Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Why would some Fox News audience leave it for Newsmax?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) December 28th, 2020 from iPhone

Does this mean they only want to hear what they want to hear about Trump?

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9 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Who cares? Let them go and become even more detached and irrelevant.

The Trump cult wants to go some place where they won’t be challenged. Newsmax and OANN are their safe places.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Yes, you answered your question. They only want to hear that Trump won the election. Fox admitted the truth a while ago.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^More like it’s entertainment they’re really after.

And therapy. I do that too. Lol With MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. Although I don’t believe he criticizes Trump blindly.

ragingloli's avatar

Because they have convinced themselves that anyone that is not literally sucking drumpf’s balls is a liberal plant deeply involved in the deep state conspiracy to steal the election.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fox News declared Biden President elect, the shift to NewsMax is all the sore losers (like Trump) !

JLeslie's avatar

Some of them believe Fox News was bought by liberals and can’t be trusted now. Others, only want to hear a repeat of what their extremist talk radio and social media is feeding them.

Can’t have anything that might create cognitive dissonance; too hard to handle.

Demosthenes's avatar

As others have said, they’ve turned against Fox News because they recognized Biden’s win. It’s the same reason they’ve turned against the SCOTUS. Any institution that does not support the “stop the steal” narrative has been corrupted by the “radical left”. I’ve heard many Trump supporters recently express anger that the SCOTUS didn’t “defend the president” by overturning the election results. They really don’t seem to understand how this country works.

filmfann's avatar

The viewers are telling the networks “Lie to me!”

LadyMarissa's avatar

45 has labeled Fox as part of the “fake news media” who are out to get him. His die hards believe everything he says, so they are off to next available news that does support him NO matter how honest or dishonest they are!!!

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