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Jeruba's avatar

Does anyone else around here still subscribe to Netflix DVDs?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) December 31st, 2020

Netflix is a local outfit, and I was an early adopter—nearly 19 years ago. I loved the idea of having the discs come by mail, and especially of having no late fees. Sometimes I keep them for months.

I still prefer to watch movies and old TV series on DVD rather than streaming. I own a small but respectable collection of DVDs, but I still like to rent them for one-time viewing. So I keep up my subscription.

How about you? Did you ever? Do you still?

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12 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

We do! My son likes to watch classic movies that aren’t on any of the streaming services, and so we occasionally watch a DVD.

janbb's avatar

I had the DVDs for many years, then both and eventually dropped the DVDs about a year ago. A friend still gets them.

canidmajor's avatar

I do! There are lots of odd indies that aren’t on streaming, and sometimes I like to rent the silly thing that may not be available elsewhere.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My Netflix has nothing to do with DVDs. It’s just free movies we get for $10 a month.
I signed up for Amazon Prime 3 years ago. I have rebuilt my every movie selection from that.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Many moons ago, before there was streaming, I had a Netflix DVD subscription. They had most any movie I could think of. I dropped it because I wasn’t watching much, and the public libraries have big collections.

When I tried the streaming a few years ago I was shocked and disappointed at the small selection. There was not much I wanted to see. I don’t care much about the latest comic book movies. Most of what I watch is older.

Recently I learned that DVD Netflix still exists and does have the big catalog. I have been tempted to take it up again, but I still I have a good library system with more than I could ever watch.

JLeslie's avatar

I never subscribed to any of those DVD services.

I used to check DVD’s out of the library.

I used RedBox a few times.

I don’t own any DVD’s I don’t think. If my husband has one I don’t remember it.

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes. I get the blu rays.

filmfann's avatar

I gave up on DVDs in the mail after several were damaged by post office machines.
They also got really slow sending me them. When I first signed up, it was 2 days. In the end, it took a full week.

Lightlyseared's avatar

What is a “DVD”?

Darth_Algar's avatar

It’s been a couple years since I last used their DVD service, but it’s great they still have it.

I’m actually starting to gravitate back towards purchasing movies in physical format again. I’d like to build a film collection that isn’t tethered to my internet connection (and won’t cost me money when I exceed my ISP’s greedy bandwidth limit). Just yesterday I picked up the Criterion Collection’s blu-ray edition of Ghost Dog: the Way of the Samurai (about time that film got a quality home video release).

filmfann's avatar

I have an extensive DVD collection. So did my daughter until recently, when she gave them all away. She said she can stream it all anyway.
So South Park is now streaming on HBO all episodes EXCEPT the 5 which show Mohamad.
That’s why I won’t give any of my DVDs up.

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