If you are an only child can you tell me if it affected your happiness in life?
I hate that my son is an only child. I fear that he might be lonely as an adult, especially around holidays. At the same time I think there are many that do not like their siblings or even talk to them. Some people have siblings but go on to live lives far away from their families so maybe it does not matter. Sometimes I think I am projecting my own insecurities about life onto my child. Maybe he will be ok in life. If you are an only child please share if your happiness in life was directly linked to being an only child.
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9 Answers
I think that is impossible to answer. If you THINK having siblings would have been better it’s because you’re imagining life with siblings.
As the oldest I was CONSTANTLY worried about my little sisters. If anything ever happened to them I thought it was my fault.
Mom always said “Take care of Lexy!” And turned us lose in the neighborhood. It started when I was 5 and Lex was 3.
Over-achiever, Independant, somewhat of a loner. Leader not follower.
I had to learn to share and be a team player. Emotionally I don’t need other people to validate me. Choosing not to have children seems ‘weird’ to some but logical to me. Others opinions on my life choices never really mattered to me.
I do take very good care of and dote on my mother, too. :)
I don’t mind being alone, actually I prefer it. One of my friends told me these past few holidays were really tough for her, having to be alone. I was made for this. I am happy not being obligated to see family these past few holidays. Although I love my family and I enjoy them, I love being able to stay home (with my daughter) and enjoy the solitude.
I was an only child, and in my neighborhood there were no other children close to my age when I was little. Even though my parents put me in nursery school, all my friends were adults for a long time. I learned to be very self-sufficient and I entertained myself well.
School was hell for me, but I don’t think that it was because I was an only child. There were a lot of other things going on too. I also think I was put into school too early, which definitely started me off on the wrong foot.
When I married and began to have children I was surprised to discover how much they argued. I didn’t have a clue what sibling rivalry was until then!
The biggest problem with being an only child is if the parents turn them into monsters. I was a bit like that with my first child. She was the smartest, prettiest cutest baby ever! I must have driven some of my friends crazy. I think the best thing I did for her was to have her little brother, so I could get some perspective, and give her a break!
Meh…I can’t even open a Face Book thing without my sister’s gumming things up. I wish at times I had been an only child. Just can’t bring myself to un freind them though, in the spirit of the holidays. Puke. I think Grinch might have had the right idea.
This salt water canal was in our back yard. it rose and fell with the tides. Mom would put Lex and me outside and “Keep an eye on Lex!” because she was only 3. I did keep an eye on her. That’s how I knew right away when she fell off the sea wall.
That’s how I knew right away when she fell into the neighbor’s indoor pool.
I save that kid’s life so many time!
@Nomore_lockout don’t unfriend them. Unfollow them. They probably won’t even notice.
@Dutchess_III good idea. I know folks probably think I’m an asshole, but geez they don’t know what I go thru.
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