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mazingerz88's avatar

Which movies have the best kick-ass twenty-minute opening?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) January 12th, 2021 from iPhone

By kick-ass opening I mean such a great hook that there is no way you’ll not want to see the movie till it ends.

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21 Answers

janbb's avatar

Saving Private Ryan is the first one that comes to mind

kritiper's avatar

NOT Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark. If I was Indy and that big round stone came rolling down at me, I would have jumped back up into the cave further and let the stone pass over me.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I enjoy the openings to the older James Bond films. They last 5–10 minutes and are exciting (and a bit over the top).

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Ditto @LuckyGuy “Goldfinger” opening is the absolute best!

Caravanfan's avatar

Tomorrow Never Dies.

filmfann's avatar

@kritiper and been sealed inside the cave forever.

filmfann's avatar

I’m going with Raiders, though Casino Royale is great too.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Terminator 2. Fantastic bait and switch.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The Dark Knight joker bank robbery.

mazingerz88's avatar

All great openings as posted above. Thank you.

Recently I watched Fincher’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo just to see its first 20 minutes. Great hook.

kritiper's avatar

@filmfann Doubtful. Remember the pit he almost fell into? At least the stone would have got stuck in the hole and Indy could’ve climbed over it instead of jumping over, or swinging over.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Unstoppable. (Denzel Washington)

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t know if it’s 20 minutes, but Blade comes to mind.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Top Gun. Except it’s not 20 minutes.

Zaku's avatar

Of course the original Star Wars, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Harold and Maude, but I love all of that film. (It and Raiders are the only ones that occur to me to mention that aren’t starting off with violent action, but you did say “kick ass”.)

And films with great violent automobile action scenes:

I still occasionally replay just the opening from the ORIGINAL Mad Max film. And I love the Road Warrior opening, though it’s shorter. (I don’t even like Mad Max: Fury Road, and the disappointment started with the first scene, where they “subvert expectations” by having Max lose his car immediately without having a good opening vehicular mayhem scene… ugh.

Oh, and the opening vehicular action scene of Quantum of Solace I like a whole lot, and re-watch sometimes – but I don’t like most of the rest of the film.

Others that come to mind:

Shoot ‘Em Up

The Wild Bunch (1969)

Beverly Hills Cop

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Harold and Maude! Was just thinking of revisiting that earlier today. Tom Skerrit had a cameo in that terrific movie.

Which reminds me Tom Skerrit was in the Top Gun movie also mentioned above.

Blade 1 and 2….kick-ass openings!

I seem to recall Leone’s opening 20 minutes in Once Upon a Time in the West was kick-ass.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

An Inconvenient Truth?

gorillapaws's avatar

While nowhere near the level of “Saving Private Ryan,” and much less than 20 minutes long, “The Goonies” opening car chase scene is pretty awesome way to introduce all of the characters.

”Bullet holes the size of matzah balls!”

filmfann's avatar

Machete has a great opening sequence. Maybe that.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Lightlyseared I checked out the opening to Dark Knight last night. Excellent. I had to watch it three times to be sure which person was which.

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