Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

How long do you think it would take before Trump supporting Republicans start claiming the attack on Capitol Hill was a patriotic act?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) January 11th, 2021 from iPhone

Some Trump supporters believe the push by Democrats to impeach Trump is merely political revenge and that punishing him would just make things worse for the country. Most Republican politicians are circling the wagon again and giving Trump a pass. How do you see it?

In the long run how do you think majority of Americans would finally see and define the attack by a Trump mob on Capitol Hill, an unforgivable assault by seditious domestic terrorists on American Democracy or a patriotic act by its citizens?

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8 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

45% of Republicans polled supported the attack. That number will increase every day that Trump is not punished, and the violence is normalized.

Which also means the brownshirts will be out in force again around the inauguration. They’re going to be attacking state capitols, because DC will be better prepared. Plus I expect attacks on random easy targets, similar to the Nashville (and Oklahoma City) bombings.

zenvelo's avatar

It took about fifteen minutes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

These Rep/con white nationalists are getting more scary with each day.
Trump and these idiots need to go away NOW!

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Was planning on going to the inauguration. Take some souvenir photos. These domestic terrorists are trying very hard to ruin that joyous moment.

janbb's avatar

@mazingerz88 With Covid anyway, better to stay home and watch it on TV.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Thought of taking an Uber instead of the train, get as close as possible then walk as near as I could keeping distance from everyone. Got a cam with zoom lens.

kritiper's avatar

How could anyone think that? I don’t think those radical renegades even knew what they were or what they stood for. They were running amok, carrying American flags as well as Nazi and Confederate flags, and shouting “USA! USA!”
Republicans, in general, need to realize these were nothing more than unruly, uncivilized children who need a thoroughly good whipping, as well as some serious fetchin’ up, which they are going to get.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^They also beat up a police officer with an American flag.

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