Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

How do you respond to being condescended to?

Asked by Demosthenes (15426points) December 29th, 2020

I don’t respond to it well. It’s probably the aspect of human interaction most likely to make me angry now that I think about it (and my history here should attest to that). It’s why I could never work in customer service.

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22 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not well, I usually call it out or give it back. If it happens more than 2–3 times, that person no longer exists to me. Life’s too short.

jca2's avatar

For me, it depends on the context. I’m forgiving and diplomatic and will try to err on the kind, diplomatic side. Each circumstance is different, depending on who, what, where, etc. (to me, for me, maybe not for others).

Mimishu1995's avatar

If it’s an actual constructive criticism, coming from someone who I know care about me and want to see me improve, then it’s totally welcomed.

If it’s just a projection of their worldview and/or a way to make themselves better, then I don’t respond well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Depends. Rick tried pulling that shit on me early in our relationship.
The first time I said “Well, congratulations. You are the first person ever who tried to imply that I’m stupid.”
He shut up and just stared at me, at a complete loss for words.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Most of my situations were/are men, as well. Such a turn off. Good job setting him straight! Haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

It took a couple more go arounds where he got burned (once literally!) before he was cured of that BS.

YARNLADY's avatar

I doubt I would even notice. I’m not very judgmental

Dutchess_III's avatar

You wouldn’t notice if someone treated you like you’re stupid @YARNLADY?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Rick’s Dad died last year at the age of of 97 or 98. He still lived in his home.
He used to have a wood burning insert that kept the house sweltering.
One year, not long after we got together, we went to visit Dad. It was in August.
Dad mentioned that he’d emptied the ashes out of the wood burner the previous March.
So then I went outside to smoke. When I was done I stuck my cigarette into the oblong metal container the ashes were in….and they were still hot!
I went in and mentioned it to them. They kept trying to tell “No way! Not after all this time!” and implied I was being a ditz.
I finally convinced them to come outside and see for themselves.
Rick impatiently jammed his finger in the coals, like “I’ll show you!!” ..... and instantly pulled it back and started shaking it! “OW!! Holy shit! I burned my self!”

I just laughed and laughed. (Wait…that’s gloating isn’t it!)

There was one more condensending incident after that, and then he never questioned anything I said again!

janbb's avatar

I usually get a bit snippy – as some on here can attest!

Dutchess_III's avatar

it really depends on how much I value their opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is “condescended to” even legal English?

cookieman's avatar

I’m with the Penguin in that I get snippy. I don’t like that about myself and wish I was more graceful about it.

It happened recently. I’m a consultant on a large web design project for a university. Basically liaison between the school and the web design firm. I’ve been designing sites for nineteen years.

This twenty-something from the design firm started to explain wireframes to me like I didn’t speak English. Slowly, one-syllable words, over enunciating each word.

I almost reached through the screen to strangle him.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman We could get snippy with each other.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cookieman I get that more from senior staff, but yeah. Exasperating sometimes. It sounds petty to say I’ve been here 20 years pal, politely.

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: Only at other people Penguin.

@KNOWITALL: I had to resist the urge to say, “Look, KID…”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll do it @cookieman.

Hey. @KNOWITALL. Listen up kiddo. What I’m trying to explain to you, that you aren’t understanding, is….

BTW those are the very words, said to me, that got Rick his first slapdown! Heh.

YARNLADY's avatar

I usually just assume people don’t know me and choose their language accordingly.

JLeslie's avatar

It depends on the situation. If I need the person to do something for me I might jet them be horrible to me and just complain to someone afterwards.

When men do it to me I usually feel they are doing it because I’m a woman, but I know it’s not always that.

Once in a great while I’ll call someone out on it, but very rarely.

I realize sometimes probably the person doesn’t mean to be condescending so I try not to be too reactive if overall they are trying to be helpful or it seems out of character. I try not to expect people to behave in a very specific way and be forgiving if it’s a one off.

JLoon's avatar

I believe in rising above insult – After I take my foot out of their ass.

Brian1946's avatar


Have you ever had poopoo shoe or a fecal foot, after kicking someone’s ass? ;-p

JLoon's avatar

^^... A small price to pay for so much peace of mind ;D

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