Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think it's fair that Politicians can get vaccinated before front line health care workers?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23625points) January 1st, 2021

Especially ones that down played the virus, now you see them on the news rolling up their sleeves to get the shot.
I think they should be kicked to the back of the line, what do you think?

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14 Answers

jca2's avatar

I agree with you @SQUEEKY2.

I’m betting the politicians will say they are necessary to do the important work that they do. However, their work is no more or less important than health care workers. I also think that the elderly should be vaccinated before some middle aged politician.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not fair but rational. These are still elected leaders with jobs to do. It’s up to the voters to not re-elect those who are not worth their office.

_____'s avatar

I’m not an epidemiologist and don’t really care who gets it first, as long as it rolled out quickly and free.

LadyMarissa's avatar

They shouldn’t EVER be allowed to gt it!!! Elected or not…IF they don’t care IF I get it, I’m inclined to return the sentiment!!!

Caravanfan's avatar

I’m perfectly happy with the politicians getting vaccinated early if it sets an example for others to get vaccinated.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @Caravanfan but are they setting an example or just being cowards, especially the conservative ones?

JLoon's avatar

I think it’s fair as long as they all have really painful side effects.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. Of course it isn’t fair.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m ok with them being vaccinated if it persuades others to get vaccinated. I’m not so sure it does.

I think well known leaders are most likely to have the an affect across a larger part of the population, so vaccinating them makes more sense than every politician in office. Many congressman are probably high risk and should go now anyway, so they can be an example and not be jumping the line, although they will obviously be given access early in their category without the hassle some people are experiencing.

Also, there is an argument for leaders to be well protected, but I would not include all elected politicians in that category. Some leaders are more crucial than others.

Definitely the President elect, Vice President elect, Speaker of the House, and current Vice President should be vaccinated now. I would also include the Supreme Court justices. The current President has covid, which I’ve always said I think people who have had covid should be at the end of the vaccination line, and anyway it’s contraindicated for him right now anyway so he won’t be getting it any time soon.

Some politicians are out among other people a lot, and they should be included with frontline workers (not healthcare workers).

si3tech's avatar

No. Not fair.

smudges's avatar

Hell no!

Caravanfan's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t care. If it makes more people get vaccinated then I’m all for it.

Jeruba's avatar

Fairness isn’t the issue, if you ask me. I don’t expect to be fairly treated in this matter. I’d just like to be treated at all.

Once the pols have had theirs, maybe they’ll be ready to help other people get them. As long as they’re focused on Number One, personal motivation is likely to get in the way of public service.

How long since we’ve had a politician who didn’t think that way?

janbb's avatar

It appears to me that they’re being vaccinated at the same time as front line workers.

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