It is 2021 now. Not resolutions, but plans or hopes for the coming year; do you have any? If so, what?
When we speak of new year’s resolutions, it generally involves habits; either starting new ones, or quitting old ones.
My question is not about those. We tend to dump them fairly quickly.
Do you have plans, wishes, hopes for 2021 unrelated to habits?
Looking for a new home?
Planning a nose job?
Hoping that lazy twenty year old will move out?
Is anyone going to graduate from something?
Big or small, let’s hear it.
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22 Answers
That everybody gets vaccinated and this whole shit show can end.
I hope my income maintains a level good enough to pay all my bills, taxes, with at least a little left over. I need to get by for three more years. Then I turn 70 and take my SS.
And I hope my old 91 Nissan pick-up hangs in there.
Looking forward to healthcare workers being immunized so I can feel safer going to the doctor.
I’ll feel much better when I’m immunized, but that’s probably not for months. Once I get my second dose I’m going back to zumba in the rec centers, and start planning a trip or two. Maybe my parents will come visit.
I wish my husband could keep working from home. Right now he has to return back to the office in March, but I assume it will be later, because I assume covid cases will explode after the holidays.
I hope my husband’s company decides to move their offices. The lease is coming due, a lot of employees hate the commute, and it was just a few blocks from the bomb that exploded.
I’m hoping people calm the hell down about politics and being so horrible to each other. I’m really at my limit with that.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’m sitting here, well oiled, and therefore beyond any inhibition to confess it all. I have of late, yet wherefore I know not—plagiarism—begin again. For some time now, I have been unable to resist the sinister tendency which has made this nation great. I have been contemplating the opportunities for monetizing the consequences of the profound changes underway due to the current catastrophe. It is an unfortunate fact that a cynical attitude combined with a smattering of imagination when reflecting on our country must point the way to lucrative possibilities for self aggrandizement. The trick is to convince oneself that this may be achieved with a minimum of casualty inducing consequences. But then again, this past year was a record for the number of occasions resulting in the conclusion that “they” deserve it.
Happy new year, I hope we can get C-19 under control and we can safely say good by to the damn mask.
I am changing my strategy for publication. I can’t afford internet. Because of that, I suffered a freeze on my newer laptop. Some of my work is trapped in it. To publish, I need to get Word updated in it, and some access to internet on at least temporary periods.
Because of these limitations, I was hoping to get at least two novels and four shorts ready before publishing, so I could release them at times intervals. Since I’m a very slow typist, that was my plan to stay relevant.
Life this year made the work go slowly, so that second novel is only about half done. Also, working on my old laptop is precarious. It switches to touchscreen on its own, and leaps around like a fly in a mason jar. It bombed the backspace, and I could not regain control. An entire anthropological short was eaten on letter at a time right in front of me!
So, I am currently working a short I had previously decided to not write. I will publish that, and use it to test the waters. I’m not heavily in love with it, so no big deal if it does poorly.
Other than that, I plan to get out more often this year, now that I have a scooter.
Hoping others like my stories as much as I do, so I can get wealthy and make up for experiences being disabled caused me to miss.
I decided that no matter if I do get rich, I won’t move to Panama, though I would like to visit.
They can’t flush tp there. Ew!
After viewing several videos, I have decided the pros don’t outweigh the cons, for me.
Is anyone here expecting family changes; marriage, or babies?
My comic is technically finished. However, I now have some problems with transferring it on the computer. It is taking longer than I thought and I’m afraid it won’t be finished in 2021. And there is the worry about whether a publisher would accept it too. I have been pretty close to giving up at several point, and I just hope that I can get my comic digitized.
So, a bit like @Patty, I want to change my strategy a little. I working on a fan comic. This one is much more straightforward to publish because there is already a website for that. I want to build a bit of reputation with this comic and increase my chance of getting accepted by publisher. I don’t know if it’s the right strategy though. To be honest, I have been living in uncertainty since the day I started my comic. I do hope I will find an answer for myself soon…
And also a bit of a request, if it’s allowed here. I really want to show my jelly friends my comic. It’s already finished and mostly revived, just not in a really readable form. I hope someone can take a look at it. Well at least I can show it to someone :)
Hoping for a gridlocked do nothing US Congress and a strong stock market.
Hoping that group gathering and travel restrictions are ended.
I want to travel to see my family in California and hopefully to other places like the UK and Hawaii. I am hoping to restore some wonder and magical experiences back in to my life.
And to go back to the studio and paint again.
I hope for…
Everyone (who can) to get vaccinated and COVID rates to sink to manageable, flu-like levels.
My wife to get a job ASAP for both financial and her mental health reasons.
Me to stay employed in the same gig for the next 4–5 years.
My daughter to start and get through college successfully with as little debt as possible.
— If all that goes well, I can either happily move into a new phase of life with my wife, or get hit by a train. Either/or.
Please stay clear of moving trains.
I would like to go back to school in person (both the learning and the teaching side). Fuck online education. I hope I never have to deal with it again.
I also hope to attend my good friend’s wedding which is planned for this summer but may be canceled if the pandemic doesn’t let up.
I’m going to be modest in my goals and leave it at that for now.
Have a few drafts to edit and self publish this year.
Have photo projects to self publish.
Have in-law genealogy ( half completed, but need more material which is not available).
Might just print / self publish what I have so far on that and leave it up to the in law side of the family to take it further.
Update what more information that I have discovered on my family history since last book, which was in 2015 but with new technology and Archives being digitalized finally, I located more information of interest.
Best to get this out even more so that Covid is taking more and more as we speak, so imperative to get that information printed and out asap.( since no one else is taking up this task.
Every family has at least “one” person who takes on this momentous task to leave one’s descendants ( you) a legacy to hand down and inform.
Took up sketching but put it aside for now but have in the background and pick it up at any stage in life.
Of course wish that we can all get back “normal” but realize that it took this pandemic to shake up the world and how it functions, and to take into the Future.
Have a happy healthy stable New 2021 Year.
Best wishes to all.
Amen to that @Caravanfan. We went by my son’s work to drop something off in his car. He’s in maintaince at a retirement compound. He was sitting outside his shop when we showed up. He came over to say Hi.
The compound was spared until about a week ago. Now lots of old folks have Covid, with an 8% mortality rate.
My son cares deeply about the residents. I’ve been with him when when we happened to come across a resident at the grocery store. He called them by name and asked if he could help them in any way.
It is so sad. We always hug good bye. Always. We had to air hug good bye yesterday. We kept our distance.
My hopes for 2021 are to take a few trips. Some within the New England area (US northeast) and maybe one to Scotland and/or the UK. We obtained our passports in 2019 but too late in the summer to plan a big trip then, and then in 2020 was the arrival of the Covid, so we’re all documented and ready to go, as soon as we’re able.
Other than that, to hopefully continue the “more free time” of 2020, which was one good thing about the year that just passed.
My goal for my house is to fix up the living room. In 2020, I painted the dining room and bought a pressure washer and cleaned and oiled the deck. In 2019, I had the bathroom redone by a professional. I’d like to continue on this track and get to the living room next.
I asked my son when he was getting the vaccine. With dispair in his voice he said “Mom….how can I get vaccinated when my kids and wife aren’t??”
I feel his agony.
However I have a feeling he won’t have a choice when the time comes if he wants to keep his job.
I said “Do those antivaxxers ever consider that THEY’VE been vaccinated while denying vaccinations for their kids?”
@Dutchess_III Surely, since your son is at greater risk of exposure to it than his family, it would benefit all of them if he gets the vaccine and lowers his chance of getting sick. My son’s family is in a similar situation and she is being vaccinated.
He knows that. He just can’t stomach the idea that he’s protected when his family isn’t.
I understand why he feels that way. It’s his job, as the man, to protect his family.
If he doesn’t get vaccinated, he could get it first and spread it to his family.
you guys…we KNOW that. It’s just the idea of being protected when his family isn’t that is bothering him.
He’ll get it soon I would imagine.
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