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elbanditoroso's avatar

Has anyone seen or heard about Melania since the Trump riot earlier this week?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33707points) January 10th, 2021

She hasn’t been on the news (or even mentioned) for days.

Where is she? Do you think she approved of the riot?

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17 Answers

jca2's avatar

I haven’t heard much about her the whole holiday season. I think after that tape of her where she says “who gives a fuck about Christmas,” she’s kind of checked out.

I think she’s waiting for this whole shit show to be over so she can go back to Manhattan and shop for clothes and shoes.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, reportedly drumpf was super pissed at melania for redecorating his florida resort.
Maybe he imprisoned her in her room.

zenvelo's avatar

For reals:

She spent the day having pictures taken of furniture . She wants to publish a coffee table book on how she redecorated the White House.

jca2's avatar

Remember those blood red Christmas trees from last holiday season, or maybe two years ago? Horrible. Horrible taste if that’s what she likes. Maybe if she’s into that, it’s fine in a more contemporary setting but not in the WH.

ragingloli's avatar

Hey, listen, let her have these little moments of indulgence. There are not enough millions in the world to compensate for her having to endure the wobbly orange mass on top of her at night, even if it’s just a few times a year.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Professional lighting, the sort used for photography and videography, could be seen through the windows of the White House. “Photos were being taken of rugs and other items in the Executive Residence and the East Wing,” a person familiar with the day’s activities with the first lady told CNN…”

”...While images of the mob breaking into the Capitol consumed the airwaves, the first lady was focused—with the White House chief usher, Timothy Harleth—on getting the shoot completed. Both the media, including CNN, and members of her staff were asking if Trump had plans to tweet a statement of calm, or a call to stop the violence—something she had done a handful of times months earlier during the protests surrounding the police killing of George Floyd. She did not.”

“Instead, the first lady was quiet, and has remained so. Her disinterest in addressing the country was indicative of being “checked out,” said another White House source, who added, “she just isn’t in a place mentally or emotionally anymore where she wants to get involved.” ”

“Except with the furniture.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

Now that is one woman whose memoirs will one day be a potboiler of riveting reading. I mean can you visualize yourself being stranded in a setup like hers?

cookieman's avatar

”...having to endure the wobbly orange mass on top of her at night.”


Zaku's avatar

Hmm, yeah, Melania’s tell-all book/script deal would seem like a lucrative prospect. Working title: The Mad House.

Maybe she’s taking reference photos so the descriptions and sets can be accurate.

Jeruba's avatar

@ragingloli, don’t feel sorry for her. She knew exactly what bargain she was making. I’m expecting her to hit the road as soon as she’s clear of the White House.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree, but I suspect she had no way of understanding just how bad it might get. I mean what young woman no matter how venal would be prepared for so corrosive and monstrous a gargoyle?

ragingloli's avatar

Even Elisa Maza got a better deal, and she dated a literal gargoyle.

JLoon's avatar

She’s been in zombie mode ever since she sold herself into that relationship. Too late to wonder why.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My grandson, who is Barron Trump’s age, said that he felt sorry for Barron having a president for a father.

JLoon's avatar

@ragingloli – “Wobbly orange mass on top of her…” Oh my gawd, I’m scarred just thinking of it!

jca2's avatar

@Jeruba: I’ve always felt she didn’t know what she was getting herself into. She intended to be the wife of a rich man. She didn’t intend to be First Lady. especially with such a shit show.

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