Why is CNN so vehemently anti-Trump now?
Trump has lost the 2020 election, in no small part because of CNN’s continual distortion of the truth. This morning, CNN had a story about the number of people vaccinated. Here is the headline:
“US officials promised 20 million vaccinated against coronavirus by the end of the year. It’s going slower than that”
The story reflects that and I believe that is true. However, here is the lead-in to the story on the front page:
Officials promised 20 million vaccinated by the end of 2020. It is 2 million, with 3 days to go
If you read the story you find out that 1.9 million have been vaccinated with only nine days left. !!
So my question is: now that CNN has accomplished its primary objective (defeating Trump) why does it continue to mislead?
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91 Answers
You need to include a link to the article.
”Trump has lost the 2020 election, in no small part because of CNN’s continual distortion of the truth.” Hahahahaha, this is the silliest thing that even you have ever posted.
Imo if CNN doesn’t exist, Trump still loses big. The corrupt and cruel reality TV show host is his own news organization and bad TV show producer and performer.
Rather than keep asking the same question, it might help to look at what CNN is and how these corporations work. Stop focusing on CNN and try engaging in a larger institutional analysis. It will be a lot easier to evaluate why CNN sells one thing while other corporations sell something else.
I think @crazyguy1 forgets the questions he asked previously and re-asks just for the fun of it.
CNN, unlike Fox or even MSNBC, doesn’t have a propaganda agenda. CNN may not be perfect – it makes mistakes – but at least it attempts to be objective.
So the conclusion I would draw is that you consider CNN to be misleading and anti-Trump because it disagrees with the Fox-fueled world view that appears to be consistent in your postings.
If CNN is more-or-less accurate and @crazyguy1 disagrees with how news is reported on CNN, that would point the finger at the viewer and not at the network.
Remember that journalism is the “first rough draft of history”.(said originally by Phillip Graham)
CNN had nothing to do with trump losing the election. Trump lost the election because Americans finally realized what a stupid, incompetent, amoral buffoon he is.
I will never understand how anyone could vote for such a person.
Is this the story you are referring to? It says nine days and 1.9 million vaccinated so far. What lead-in are you referring to? Do you have a link? The main point still holds. The 20 million goal by the end of the year will not be reached.
CNN’s alleged persecution of the fool can’t hold a candle to your apparent obsession with the network. The fatuous and ridiculous myth that the media is responsible for Trump’s abominations won’t fly here, and it’s puzzling that you insist on popping up with allegations that could not pass the intellectual sniff test expected from an 8 year old.
The same reason the New York post is so rabidly pro trump.
The article is simply saying the government isn’t going to make its hoped for target. What is so sladerous about that?
And trump isn’t even mentioned in the article.
They will continue to use Trump as a deflection away from the Dems. That has been their thing since he first announced his candidacy.
I think it is because CNN doesn’t support a Hitler wannabe !
And OANN and NewsMax supports any Fascist group or individual !
@seawulf575, the article said not one word about trump.
Leave it to a Republican to build a whole conspiracy theory over an article that simply gave an update of our current vaccine situation.
I don’t know the tone of the statement.
I would say it’s partly reporting facts and maybe a smidge the Georgia vote is still happening.
Might want to change the record @crazyguy, because this one’s starting to skip.
@LostInParadise That is indeed the story I am referring to. The lead-in to the story was on CNN.com. Linking to that is useless because the main page of CNN is changed all the time. At the time I went to the main page, the lead-in to the story was exactly what I posted.
If you think the difference between 3 and 9 days is trivial…
@canidmajor Let me just list out CNN’s distortions of the truth and then let you judge if they had anything to do with misleading the public at large:
1. The lower middle class got no tax cut. See https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/14/business/economy/income-tax-cut.html2.
2. Russia hoax. Too many links to include here.
3. Covid resurgence worldwide.
4. Vaccine distribution plan – the subject of this particular discussion.
@mazingerz88 Our understanding of what is transpiring in the world is controlled to a significant extent by the media. If you think a major TV news channel can have no effect on the public’s opinion you had better think again.
@Dutchess_III I guess we are even. Because I cannot, for the life of me, understand how anybody could vote for that perennial do-nothing loser, BIDEN! And his radical VP, KamAla!
@seawulf575 @Dutchess_III “the article said not one word about trump”. I guess some of our members do not see CNN’s rather obvious attempt at denigrating anything that could be even remotely connected to Trump.
@JLeslie I think you have pinpointed the reason for CNN’s continued bashing of anything that might be even remotely connected to Trump. Because CNN realizes that without the Senate, CNN’s Democratic leaning will mean nothing at all.
Let me get this straight @crazyguy1 you post ten or twenty answers to an answer and you have TWO ID’s on this website !
Maybe by . . . crazyguy infinity you’ll get a clue !
Why hasn’t everyone been even more vehemently anti-Trump for at least the past 4 years?
But as for the elements you mentioned about that CNN article, those don’t seem to be vehemently anti-Trump. They’re just talking about expectations compared to actual progress, according to your own description of them. The only odd thing is the number of days being different between the two mentions.
@crazyguy1, CNN did not lose the election for Trump. All your links notwithstanding, it was actually Trump who lost the election for Trump. But I’m sure CNN appreciates that you think they have that much power. :-D
”Trump has lost the 2020 election, in no small part because of CNN’s continual distortion of the truth”
Sssuuuurrreee…thats the main reason he lost the election. I’m sure it has nothing to do with his own actions and behavior.
@crazyguy1 All of the political news shows are never going to let up before or after elections. We are in a constant state of running for an election. Fox started the ridiculously bias reporting of politics, and the damage to the country is scary. CNN is mild compared to Fox.
I find it so interesting that Republicans insist that reputable news sites, like CNN, and fact checking sites, like Snopes, are liberal when they aren’t. They just report the facts, ma’am, and the facts, the truth, makes the conservatives look like a bunch of immoral fools….which they are.
I wouldn’t say CNN reports just the facts. Their primary concern is pulling in the ratings (and thus, revenues). So they, of course, engage in sensationalism and distort the picture in their own ways.
I really hadn’t noticed that with them. Can you give me an example @Darth_Algar?
Since his arrival, nothing about Trump infuriates me more than his expertise at highlighting the deficit of common sense defining us collectively. I mean, even at this late date, there remain people so obtuse as to believe that were it not for CNN, Trump would be deemed acceptable to the bulk of the populace. This question, as with all such questions should be seen for the insulting implication that people are every bit as stupid as the questioner believes. The idea that people won’t recognize a snake as a snake until CNN labels it as such is just plain silly.
CNN is center slightly left. I don’t see why the GOP focuses on criticizing CNN when MSNBC is the channel that shifted far to the left not CNN.
Have to second what @Dutchess_III said about Snopes and other third party fact checkers. The Republicans say those organizations are biased which is downright dangerous in my opinion. That’s the real proof to me that many Republicans don’t want truth, just want to feed what they want to believe.
Moreover, Republicans now diminish our FBI and believe it is biased also, and for me the FBI is one of my hopes for getting the country back to being a safer place.
The mess is way bigger than Trump. If Trump disappears tomorrow there is still a big problem.
Like always, not all Republicans, but it’s enough that it matters.
Mitt Romney said on Meet The Press he thinks Trump-like Republican politicians will be around for a while because it works.
@JLeslie because CNN is a bigger target. MSNBC doesn’t have the audience and the reputation CNN does.
And CNN is owned by Warner which is owned by AT&T which means that if the right wing can beat up on CNN, they’re actually potentially hitting a whole slew of targets.
Well, I see you’re finally making progress in accepting Trump did actually lose. Good for you!
Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that trump insists on remaining the center of attention
@SEKA It is interesting that none of the posters here have given any response to the specific instances of CNN bias that I included in my response to @canidmajor above. I’ll repeat it here:
Let me just list out CNN’s distortions of the truth and then let you judge if they had anything to do with misleading the public at large:
1. The lower middle class got no tax cut. See https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/14/business/economy/income-tax-cut.html2.
2. Russia hoax. Too many links to include here.
3. Covid resurgence worldwide.
4. Vaccine distribution plan – the subject of this particular discussion.
If you truly believe that constant repetition of a political figure’s failings have no impact on a neutral person’s opinion, please research it and provide a link.
@Dutchess_III Let me try some facts on you. Let me know how you react to each one.
1. You, and almost everybody else, did receive a tax cut in 2017.
2. Operation Warp Speed has been a reasonable success.
3. Given the experience of most countries with varying degrees of lockdown, the only guaranteed formula for ending the covid-19 crisis is the vaccine.
4. China is at least as big a threat to our way of life as Russia.
@Zaku Brilliant! Do you think “the number of days being different between the two mentions” is an accident? Or an unintentional error?
@canidmajor I responded to your earlier post with some specifics. You acknowledged them with “All your links notwithstanding,...” That is not an answer, my friend.
@cookieman In spite of Trump’s ” own actions and behavior” he almost pulled off yet another major upset. He beat Hillary because of about 100,000 votes in the swing states, he lost to Biden because of 2–300,000 votes in the swing states. If CNN and MSNBC and a few newspapers had reported on the riots honestly, Trump would have been a shoo-in.
@JLeslie I think you are right in saying that “We are in a constant state of running for an election. ” However, I disagree that “CNN is mild compared to Fox”. I think they are both equally bad. You have to watch both to have any chance of getting the straight scoop.
@JLeslie “CNN is center slightly left”. I wonder where you place Biden? Or Harris? Or Bernie? Or AOC?
@Pandora Thank you. I do see the writing on the wall.
@crazyguy1 Biden slightly left of center. Bernie much more left of Biden. AOC more left than Bernie. Harris I honestly don’t know enough about her.
I more or less agree with this chart. I actually think Fox is even more to the right, but that’s ok. https://www.adfontesmedia.com/
@crazyguy1 That’s hard to answer without reading the actual article. Which, unless I’m mistaken, you never linked. Searching for your quote, it looks like you might be talking about this article:
Let’s see… ok, the article itself mentions nine days, and its title is “US officials promised 20 million vaccinated against coronavirus by the end of the year. It’s going slower than that”. Your quote about three days… does not appear in my searches, except here on this site.
How about we take a breath and think about what you are asking:
“Do you think “the number of days being different between the two mentions” is an accident? Or an unintentional error?”
Seems to me a tiny bit of thought, combined with even half an ounce of respect for CNN, would lead one to the conclusion that CNN would not intentionally print an error about the current number of days until the end of 2020… right?
@crazyguy1 Nobody misses a point more thoroughly than you do. I don’t care about your links, I don’t get my news from CNN, lots of people don’t, CNN just doesn’t have the Absolute Power that you ascribe to it. But you go ahead and keep blaming some Faceless Other for your disappointments.
@Zaku I do not think CNN would intentionally lie about an easily checkable fact like “the current number of days until the end of 2020”. However, I have, on this occasion, and others before now, I have caught inconsistencies between the lead-ins to stories and the actual story. Since few people tend to read stories completely, CNN gets its misleading message across.
I am frankly disappointed in General Perna. Based on his confident presentations earlier, I truly expected better reporting. As I recall, he stated clearly that data tracking on distribution and administration of the vaccines would be real-time.
@canidmajor Your answer to my post states your opinion clearly; but it is somewhat short on specifics.
@crazyguy1, no, it’s very specific. Your bias fog obscures the obvious.
@crazyguy1 That CNN has teaser lines that don’t represent the article content they link to very well, I don’t doubt, and I have seen and been rather annoyed by that kind of editorial malpractice on many sites, far too often. (i.e. “click-bait” and sloppy editing) And yes, that can be, and is, abused (especially considering the low attention span of most people using web browsers) to give misleading impressions, by many sites, and I expect you’re right CNN has done some of that along with many many others.
The point you are missing is that it is clearly obvious that no one here shares your fixation with CNN. To those of us HERE the network shares a single trait with your New York Post of which you seem strangely unaware. They are both barely afterthoughts for those who live here when it comes to tracking the news. You don’t realize that you are wasting your proselytizing efforts on a network which was cutting edge vital here perhaps some 30 years ago. You might as well ask us opinions on the twist or platform shoes. Again, you don’t ring authentic in your pretense at living among us. Nobody could digest as much news about this place and remain so obtuse if they were actually living through it as opposed to simply reading about it. Where are you REALLY living? CNN may be a primary source for American news in YOUR country. We here for the most part, don’t bother with it. Get a clue!
I pretty much avoid CNN for my news. You should do the same @crazyguy1. Stick with ABC, NBC, BBC, NPR. Also avoid Fox.
Am I the only one who couldn’t figure out the connection between Pelosie and covid relief and Joe Biden in the video @crazyguy1 posted? Maybe someone could ‘splain it to me?
I can’t recall the last time I watched CNN (or any cable news for that matter).
Well me either. I haven’t watched Evening News of any kind since the 90s. And even then it was just to get to Dateline.
@Zaku Fell free to post misleading lead-ins from other sites.
@Dutchess_III The only reason I watch CNN (or more accurately, read CNN.com) is to get some perspective. The main news I watch (or read) is FOX and NPR.
You admit that you garnish the news according to FOX, then have the nerve to come here wondering if any of us has diminished expectations regarding CNN? Why not poll us on our opinions of YOUR credibility?
@Dutchess_III Let me suggest that all points of view are essential in order to develop a semi-sound analysis of what is happening in our divided nation.
Sure. Doesn’t mean we have to agree with them tho.
Nor does it make them accurate or correct.
@crazyguy1 “Let me suggest that all points of view are essential in order to develop a semi-sound analysis of what is happening in our divided nation.”
And yet you routinely ignore users who state point of views you don’t like. You make grand proclamations about it.
@Dutchess_III I do not agree with all points of view that I deliberately expose myself to. But I believe strongly that every piece of good writing, no matter where you find it, is worth reading. And every once in a long while, you may find something you can relate to.
@crazyguy1 You are, as usual, spot on.
@Darth_Algar I disagree. He routinely ignores users who blather meaninglessly. Who spew nothing but hatred and act like they are saying something profound. I have seen @crazyguy1 debate many people on points of view he disagrees with and doesn’t get personal about it and doesn’t spew hatred towards them.
@seawulf575: Not true. All the time he will insult those whose comments he disagrees with.
@seawulf575: “I have seen @crazyguy1 debate many people on points of view he disagrees with and doesn’t get personal about it and doesn’t spew hatred towards them.”
Actually, @crazyguy1 simply cuts people off and refuses to respond to ideas that challenge him. He describes the people as too radical or extreme and declares that he is done responding. He also hides under his desk in the fetal position.
Also, it would be great if you could revisit the “spew hatred” nonsense. It literally doesn’t make any sense, so when you use it, it is the equivalent of typing ”;lkjad diuiere” or just some other random keys.
@_____ totally agree with your last statement. I was one of the first, but not the last, that @crazyguy1 put on permanent ignore because he was unable or unwilling to respond to my disagreements with him.
Look, there are bullheaded lefties and bullheaded righties in every group. We are cursed with a couple of righties at this point. We have had our share of lefties in the past.
“Spew hatred”. Really, Wulfie, you need to learn a little more English. I’m not sure you entirely understand the words you use.
And believe me – when I decide to “spew hatred”, you’ll know the difference.
@elbanditoroso – re: “spew hatred”...
@elbanditoroso: “Look, there are bullheaded lefties and bullheaded righties in every group. We are cursed with a couple of righties at this point. We have had our share of lefties in the past.”
This does nothing to elaborate on what “spew hatred” could possibly mean.
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@Darth_Algar I’d ask you to show a definition for “spew” and “hatred”, but then, you really are poor at that. You are more of the snide comments that you try weaseling out of when you get clocked on them. In fact, I can’t think of the last time you actually contributed anything to a conversation. Take this thread as a perfect example.
“Might want to change the record @crazyguy, because this one’s starting to skip.” Was your first response. It amounts to a snide comment to another jelly.
I wouldn’t say CNN reports just the facts. Their primary concern is pulling in the ratings (and thus, revenues). So they, of course, engage in sensationalism and distort the picture in their own ways.” You almost made a valid comment on this thread, but then you follow it up with “I can’t recall the last time I watched CNN (or any cable news for that matter).” Which shows your previous comment was made from the position of ignorance since you admit you don’t watch CNN so you have no idea what they broadcast. Not to mention is shows you really have nothing to contribute to this conversation.
Your next couple posts were ”@crazyguy1 “Let me suggest that all points of view are essential in order to develop a semi-sound analysis of what is happening in our divided nation.”
And yet you routinely ignore users who state point of views you don’t like. You make grand proclamations about it.”
”“Spew hatred”. Really, Wulfie, you need to learn a little more English. I’m not sure you entirely understand the words you use.
And believe me – when I decide to “spew hatred”, you’ll know the difference.”
Both of these comments are mere attacks on those whose opinions differ from your own. As I said, snide comments and no contribution.
@Darth_Algar I’d ask you to show a definition for “spew” and “hatred”, but then, you really are poor at that. You are more of the snide comments that you try weaseling out of when you get clocked on them. In fact, I can’t think of the last time you actually contributed anything to a conversation. Take this thread as a perfect example.
“Might want to change the record @crazyguy, because this one’s starting to skip.” Was your first response. It amounts to a snide comment to another jelly.
I wouldn’t say CNN reports just the facts. Their primary concern is pulling in the ratings (and thus, revenues). So they, of course, engage in sensationalism and distort the picture in their own ways.” You almost made a valid comment on this thread, but then you follow it up with “I can’t recall the last time I watched CNN (or any cable news for that matter).” Which shows your previous comment was made from the position of ignorance since you admit you don’t watch CNN so you have no idea what they broadcast. Not to mention is shows you really have nothing to contribute to this conversation.
Your next couple posts were ”@crazyguy1 “Let me suggest that all points of view are essential in order to develop a semi-sound analysis of what is happening in our divided nation.”
And yet you routinely ignore users who state point of views you don’t like. You make grand proclamations about it.”
”“Spew hatred”. Really, Wulfie, you need to learn a little more English. I’m not sure you entirely understand the words you use.
And believe me – when I decide to “spew hatred”, you’ll know the difference.”
Both of these comments are mere attacks on those whose opinions differ from your own. As I said, snide comments and no contribution.
Understand this, Wulfie – I hold no hatred for you, crazyguy or anyone else here. Indeed, I hold no particular emotions one way or the other. I’ll save my emotions for people who are actually involved in, or have impact on, my life. None of you are or do. Once I navigate away from this page you vanish into the ether. You are of no consequence to me.
@Darth_Algar Imagine what that means to me? Absolutely nothing. I’m just commenting on your lack of intelligent contribution to conversations. Take it for what it is. I would HOPE you would take it to heart since it reflects poorly on you, but I doubt you will.
@seawulf575 – I’d love for you to elaborate on what “spew hatred” means. This keeps getting better.
Maybe you could define the terms.
@seawulf575 There you go, wasting your time and energy on absolutely hopeless cases.
@_____ I will be happy to give you my definition….as soon as @Darth_Algar explains his definition and why I am so wrong. When you want to hold him to a definition I will see you aren’t just trying to deflect and actually want us to have a sane conversation.
The word sane does not belong in conversations with some people.
^ Not being a right-wing ideologue doesn’t mean someone is insane.
You might be the most fragile person here.
Is “sane” even the word we’re looking for? What IS the word?
The words that DON’T belong? There are more insulting (and appropriate) words than “insane”
@Dutchess_III The word I would choose is “well-reasoned”. My problems with most posters here are as follows:
1. Some of them are ill-informed.
2. The vast majority are well-informed, but do not make logical connections between the facts they seem to be in possession of and their beliefs. I am not certain that there is one word that adequately describes the person who has the facts and the ability to form a logical path from the facts to his/her convictions.
Yes, “well-reasoned”. Like the belief that Tesla is going to take over the auto industry in the upcoming year. Very reasonable.
There is some conspiracy theory surrounding 5G. Not sure what it is but it was the reason for the truck bombing last week.
@Dutchess_III Yes, I remember hearing something about that where the bomber was deathly scared of 5G. But what reminded you of that on this thread?
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