Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you make of this comment?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 3rd, 2021

I posted a pair of brown loafers for sale on Facebook.
A guy messaged me about them. He said “I’m color blind. Can you tell me what color they are and what color pants would they go with?”
I just sent back “They’re brown.”
Doesn’t color blindness only affect a person’s ability to distinguish red and green? It was a flag to me.

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12 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

No. It is a sliding scale. Color impairment can can go from just looking like you didn’t really match your outfit to being literally a black and white thing. My friend who has a strong albino gene can’t see colors at all, another friend sees most things in sepia tones. My dad just looked a little off when he dressed himself.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Hmmm…I thought so too. Don’t know about that.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Be suspicious when he requests pictures of your feet. Got any lying around?

chyna's avatar

My dad was color blind. He couldn’t match his clothes, so my mom usually laid his clothes out for him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Interesting article on color blindness.

Thanks you guys.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I think this explains who you are dealing with.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I kinda think so too Jay.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I found it odd that he’d ask what color pants they’d go with. I don’t know!! I’d have to see the combination to give an opinion.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

They’ll go with any pants. Wear a belt that matches the shoes.

SEKA's avatar

Doesn’t color blindness only affect a person’s ability to distinguish red and green?
Brown is made from Yellow, Red, and Blue. Yellow and Blue make Green, So you’ve got Red and Green as 2 of the colors that you assume he can’t see. Most color blindness occurs in males with a few exceptions. Many learn to fake it over the years by learning the name of the actual color others see and relating it to the color that they see. Problem comes in when getting dressed where shades of a color make a difference. My dad was color blind so mom hung his clothes in groups that matched so he had the option of choosing exactly what he felt like wearing and didn’t come out looking too badly mismatched

There is more than one type of colorblindness and that can make a difference as well. I watched a really good documentary on the subject years ago. I looked through the youtube offering and didn’t see it. Some of those with it only see in black and white. Some only see a shade of red in place of blue or a different shade of red for green. On a different day, they might see shades of orange

I didn’t find this guy’s Q creepy; however, it wouldn’t shock me if he requests a pic of your feet in his next messge

Dutchess_III's avatar

The fact that he asked what color pants they’d go with was strange. How the hell would I know?

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