Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Suppose we did vaccine distribution based on who you voted for in the presidential election. How many people would lie about who they voted for?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) December 28th, 2020

Let’s imagine that instead of doing vaccines by age and vulnerability, distribution was based on your vote for president last month.

Biden voters (the winners) would go first, and Trump voters (the losers) would be second.

A question for thought:

- would the number of vaccines given to the first group exceed the number (percentage) of Biden votes in that state? In other words, how many Trump voters would lie and said they voted for Biden?

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22 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good question, I don’t really know the answer but I wouldn’t put anything past those fright wingers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The right wingers would lie. That’s their default.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Trump supporters would refuse the vaccine. It is hard enough to get them to don a mask. It’s like hearding cats.

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MakeItSo1701's avatar

I wouldn’t lie. I wear my mask, I take all the precautions, plus I work in a nursing home.

As much as I think it’s dumb I’d still wear a mask after the vaccine. So if who I voted for is the only reason I wouldn’t be able to get it then fuck it- I’ll become a super spreader. Not really. But I would be very reluctant to keep following the rules if my political affiliation means I get treated like I’m not a human. I vote for a party because I have to. Doesn’t mean I agree with everything. I am more in the middle politically anyways. Neither right nor left.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

So I’d say a big fuck you to whoever is asking that question, and get the vaccine anyways because my nursing home is giving them to everyone

MakeItSo1701's avatar

So I’m assuming then that 3rd party voters gets it last? That sucks for them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Funny hypothetical. Probably less than 10%.

Like @RedDeerGuy1 said, many Reps think it’s got a chip or will kill them, or just don’t want it.

As for myself, doesn’t matter if it’s sooner or later. Still quarantining and all that. Shrug.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I’m less concerned with how many Trump voters would lie than I am with how many Biden voters would lie so that they could stand in solidarity against such a disgusting and destructive policy. In fact, this would be such an evil thing to do that I don’t see how you could possibly justify the “hypocrisy” topic you have added to this question. It wouldn’t be hypocritical of Trump voters to lie in order to get the vaccine. It would be a completely legitimate circumvention of a policy so vile that it would completely undermine the entire argument for Biden’s presidency.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I 100% agree with this.

This is a hypothetical question obviously but would absolutely undermine a lot of things. I made a joke that I would become a “super spreader” when in reality me and probably many other people would find it difficult to keep following the rules when it seems like this isn’t being taken seriously. Plus, not to mention the gross generalizations that all Trump supporters are anti-mask and liars. But whatever. I live with 2 anti mask Trump Supporters but EVERY other Trump supporter I know wears a mask. Your perception of a group isn’t always the reality… And yes, I am aware the the majority of anti maskers seem to be supporters of Trump, but that doesn’t mean the majority of Trump supporters are anti-mask, if that makes sense

By the way, I generalize sometimes too. Not trying to sound preachy or like I am perfect. I try my best not to but it isn’t always easy, especially when the people you know act stereotypical for whatever group.

I would hope people would lie. Both Biden supporters and Trump supporters. Get vaccinated. Fuck who you voted for, it literally does not matter when it comes to your (and others) own personal health. Take care of yourself.

JLeslie's avatar

Why would it be who voted for Trump? Why not people who refuse to wear a mask, who get together regularly indoors for parties, dinners, playing cards, and other activities that encourage the spread of the virus. Not that I’m in favor of any sort of litmus test like this.

I agree with the comment above that I would hope Biden voters would stand up against such a policy.

gondwanalon's avatar

People lie about who they voted for now. If one of my liberal friends asked me who I voted for then I’d say, “Bernie of course, I just couldn’t vote for “the big guy” (Biden)”! Why cause turmoil. (Actually I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020).

kritiper's avatar

I’ll say 95%+.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Interesting how no one (besides me) observed that Trump himself threatened not to send coronavirus aid to primarily Democratic cities -

article 1

article 2

He wa playing politics with COVID health care eight months ago.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Plenty of people have observed that. There were even some questions about it on the site. Furthermore, it was dead obvious that those threats and statements like it were what you were attempting to draw a parallel to with this question. But Trump is not all Republicans, so that fact about him has no implications for any of the answers here.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gondwanalon It surprises me a that you’d lie in real life but be honest here. In real life people don’t pop off like they do online. Haha!

gondwanalon's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m also a coward, afraid of confrontation. It’s easier for me to be honest here where I’m anonymous.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yeah, I remember in early March a friend saying to me we will be screwed with DeSantis as governor, and I told her, “no, having a Republican governor when there is a Republican President usually works in favor of the state during disasters.” Now, we could say in the end having a Republican did screw a lot of states. There is no excuse for states that were hit hard in the second wave, they had all the warning to know what to do to prevent the spread of the virus.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso thanks for the articles.
How such an evil and vile man could claim to be a Christian – and his followers accept his claims! – blows my mind. God he’s disgusting.

JLeslie's avatar

His followers focus on him bring in the Navy ship to NYC, setting up a field hospital, they only look at where he did help blue states. It’s a narrow lens.

LadyMarissa's avatar

When I showed up to vote, there was over 1,000 people in line & my mind started racing. Like many, I assumed that 45 was going to be voted back in. Not only did I fear standing in line at a superspreader event, but I feared that once back in office that 45 would bring back firing squads for those who voted against him. I was in line for just over 2 hours waiting to vote…weighing my options. By the time i got to the front of the line, I had been looking very deep into my soul for how important this race really was. When the time came to put up or shut up,I decided that it would be worth dying for to know that I was voting against the WORST president this country had seen in my lifetime. Hell, he’s been so fucking bad that he moved Trickie Dickie up the ladder one rung!!!

Now my bff is a die hard rightie & I’d bet my last dollar that in the situation asked, both her & her husband would swear that they voted for Biden!!!

SEKA's avatar

I wouldn’t deny that I voted for Biden, even if standing in front of a firing squad. I’ve been dead for the last 4 years and have no desire to continue on that path. Sometimes death is kinder

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