are closer to home and that I am equally powerless to fix.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk you’re lucky to have the option. There are those here who would prefer you to rush out and sacrifice yourself to the economy.

crazyguy's avatar

Playing golf.

YARNLADY's avatar

I continue to dwell on how lucky I am.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Coke..a cola.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Well I’d like to buy the world some coke, and…uh, A Coke I mean. Buy the world, A Coke..cough

Strauss's avatar

I troll scour the Interwebs looking for ever more obscure. scratchy back porch styles of blues.

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