Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

If republicans want "unity" and "healing", should they not first all publicly admit that there was no election fraud, and that Biden won fairly?

Asked by ragingloli (52315points) January 17th, 2021

Because otherwise it is a tacit admission that all they are interested in is normalisation of their own seditious actions.
It is like an unrepentant wife beater complaining that his wife is filing for divorce.

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45 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Election fraud should have been investigated as soon as the suspicious spikes in hundreds of thousands of Biden votes after observers were sent home or made to leave,—and votes drifting in over seven days after election day—and the controversy about the voting machines themselves.

About 75 million Americans believe there was election fraud—and merely taking away their platforms or cutting them off from the internet (where they rely on goods and services) is not going to silence this many people.

We saw the fraud happening IN REAL TIME as it was happening and being reported. We saw 100% Biden dumps of ballots coming in for several days, in places where Trump was winning by 800,000 votes or more when the observers were sent home.

Discussing election fraud on Facebook or Twitter will get you banned. If Democrats really want unity, don’t you think Democrats should quit slandering, namecalling, and de-platforming voices they disagree with?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“We saw the fraud happening IN REAL TIME as it was happening and being reported. We saw 100% Biden dumps of ballots coming in for several days, in places where Trump was winning by 800,000 votes or more when the observers were sent home.”

Source pleeze

“About 75 million Americans believe there was election fraud—and merely taking away their platforms or cutting them off from the internet (where they rely on goods and services) is not going to silence this many people.”

—- only about 10 % of the 75 million think there was fraud and they all believe in little green men and a hollow Earth. SMDH

ragingloli's avatar

They did the recounts, they did the audits, they did the signature verification. They found no fraud.
There was no fraud.

smudges's avatar

Well, of course, but how does one convince them of that? It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible to change someone’s belief, no matter how incorrect it is.

Yellowdog's avatar

They recounted the same ballots,leading to the same totals— and the only audits performed revealed that a Trump vote counted 0.74 or 0.75, vote, and a Biden vote counted .1.15 or 1.16 There were also places where votes were switched or put in a folder and deleted.

misfit's avatar

They’d have to accept reality first but I don’t think they are capable of that.

ragingloli's avatar

See, that is why there can be no honest discussions with you.
You just pull this nonesense out of your arse.

Yellowdog's avatar

Even without fraud, there were seven states where governors made changes in voting laws, sometimes mid-the-election, to favor democrats— and violated their own constitutions and went around the State legislators to enforce these changes.

It is for the legislators to approve or disapprove election rules.

For this reason, several states had two slates of electoral votes on January 6th and if enough objected, a vote was to have been taken as to which set of electoral votes would be counted. Ted Cruz only wanted to get the House to vote on a ten-day audit of the machines, since every court refused to get involved with election results.

ragingloli's avatar

Not a single state had two slate of electors. Because both slates need to be officially certified by the state.
What happened is that a couple of republicans self-appointed themselves “electors”, without any legal basis or legitimacy. They were fake electors. If anyone is guilty of elecction fraud, it is them.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

800,000 votes for Biden came from mail-in votes (You know why Trump was against MAIL-IN votes don’t ya ?)

No magic, no fraud and there are no little green men.

Zaku's avatar

“If republicans want “unity” and “healing”, should they not first all publicly admit that there was no election fraud, and that Biden won fairly?”
– Yes.

“Because otherwise it is a tacit admission that all they are interested in is normalisation of their own seditious actions.”
– YES. And yes, it is very much like that. In fact, that’s basically what the Republicans have been doing for decades – “let’s elect people to say perverse ideas all the time that will tip national conversations in the direction of making the richest people and companies richer and not funding the public good”. And in recent decades, “Hey look, we can get away with having Republican representatives be really extreme, and it even seems to help if many of them are borderline idiots”.

“It is like an unrepentant wife beater complaining that his wife is filing for divorce”
– Yes, it certainly is!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Never happen from them case in point @Yellowdog , he still is convinced his hero was cheated.
He thinks it was BLM and Antifa that was to blame for the Jan6th riot.
Remember nothing bad is the Rep/cons fault.

ragingloli's avatar

And about those “unconstitutional” changes to election procedures:
They were enacted by republican legislatures, republican state governments, and they were uncontested all throughout the election, beginning with the primaries, until they found out that drumpf lost the election.
These objections are bullshit, and the fact that they are bullshit is also further demonstrated by the fact, that republicans are perfectly fine with seating the republican senators elected through those “fraudulent” elections, and only want to overturn Biden’s victory.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog I have to ask this after all that has happened do you truly believe the vomit you are spewing or are you simply trolling us?

rebbel's avatar

Also, it’s only election fraud where democrats won, not where republicans won.
According to (some) republican supporters…

I feel that @Yellowdog would fit in easily in the crowds on the Capitol, last Jan 6th.

Buncha looneys (or, if you will, terrorists).

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, and it “certainly wasn’t election fraud” we hear on the taped phone call from Trump to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, trying to extort him into “finding” 11,780 Trump votes.

hello321's avatar

@Yellowdog: “We saw the fraud happening IN REAL TIME”

You did even better than that. You saw the president and Fox/OANN, etc try to steal the election stop the “fraud” months before the election. This whole thing happened in real time, yet you still believe it.

I understand that you are disappointed that your fascist movement has been unable to overthrow an election, but try to consider the fact that you have been used.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Republicans also have to admit that they and Trump lied to their supporters about the election, and they have to apologize to the American people for inciting the attack on the US capitol.

Every Senator and Rep who voted deny the voters’ decision should be expelled and the remaining Senators should vote to convict in the upcoming impeachment trial.

At that point we can begin to talk about accepting Republicans as loyal Americans.

Yellowdog's avatar

So, there you have it. @ragingloli .

We must accept that Biden won, in spite of what we were seeing election night with our own eyes, in real time. Anyone who does not accept this will be silenced and de-platformed, lied about, slandered, called a Nazi (Half Trump’s family is Jewish—his daughter, son in law, grandchildren).

This says to me that the Democrats talk unity, but want to ostracize, shame, and slander anyone who disagrees with them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog if there was this massive fraud going on then why did the Democrats lose so many congress seats?
How come it’s only fraud when a Republican loses?
How come it isn’t fraud when a Republican wins?

filmfann's avatar

Everyone needs to acknowledge that we had a fair election.
Without admitting that, you cannot believe any declaration of healing and unity.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The vast, vast number of ballots that were dumped in the night were only marked for Biden. There were no other votes marked on them. This should indicate that since the Democrats lost so many seats is because no one voted for them.

As far as it never being fraud when a Republican wins—well, many states the Democrats won legitimately, The fraud we witnessed happening as it was happening in the wee hours election night and the days and weeks after—among other voting irregularities and changes in voter laws—that is what we are concerned with,

@filmfann The conservatives are not the ones silencing, insulting, and smearing people here. If you slander and silence someone so that there is no other narrative or side out there, you can’t go around saying that we need unity. That goes for phony impeachments, Russia hoaxes, ruining people’s lives, and endless insults—these things fly in the face of saying that you want unity.

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: You forgot to discuss how the “election fraud” was brought before many courts all over the country, in so many states, yet was thrown out in each of those cases. So it’s not just that Facebook and Twitter and other platforms are not airing these grievances and hearing it, but the courts, too, are in agreement that there was nothing significant amiss.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The mail-in votes were from heavily Democratic areas – - DUH !

Who do you think they were going to vote for Gomer Pyle ? ?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Trumps game is to cause doubts and that is how he manipulate his following, who don’t have the intellect to see the truth before them.
Chaos is trumps game plan because while he sows this the country remains divided while Trump gets rich off of his followers who blindly gave donations to him.

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SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog Believe what you must we can not nor want to change your mind ,but the courts and even other Republicans say there was no fraud yet you and you beloved Don Father keep screaming it,isn’t going to make it true.

Oh hey was it fraud when Trump phoned Georgia’s AG and asked him to find 11,780 votes for him?

sadiesayit's avatar

Only if by the words “unity” and “healing” they mean that they want “unity” and “healing.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And @Yellowdog How come what you saw on election night wasn’t excepted in any of the multiple court cases, with very Fright wing judges?
Maybe because what you claim wasn’t fraud?

kritiper's avatar

Republicans, generally speaking, are two-faced. They’ll say one thing, turn around and say another. Trump is an excellent example.

RocketGuy's avatar

If one side was cheating to win, the only way the other side could win would be by cheating way more.
Or maybe people who didn’t vote before got pissed off enough to vote this time around – enough to overwhelm the original cheating.

cheebdragon's avatar

Are you looking for evidence of voter fraud or just voter fraud convictions?

Demosthenes's avatar

Hence why talk of “healing” and “unity” is BS. Just like the BS that the goal is an investigation into potential fraud; the goal is and always was an overturning of the election. There isn’t going to be any healing or unity as long as Republicans and Democrats live in different realities.

YARNLADY's avatar

In answer to your actual question (very interesting discussions above) some republican congress people have openly said “the first shots have been fired, we are at war”.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Yellowdog The claim that Thousands of ballots with only Biden’s name on them has been investigated and found to be false, as have nearly all the “fraud” claims. This is the reason Trump lawyers switched to the false claims about changing the voting rules, all of which have been thrown out of court, because the changes were legal – and mostly demanded by Republicans hoping to interfere with the election process.
Of the fraud claims that have been verified – one involved a Republican who tried to vote for Trump twice by illegally registering his deceased mother, and another Republican who voted in two different states for Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@YARNLADY With all due respect but trying to show an extreme Trumpanzie that there was no fraud,none proven in the fifty plus court cases,recounts,and such is like trying to get Hitler to like Jewish people.
Their lies, conspiracy theories ,and mis information is all they have to hold on to now,they simply will not admit Trump lost,more people LEGALLY voted for Biden,they have to except it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump may go down as a Hitler wannabe – - -FAILURE!

Zaku's avatar

@Yellowdog “We must accept that Biden won, in spite of what we were seeing election night with our own eyes, in real time. Anyone who does not accept this will be silenced and de-platformed, lied about, slandered, called a Nazi (Half Trump’s family is Jewish—his daughter, son in law, grandchildren).”
– Um, no, but we might think less of the way you think, or at least the arguments you choose to repeat, whether you know better or not, for not getting (or pretending to not get) that the first reported numbers had more Trump voters, since they tended to vote in person, while the later reported numbers included more Biden voters, since they tended to vote by mail.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And as far as I understand it ,the mail in ballots could only start to be counted after the in person votes had been counted, hence the reason the large spike at the end of the day.
There also was the absentee vote (military) that had to be counted at the end of the day as well
no huge conspiracy just the way it was done.

And take it when a Fright wing judge says there is no evidence to move forward on,there truly must be no real evidence ,because if there was I bet the house they would have stormed the beaches with it.

Jeruba's avatar

If only practical reality had as staunch a defender as @Yellowdog.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sigh. Sure, you want it on a piece of paper, or do we swear on a stack of dead babies? Just let us know.

That’s not how it works in America.

smudges's avatar

“Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.[1] People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs.”

JLeslie's avatar

Which Republicans? The politicians or the average Republican person? The average Republican doesn’t have to do anything but show me they want to be more united going forward. The way to get there might be the politicians admitting the election was checked and double checked and valid and they want to move forward and help the country as they were put in office to do.

@Yellowdog Watch this press conference by the Republican Gabriel Sterling in charge of voting systems in Georgia. I urge you to watch it from start to finish, 28 minutes. He did it just before the senate run-off election. He starts by pleading with Republicans to get out and vote.

I don’t post this to argue with you. I post it to try to make you feel better about the validity of the vote. This man speaks out to his detriment and to try to help Republicans in Georgia.

JLeslie's avatar

Kate Woodsome of the Washington Post was on Morning Joe this morning on MSNBC. She had been at the Capitol attack reporting, and at one point rioters were screaming at her and surrounding her. It was scary. I don’t have video of the interview from this morning, but I have this one that includes when rioters first start threatening her.

Joe characterized the rioters as “freaks” and she pushed back on that. She pushed back on characterizing all Trump supporters as being bad people. She also talked about allowing people to have an avenue to realize some of what they have been consuming through their media sources wasn’t true. I don’t remember her wording, but I felt she was relaying the same message I have been, to help people without trying to punish them. To clarify, the rioters who invaded the Capitol are not who we are talking about, they do need to be punished. She, and I, mean Trump supporters who have been duped.

She also talked about Trump capitalizing on the division that was already in the country, what I have been saying. Groups like Q and other entities did a lot of the work, Trump just saw an opportunity. Doesn’t make him less horrible, just saying if you think Trump is the main problem I’d say think again.

Lastly, in the video I linked she points out people now are more about hating the other political side than agreeing with their own. This is what I mean when I wrote people WANT to hate the other political side or anything said that counters their political opinions.

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