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smudges's avatar

Why destroy vaccines?

Asked by smudges (11592points) January 2nd, 2021

I just read about hundreds of vaccines being purposefully destroyed on two occasions; the first time was by a “hospital worker” and the second was by a pharmacist. Any ideas about why people would do that?

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11 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

One happened in Wisconsin. It’s so stupid. It could have been pure ignorance or an intentional sabotage, either way, it’s dumb. Not sure why. Because they don’t believe it works?

Caravanfan's avatar

It was intentional sabotage. She has been arrested.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If it’s the same pharmacist I read about there simply weren’t people coming in the get the vaccine quick enough and the inventory he had in stock went bad, and thus had to be destroyed.

JLeslie's avatar

I also heard at least one case was intentional and I have no idea why.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a case of a simple mistake also and it ruined some vaccine. Human error or incompetence.

Otherwise, if it’s expired it needs to be destroyed. I’ve already heard of one story of a pharmacist calling up people he knew, because the next morning the vaccine would have to be destroyed. I think it was a partial vial. Three people came in in the evening for the shots. That’s probably happening all over the country. Better to vaccinate then to destroy.

gondwanalon's avatar

If the integrity of the vaccine has been jeopardized then it must be destroyed.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The pharmacist took them out of refrigeration then put them back. Those receiving them would get a weak or ineffective dose. No motive yet.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I read a historical tome a few years ago, by Margaret W. Tuchman. “A Distant
Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century”. I don’t see how many prior era could be worse than the 21st Century is looking to be.

kritiper's avatar

The person destroying vaccines purposefully would be an anarchist. There have been a lot of those around lately.

si3tech's avatar

If they were not kept properly refrigerated they may not be safe.

smudges's avatar

The pharmacist admitted he did it on purpose but gave no reason. I just can’t figure out the rational behind it, even when I try to think like he might have been.

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