If Trump was successful at overturning the election, wouldn't that just cause another election not just hand him the presidency for another term?
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January 2nd, 2021
I am not looking for any arguments on this just wondering.
I would think the democratic thing would be do over the election not just hand it to Trump.
Am I right ,or way off on this?
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39 Answers
Yes, you are right. Both republicans’ and democrats’ would use the new tool if it was passed. On the flip side people would either care more about politics, or lose faith in it.
He would get another term. There would not be another election.
And it would be considered a coup and pretty much put the nail in any pretense of the US as a democracy.
@janbb I agree but wouldn’t doing the election over still be democratic?
@SQUEEKY2 Another election just wouldn’t happen so I don’t see any reason to speculate. There are no grounds for a redo so if they manage to invalidate this one, we are lost as a country.
There is no such thing as a do-over in the constitution.
But what he is doing is acting as a dictator, so it seems like the constitution doesn’t matter a whole lot anyways.
I think you are correct. Another election would have to occur.
I don’t see how Trump could possibly remain in office, even if the election were invalidated, any more than if the elected candidate died before inauguration, because he didn’t win. His term ends on January 20th, no matter what—unless the Constitution itself is suspended. The succession of office goes next to the Speaker of the House and then the President Pro Tem of the Senate.
The way I understand it, invalidating the votes means neither was elected and therefore it falls to the House: votes for a president and the Senate: votes for a vice president.
I have also read that some electoral votes could be invalidated, but Biden would still win.
The USA become a third world “Banana Republic” and Trump s turns over the Atomic bomb codes to his leader Putin ! (He also declares himself “El Jefe” – - – President for life and Moscow Mitch agrees.)
I wonder what would happen if the Chief Justice refused to administer the oath of office. Isn’t that, ultimately, the last hurdle?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump’s accomplices were looking for a way to derail that, as the final tactic in this phase of their attempted coup.
This is not a dictatorship. It is not a coup. It is what the constitution gives us as an out if fraud takes the election from we the people.
No other election is needed because the very action is used to show that the election results are actually reversed. If Biden was not the one chosen by votes, then Trump was.
This is not new. It is something foreseen as potentially happening in the future. It is a provision which has been there all along.
This guy explains in pretty good detail what msm won’t.
@Jeruba, the oath is only symbolic. The constitution says the president-elect becomes the president at noon on January 20.
@Call_Me_Jay The “Constitution.” This is my latest school marmish bug-a-boo. :-)
As I understand it, the reps aren’t looking to have another election. Their plan is to invalidate the last election. The courts wouldn’t allow them to invalidate certain states, so they are going to use a loophol in order to cheat and force the House and Senate to invalidate as many states votes as it takes to get trump the electoral college that they need. So don’t be anticipating another election as trump knows given the opportunity, he’d still lose.
Rumor is that since Pence is supposed to announce the results that he is leaving the country immediately after the results so nobody can talk to him. I’m wondering how long it will take him to throw up? Texas is at it again. They don’t trust Pence and are trying to take this job away from him
All that would be necessary to expose enough of the cheating would be a simple audit of the Dominion voting machines, which has been kept restricted to avoid transparency.
This would reveal much of the activity that was done on them especially in the “hidden hours” after observers were sent home, or would verify the claims of the thousand or so witnesses who signed affidavits.
This would not expose ALL of the cheating that has been revealed but it would expose enough of it to show that Trump got many more votes than Biden, and they were discarded.
No election will be overturned unless there are evidences, and the only coup in this nation happened on November 3rd. There was a vibrant, positive turn out for Trump, not the sour anti-Trump sentiment. Trump was way ahead in every state but California and some New England states before the tampering. The right for every vote to count, and not be switched to the other candidate, is one of the most fundamental in our nation’s founding,
If the Constitution of the United States was to be so rigidly applied, there would be no amendments. Our forefathers knew that it had to be and meant for it to be flexible and alterable so as to serve the country as needed as time went by.
@Yellowdog Is that why Trump fired that cyber security analyst that was in charge of the computer part of the election?
You Fright wingers can’t get over the fact that Trump was ahead at the end of the day,and yet Biden won OMG there must have been large scale fraud,OR MAYBE that was when they were able to first start counting the mail in ballots, you know the ones that had to be counted after the in person votes were counted, and most of those were for Biden.
And I can’t imagine why anyone would want to mail in vote,oh wait it might have something to do with a pandemic that has killed more Americans than the VietNam war.
But like most Republicans you care nothing about safety or human life just the well being of your orange haired god.
The fraud was being reported in real time, in the wee hours.
We saw poll watchers being restricted, thrown out under threat of arrest, some of it caught on cell phone footage. We know that it is impossible for Biden to have gotten 100%, 97%, 98% of those votes between 2 and 4 a.m. We know more people voted than were registered in several of the states, and we know Biden received more votes counted than number of people who voted, in some of the stack dumps.
Integrity in the elections is all the Republicans have asked. If you were an American citizen with a guaranteed vote, you may be glad when a fraudulent election goes your way—the first time. But sooner or later, you start to see leadership elected that even YOU don’t like.
Once free and fair elections are lost, so goes the nation. You go into that state with a stolen or fraudulent election—you go out with death.
A lot of Republicans have said it was a fair and honest election, what do you say to them??
If it were overturned, and further if “it caused another election” I’ll bet there will be some fast furious scrambling to come up with a fool proof system such as biological voter ID. Fingerprints, retinal scans, facial identification might be some considerations. I, for one say it could not happen too soon.(wonder what this nightmare is costing taxpayers?)
@si3tech Do you have probable cause? Real factual evidence? Would this “fool proof system” be cost effective to implement?
@Yellowdog The machines have been tested and verified and the numbers you refer to are both inaccurate and refer to the reporting time not the actual counting time. Votes received over several hours or days are all included in one report. Your comments have all been refuted. Stop echoing out of date proven false information.
BUT-BUT-but @YARNLADY thats all the fright wingers have.
Because if they would have had any real evidence they would have presented in court.
~ But Trump sold his soul. He doesn’t know that It only covers one term as president. Not two.
@SQUEEKY2 The evidences were never permitted to be presented in any court.
Never permitted by whom?
Why because there never really was any evidence to present?
@Yellowdog the lawyers were asked to certify their conspiracy theories were real in court, they would not and could not because they would have perjured themselves and lost the law licenses. It all freaking make believe and Thump’s ass is out at noon on the 20th of January 2021. Ipso facto !
I don’t get how fright wingers keep thinking this fraud shit, they have been asked to present their evidence in court and they can not do so, now one claims they were not permitted to do so.
UH can one say BULL SHIT! I knew you could.
@RedDeerGuy1 That is absolutely NOT true. The lawyers were specifically asked in advance if they had evidence, and when the answer was NO the case was dismissed. Please follow the actual court cases, not the fake information you are repeating.
Check original sources, not fake propaganda.
@YARNLADY ??? Did you respond to my answer or are you mistaking me for someone else? Just being tongue in cheek. I don’t know if Trump actually sold his soul to win the presidency?
@Yellowdog Our elections have occurred. Recounts and audits have been conducted. Appropriate challenges have been addressed by the courts. Governors have certified the results. And the electoral college has voted. The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived,” the group wrote.
This came from ALL 10 living Secretaries of Defense most of who are Republicans. You’ve now got the Republican party turning on itself. How may reps is it going to take to convince you that the “only fraud” here is coming from your Master’s mouth? Is it really so important to you that you are willing to destroy our country and the party that you blindly follow? Hadd he run as a dem, you would be fucking outraged at his performance
@Call_Me_Jay, I don’t think it’s just symbolic, any more than wedding vows are just symbolic. They are symbolic, but not only so. They’re a pledge. They are also a marker in time and space, a moment of transition and even of transformation..
Here, there’s no crown, robe, orb, and sceptre, but there’s the oath of office. It’s all we get in return for the faith expressed by our votes to the effect that our duly elected president makes a serious personal commitment to the duties of his or her office.
People break their oaths, to be sure; but when they have done so, we can state what it is that they swore to and then violated. It isn’t just a shrug.
See what happens when I take the time to post a fucking link?
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