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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why is Arnold Schwarzenegger implying he had to deal with Nazis in his childhood?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 10th, 2021

He suggests he remembers the “Night of Breaking Glass.”
However he was born in 1947, 2 years after the Nazis were defeated.
I really like him, but I’m wondering what his motive is.

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14 Answers

JLoon's avatar

I think maybe like toadstools, nazis are where you find them.

You could ask ragingloli, but I think EU haman rights investigators have identified Austria as home to a large and active group of fascists.

ragingloli's avatar

Because a lot of the people that fought for the Nazis and that bought into their propaganda, including the people in his village and his family, were still alive.
The Nuremberg trials only ever dealt with the higher echelons.

janbb's avatar

No he doesn’t. He talks about the effect being Nazis had on his father and the neighbors. He compares the NIght of Broken Glass to what is happening here. Did you watch the whole video?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t see a video. I only saw FB posts.

janbb's avatar

^^ The video is on FB. Watch it.

ragingloli's avatar

you can read it in full, too:

“I would like to say a few words to my fellow Americans and to our friends around the world about the events of recent days.

“I grew up up in Austria. I’m very aware of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass. It was a night of rampage against the Jews carried out in 1938 by the equivalent of the Proud Boys.

“Wednesday was the Day of Broken Glass right here in the United States. The broken glass was in the windows of the United States Capitol. But the mob did not just shatter the windows of the Capitol – they shattered the ideas we took for granted.

“They did not just break down the doors of the building that housed American democracy, they trampled the very principles on which our country was founded.

“Now, I grew up in the ruins of a country that suffered the loss of its democracy. I was born in 1947, two years after the Second World War.

“Growing up, I was surrounded by broken men drinking away the guilt over their participation in the most evil regime in history.

“Not all of them were rabid anti-Semites or Nazis, many just went along, step-by-step, down the road. They were the people next door.

“Now, I’ve never shared this so publicly because it is a painful memory, but my father would come home drunk once or twice a week, and he would scream and hit us and scare my mother.

“I didn’t hold him totally responsible because our neighbour was doing the same thing to his family, and so was the next neighbour over. I heard it with my own ears and saw it with my own eyes.

“They were in physical pain from the shrapnel in their bodies and in emotional pain from what they saw or did.

“It all started with lies, and lies, and lies, and intolerance.

“So being from Europe, I’ve seen first hand how things can spin out of control. I know there is a fear in this country, and all over the world, that something like this could happen right here. Now I do not believe it can, but I do believe that we must be aware of the dire consequences of selfishness and cynicism.

“President Trump sought to overturn the results of an election, and of a fair election. He sought a coup by misleading people with lies. My father and our neighbours were misled also with lies, and I know where such lies lead.

“President Trump is a failed leader. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. The good thing is that he will soon be as irrelevant as an old tweet.

“But what are we to make of those elected officials who have enabled his lies and his treachery? I will remind them of what Teddy Roosevelt said: ‘Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.’

“John F. Kennedy wrote a book called ‘Profiles in Courage’. A number of members of my own party, because of their own spinelessness, would never see their names in such a book, I guarantee you. They’re complicit with those who carried the flag of self-righteous insurrection into the Capitol.

“But it did not work. Our democracy held firm. Within hours, the Senate and the House of Representatives were doing the people’s business and certifying the election of President-elect Biden – what a great display of democracy.

“I grew up Catholic, I went to church, went to Catholic school, I learnt the Bible and my catechisms, and from those days I remember a phrase that is relevant today: a servant’s heart.

“It means serving something larger than yourself. See, what we need right now from our elected representatives is a public servant’s heart. We need public servants that serve something larger than their own power, or their own party.

“We need public servants that will serve higher ideals: the ideals in which this country was founded, the ideals that other countries look up to.

“Now, with the past few days, friends from all over the world have been calling and calling and calling me. Calling me distraught and worried about us as a nation.

“One woman was in tears about America, wonderful tears of idealism about what America should be. Those tears should remind us of what America means to the world.

“Now I’ve told everyone who has called that, as heartbreaking as all this is, America will come back from these dark days and shine our light once again.

“Now you see this sword? This is Conan’s sword.

“Now here’s the thing about swords: the more you temper a sword, the stronger it becomes. The more you pound it with a hammer and then heat it in the fire, and then thrust it into the cold water, and then pound it again, and then plunge it into the fire and the water, and the more often you do that, the stronger it becomes.

“I’m not telling you all this because I want you to become an expert sword maker, but our democracy is like the steel of this sword: the more it is tempered, the stronger it becomes.

“Our democracy has been tempered by wars, injustices and insurrections. I believe as shaken as we have been by results of recent days, we will now come out stronger because we now understand what can be lost.

“We need reforms, of course so that this never ever happens again. We need to hold accountable the people that brought us to this unforgivable point. And we need to look past ourselves, our parties and disagreements, and put our democracy first.

“And we need to heal, together, from the drama of what’s just happened. We need to heal, not just as Republicans or as Democrats, but as Americans.

“Now to begin this process, no matter what your political affiliation is, I ask you to join me in saying to President-elect Biden: ‘President-elect Biden, we wish you great success as our President. If you succeed, our nation succeeds. We support you with all our hearts as you seek to bring us together.’

“And to those who think they can overturn the United States Constitution, know this: You will never win.

“President-elect Biden, we stand with you today, tomorrow, and forever, in defence of our democracy from those who would threaten it.

“May God bless all of you, and may God bless America.”

JLoon's avatar

^^ All of us need to read this & learn from what happened 80 years ago – And what happened last week.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I believe I have just found a new respect for the Arnold. I think I heard snippets about this on the news last week, but my house is a three ring circus most days. Kudos Arnold!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh. My. God. That was an incredible speech. Thanks for sharing Raggy. (I don’t like watching videos. )
Thank you all for your responses.

Jeruba's avatar

Thank you, loli. Maybe you don’t hate us so much after all. I think maybe you just hate our shortcomings.

So do we.

elbanditoroso's avatar

History. In Austria, post-WW2, they taught history. He listened.

When I listened to the video, I didn’t have any impression that he said that he lived through it. It was clear he was referring to Austria’s history.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hasn’t seen the video when I posted this.
He was more than simply taught history, like in school. His family lived through it. I imagine their first hand stories had a tremendous impression on him.

I had an uncle who was a 10 year old boy living in occupied Holland.
One day a Nazi soldier shoved him against a wall, pointed his rifle at him and said “Are you ready to die?!!”
Uncle Bert hated….HATED… all things German. You just didn’t mention anything German around him.
I debated mentioning that his last name is German but decided I liked being alive too much.

Dutchess_III's avatar

* I hadn’t *

Caravanfan's avatar

I really liked him in his first term as California’s governor, so much so I voted for him second time around. His second term was more rocky.

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