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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you could have only one of the characters from Gilligan's island stranded on a deserted island with you, who would you choose?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 5th, 2021

As asked.

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21 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The Practical person in me says the professor , the perv in me says Ginger.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Mary Anne without any doubt! Squeeky, you disappoint me man! Ginger! Are you serious? You dare to choose her over my fantasy woman? I challenge you to a duel, sir! Weapons of your choice!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ok^^^ pool noodles at ten paces.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Agreed! I always liked ya man. it pains me to do this. I give you the opportunity to retract your grievous remark! And Cletus Magee tells me you’re some Lumberjack commie feller from Mountie land!

Yellowdog's avatar

The Professor is, in my opinion, the only one who is really likable. Which is ironic considering that he is the most academic and intellectual and least social,

Dutchess_III's avatar

The professor is the one most likely to help you survive and maybe get rescued. He is the only logical choice.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

For you @Dutchess_III but what if you’re a guy?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would my answer be different if I was a guy? He’s the best choice for survival no matter who you are.

Yellowdog's avatar

He’d also be the only one you would enjoy listening to and would learn a lot from. The Skipper might have some good stories and sea knowledge but the professor is far more interesting in what he knows and is, as others have said, the best one to help you survive.

Yellowdog's avatar

Guys, Ginger may be your dream gal, but she’d be difficult to take care of and could do little for herself. I’m sure she’s very high maintenance. Mary Anne, a farm girl, would be more practical and amicable,

JLoon's avatar


Because I like the way he fails (so much in common).

LuckyGuy's avatar

The Professor! No question! Between the two of us we’d have that place humming with electricity, water, sewers and ready for settlement in 6 months.

Or we’d have a signal fire so large they could see it from space.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I need to reask this in terms of who from Fluther you’d want. I’d give, like, the option to choose 5 people. You’re definitely on that list @LuckyGuy!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Gilligan, because the fails usually are not him. He does what is needed, or what he is told, without question. The problems are either someone else who blames him, or him because somebody gave him dumb info or directions.
Gilligan never argues or gets bossy. He is non violent, never lazy, and would eat whatever is available without complaining.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do I want to try and escape, or do I want to enjoy myself?

For enjoyment, Maryanne.

For trying to escape, the professor. But his batting average wasn’t so great…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The skipper. His fat frame would sustain me more.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Definately the Professor. Hot and smart. If I were bi, I’d pick the sultry Ginger in a heartbeat over Mary Anne. May she RIP.

As for jellies I know well enough, we aren’t allowed to list if the aren’t in this thread, so definately my girl @PattyMelt and I think @Dutchess would help me dig ditches and things.

kritiper's avatar

Mary Ann, of course!

anniereborn's avatar

I’ll take the Professor and Mary Anne. For uh, personal reasons :p

Love_my_doggie's avatar

The Professor, of course. He’s able to forecast the weather, invent a coconut telephone, create a phonograph, and – who knows – maybe even perform an appendectomy.

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