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SQUEEKY2's avatar

For our right wing friends did Trump not instigate a riot at the Capital on Wednesday the 6th?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23597points) January 8th, 2021

Oh like you so often like to claim we took it out of context?
Because a violent riot did indeed happen and it sure looked like he started it, 4 people died from it.

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35 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wouldn’t the right thing to do is resign right now?
I would have a hard time dealing with four lives lost because of something I did or started.

Yellowdog's avatar

Trump did not invoke any violence about a riot.

His speech was a detailed overview of the illegal or unconstitutional irregularities in the swing states that made fraud possiblle and gave advantages to Biden, that were being discussed in the House and Senate, It was probably the only chance many in America would get to hear about it due to censorship in social media and major networks and entertainment,

There was also I guess an element of inspiration that the Make America Great Again legacy would continue through at least 74 million Americans.

Considering that the goals of Trump and the demonstrators (which filled the mall and side streets) was to be seen and heard—these are no minority of people. Trump’s only objective was to get the House and Senate to do the right thing for the integrity of the vote.

The riots at the capitol were a distraction or diversion from their message, which was drowned out by the rioters.

There was no call for violence and Trump specifically asked them to be peaceful and to respect law enforcement—unlike, say, Kamala Harris, who encouraged riots and burning and looting (“reparations’) last summer.

See if you can find the speech somewhere.

chyna's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Five people died. Five people’s blood is on trump’s hands.
Also, 2 pipe bombs were found at the Capital. It could have been so much worse.

mazingerz88's avatar

Of course he instigated it. He started this long ago with his Obama birtherism BS.

Clearly millions of Americans are extremely susceptible to BS. Trump gave them what they needed and they gave Trump what he desires the most.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey I wanted the right wingers views on this,I don’t agree with them but I still wanted to read what they had to say.

mazingerz88's avatar

Sure. Me too. But know this.
74 million people are all capable of being in denial and all at the same time.

Btw I’m a right-wing guy. In fried chicken. Ok the left too.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I read what he said again and yes I think it went too far.
Was it as better or worse than Maxine Waters and other Dems calling for violence that ended in murder of children and property destruction, well that’s up for debate. Was it as many deaths as the protests this summer, not even close.
If you do not acknowledge the incendiery behavior of your party, I don’t feel obligated to. And that’s why you don’t see Reps backing down. Trump wasn’t the only one tearing this country apart.
Frankly I think it could have been much worse. If Trump wanted, he could invoke powers that would have ended in massive destruction and constitutionalists know it. Your team having those powers, after the last four years, is not a pleasant thought.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks @KNOWITALL and I don’t condone violence on any side.
Violent action should be dealt with the most extent of the law.
The protests this last summer was about black lives matter,and no one on the right can say that,about unarmed black people getting killed by the Police,and them finally saying n more did it get violent yes ,was that right NO! and the ones that got violent should pay.
This was about a rich lying cry baby who ,because he didn’t win was convinced he was cheated,even his close loyal followers said OMG show us evidence and we will go at this full scale,and yet he could never produce any evidence ,and yet screamed non stop he was robbed ,and got a mob so worked up they stormed the Capital.
As another Fluther member said now 5 have died because of this.
Trump should do the right thing and step down now!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 He still may.

One thing both sides need to stop is bullying and scare tactics. This scaring families of politicians needs to stop. Pelosi or Hawley, it’s not okay.

Hey I never saw any evidence other than a liar who swore out a legal affadavit then recanted. But all that matters is what can be proved in court so I am not privy to that. If it exists.

I don’t know one person who even joked about going to DC. My people work and have families, we don’t take off work to go to jail or die in DC. I don’t know who those people on tv are but it’s not my folks.

Jaxk's avatar

Trump will not resign nor will Pence invoke the 25th amendment.. I fully expect Pelosi to pursue her impeachment but it won’t happen before the inauguration of Biden. That means the impeachment is purely political revenge. Given Biden’s recent speeches I expect the political revenge to expand to include anyone associated with Trump. I sure that will warm the hearts of many.

It seems obvious that there were elements in the crowd that came specifically to riot. They were prepared and they needed no encouragement to do so. Trump’s speech was over the top. He should have used the opportunity tell the crowd the election was over. He didn’t. I fault him for that. I think Nixon said it best when he lost in 1960 “They stole the election fair and square”.

Given the the information I have I don’t believe Trump instigated the riot. It was going to happen regardless of anything he said. I would love to see us put this behind us but I don’t think it will happen. Democratic leadership wants to exact their pound of flesh and many of their supporters want it as well. Nothing good will come of this but it is what it is.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Jaxk impeachment as purely political revenge. Exacting a pound of flesh. Nothing good will come out of it. How about justice? Not even? Just allow trump to go on his merry way and thank the family of that officer who got killed for his service?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now I have to ask this if those protestors were Black Lives matter do you think they would have gotten in to the Capital building?
Police would have machine gunned them all down three blocks away.

Yellowdog's avatar

No, actually Black Lives Matter burned,rioted, looted, for five months last summer, attacking Federal court houses, police stations, historic monuments, businesses and homes—at least thirty killed—and the police were ordered to stand down.

Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi encouraged the riots as late as August.

I don’t think the Capitol police were expecting a supposedly Trump crowd to get unruly.

chyna's avatar

You know you need to site your proof of Harris and Pelosi encouraging the riots @Yellowdog, or it’s just you making shit up.

canidmajor's avatar

If he gets impeached and convicted, it is more than “political revenge”, as he loses all the privileges (pension included) of a former president.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog Stand down is that why that elderly man was hospitalized for being shoved by police?
And they did nothing to help after that, did the BLM protests turn violent yes ,was that right NO!!
But unlike you fright wingers I think a few caused most of the damage in the BLM protests.

Not like the radicals on Jan6th that whole mob was foaming at the mouth and wanting blood,and YOUR GOD could have but did NOTHING to call them down he stired them up at the rally and lead them to the Capital.
Before they left for their (peaceful) protest Rudy shouted to the crowd it’s time for combat,and again Trump did nothing only later claiming to have called out the national guard if he actually did do that. 5 people died that day, but thats ok with you because during the BLM protests thirty according to you died .
Your Don Father belongs in jail over what happened on the 6th,or at the very least resign now and never run for public office again.

Brian1946's avatar

I think even if Humpty Trumpty is impeached and convicted after he’s excreted from office, he will still be prohibited from ever running for any federal office hitherto.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And the entire earth will benefit from that.^^

Brian1946's avatar

Since it will prevent him from creating his Space Farce, perhaps the entire solar system will benefit.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Can’t help but agree with that as well.^^

Jaxk's avatar

This is totally futile but what the hell, I’ll post it anyway. When we look at the riots from both thisd past summer and the one on the capital they are hard to compare. The capital was three hours of rioting while last summer we’re talking about three months of rioting every day. Hundreds of buildings burned hundreds of police and citizens attacked and billions in damages. You seem to dismiss all this by saying No it wasn’t right but.

The Mayor must ask for National Guard assistance. Remember the court house in Portland, Trump tried every day to get the mayor or governor to let him bring in the National guard. They said NO. Like wise federal support must be requested to bring in the National Guard or any other federal support. The Mayor said NO.

As for our leaders While cities burned throughout the summer, Nancy Pelosi said “People will do what people will do”. Kamala said ” the protests will and should continue well after the election”. All this has got to end lest we really will lose the country. Nothing will end as long as we continue this mob mentality.

With that, I’ll leave you to your hysterics.

canidmajor's avatar

I continue to be surprised that people compare the protests (no matter how violent) last summer to with a crowd storming the seat of government with intent to harm and or kill elected officials (“Hang Mike Pence” was repeatedly chanted/shouted by the mob) in order to stop a lawfully Sam tinned procedure.

jca2's avatar

In my opinion, what happened in the summer got out of hand. Protesting, ok, anger, yes, totally understandable. Burning buildings, taking over the town in Oregon or wherever it was, all that violence in the streets, not ok. I’m not saying what happened to George Floyd is ok, I’m saying the months of riots and destruction were not ok either.

Washington DC, 1/6/2021, not ok. Did Trump incite it? He didn’t say don’t do it. He seems to like the attention and that it all revolves around him. He could have told people stay home. Instead, he kept crying and crying about the election being stolen. He riled people up, and then after the fact he tried to distance himself from it, saying it was not ok. Now all the Republican idiots who were up his ass for the past four years, like Ted Cruz, are distancing themselves from him too, to try to save themselves.

What’s going to bring this country together? I don’t know but I do know that everyone getting their own customized news (left wing, right wing) from social media is not helpful. Right wingers hear what they want to hear. Left wingers hear what they want to hear. In the middle is the truth and a large chunk of the population is not getting it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Excellent answer @jca2 !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let me ask this but with out a doubt will be ignored , why were last summers riots even brought up on this question?
Was it the right saying the Capital riot still wasn’t as bad a the Summer riots?
The Capital only killed 5 people while last Summers killed 30 so not as bad,last Summer was brought on by Black people getting tired of unarmed black people getting killed by Police why get upset over that?
The Capital was brought on by by a spoiled rich guy who swears he was cheated and got a crowd so worked up they stormed the Capital over it( should add that the rich guy won’t or can’t produce any evidence that he was cheated) boy I can see how everyone got upset over that.

Yellowdog's avatar

The objections being addressed inside the Capitol were among some of the evidences you insist are lacking—along with laws that were broken and instances where the constitution was violated. Evidence is very extensive for fraud, but this wasn’t even about ballots or voting machines—just laws broken that would invalidate the results.

I don’t doubt that there were hundreds of Trump Supporters in the melee that beseiged the Capitol but the event was staged to interrupt those proceedings, to make them not heard.

The violent group arrived in two buses and were let in by police. The Trump Rally folks were not even there yet. They were singing Amazing Grace and Let There Be Peace on Earth, walking towards the Capitol, to be recognized. There were over 100,000 of them.

I know a group from Morning Star AME (African Methodist Episcopal) Church who were at the rally, though I know there were Trump supporters who got involved with the group.

If there had been Neo-Nazis or Klans people or anyone wielding rebel flags at the rally, the police or National Guard would have made them leave.

This was a completely staged event at the Capitol that was meant to interrupt the proceedings in the chambers and prevent the public from paying attention to them.

Jaxk's avatar

@jca2 – Good response. I’m posting a link to his speech which you may or may not read. It’s fairly lengthy and is typically Trump. I think if anyone is talking about what he said they should know what he said. Most of the speech is about what he sees as evidence fo corruption. Agree, disagree, it doesn’t matter. It is what he wanted everyone to know.

He only mentions going to the capital a couple of times. His first mention, towards the beginning, he says:

“We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.

” I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

And he ends with:

“But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

At no point does he mention anything that sounds like violence. At least nothing I could find.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Jaxk Trump’s speech had a nice way to be taken both ways,and the crowd was getting worked up, he did nothing to calm them down.
Then there was Rudy who shouted to the crowd it’s time for combat,care to explain that?

Jaxk's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 – Care to post a link to back up your statement about Rudy?

Jaxk's avatar

Not much there to work with. I’ll let you do your own interpretation since anything I could say would be pure speculation. I’m not sure how this can be interpreted as Trump inciting violence.

mazingerz88's avatar

Sickening how Trump supporters here try to defend the seditious double talking douchebag.

Do you really think he is that stupid to use actual violent language prior to that march?

Are you saying nothing he has said and nothing in any and all of his actions post-election since November has no bearing whatsoever with the assault on Capitol Hill? I mean really?

Already there seems to be plans of armed marches in all the States very soon. So nothing? Trump plays no critical part in any of that?

Intentional or not this seditious blowhard has blood on his hands and he will be so lucky if he at this point can do something to stop a potential “American carnage” he mentioned in his inauguration speech.

Elections have consequences. Elect a sociopath and chaos is what you get.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Also to our Fright wing friends if the Don Father is so innocent of inciting violence then why did Face Book,Snap chat,and his beloved Twitter ban him on those grounds?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Be careful now. Trump fans are going to claim and use it as reason to go on the offensive that Trump’s right to free speech had been violated.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Man Rep/cons sure can spin and twist absolutely EVERYTHING.

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