Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Is the future of American politics going to be dominated by political parties living in their own alternate realities?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) January 8th, 2021 from iPhone

Whatever it takes to get votes and if conspiracy theories and alternative realities work effectively do you see this political phenomena growing in America?

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10 Answers

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KNOWITALL's avatar

Not if Joe Biden can turn thing’s around! Hope springs eternal.

rockfan's avatar

It’s interesting, you have the Republican party that think milquetoast social democrats are radical communists, while the Democratic Party thinks that social democracy is a lofty idea that can’t be implemented. All in all, the poor and lower middle class lose.

JLeslie's avatar

To some extent it will still be two separate realities.

Social media taking steps to ban some of the worst groups helps. I heard Apple is not going to offer the Parker App anymore.

Fox seems to be shifting a little, but they will still be right bias no question in my mind. You will still have right wing radio.

Will MSNBC go back closer to the center? I hope they do.

Does the American public want peace and to be friends? I know I do. I see a lot of people who seem to enjoy the division. It’s like people who enjoy scary movies, they get some sort of rush from being afraid. They also get to feel superior, lots of people like that. This is on both political sides.

My hope is things calm down and that K-12 gets better at teaching our young people to be more reasonable and empathetic. Maybe require a debate class so they learn what it’s like to have to fight for something you don’t agree with. It’s a good learning experience.

kritiper's avatar

No. Groups like Trump Republicans will have to purchase and move to their own little islands and rule amongst themselves.
Don’t be so quick as to judge all Americans on the actions of a few wide-eyed radicals. We’re still here and, as always, the system we have works and works very well. It gets tested once in a while, but it still rings true.

Demosthenes's avatar

I do. I think the dominance of the internet and online echo chambers will only make it worse.

bernd's avatar

No that’s a wrong sight on politics.
The American politics is determinated by economic interests. Behind these “Alternate realities” as phenomenon of political delusion standing economic interests of the whole American establishment.
Conspiracy theories and alternative realities work effectively as delusion to hide the real conspiracy against American people. The practice of surveillance for example is much bigger as you think, and it is not just surveillance of your smartphone it is the surveillance of your thinking, your imaginations in every sight and your dreams at night…

si3tech's avatar

American politics will continue to be completely controlled by tech and money giants. Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, Soros, Apple, google, youtube, and other social media. We no longer have integrity in our elections. We, the people, have crumpled to big tech.No one speakes for us as of January 20th 2021.

kritiper's avatar

@si3tech Truer words were never spoken. But then, we’re capitalists. So, what do you expect??

hello321's avatar

@si3tech – You anti-capitalist now?

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