General Question

PredatorGanazX's avatar

Anyone dated an Aquarius girl before?

Asked by PredatorGanazX (222points) September 9th, 2008

I am dating this Aquarius girl but most of the time she is sending a mix signal, sometimes she treat me like a King but at other times she is just like dont care about me.

Here is an example , she will never initiate a call to me most of the times. It is always me who call her first or text her.

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92 Answers

psyla's avatar

AQ will seem like they don’t care, but they really do. It’s just that their attention is intensely focussed elsewhere, studying something else. They can be cold if need be. If you don’t care for their “scientific detachment”, go find a Leo, but that’s another animal entirely.

PredatorGanazX's avatar

Thanks for your answer and yes you are correct. Its just that at times its hard to know whether she is really mean her affection or just playing around.

wildflower's avatar

You know, it may not be related to her astrological sign…’s worth considering that perhaps she just doesn’t want to seem needy or she’s not interested in a co-dependent relationship….

PredatorGanazX's avatar

She did mention she value her own space. She is not the type of girl that will see you on a daily basis.

Girls any feedback will be much appreciated.

psyla's avatar

AQ will be nuts about you if she really likes you. If she’s casual about you, you’re just one of many of her “friends”. If she likes you, she will always be contacting you & trying to impress you. It sounds like you’re not high on her list. The major problem for a guy who likes an AQ is that they’re all so frisking good-looking. They’re just too cat-damn beautiful, it’s hard to forget about them and move on.

wildflower's avatar

Surely you’re not suggesting that if a girl is born between January 20 and February 19, she will not be the type to want personal space….? That’s ridiculous! I know people who are same sign, but considerably different personalities.
My advice (and yes, I’m a girl – at least I was, last I checked) is this: next time she’s in the mood for together time, bring it up, talk about how you feel about each other and why she’s a bit hot/cold towards you… could be as simple as it’s her mood!

psyla's avatar

AQ loves their own personal space! Usually, if they let you in, you’ll find something extremely unusual about it. Don’t waste your time discussing the relationship with her. If she loved you, you’d be the first to know. AQ always makes it very clear when they’re interested. If you start asking her how she feels about you, you’ll be off her friend list & on her avoid embarassment list.

psyla's avatar

Wildflower, what sign are you?

wildflower's avatar

Must be wonderful to already know how all people are and behave before you’ve even met them…...isn’t it great that you can just look it up in a chart, and of course, there won’t be any deviations, would there?

you tell me…..obviously I must fall in to one of your charted personality types, right?

psyla's avatar

I didn’t recognize you! (Your new icon)

wildflower's avatar

yea, I’m a bit changeable ;)

psyla's avatar

You’re not a Gemini are you?

psyla's avatar

Are you sure?

wildflower's avatar

Yes, I’m sure – just because I don’t give astrology much thought, I know which sign my birthday falls in.

psyla's avatar

I have Aquarius rising so I am too aware of the effects of being partly an AQ.

wildflower's avatar

Right…...I’ll give you a hint (and this is about the strongest link I can see between myself and my supposed astrological sign), I quite like the phrase “all things being equal…”

wildflower's avatar

@bluemukaki: how emo!

bluemukaki's avatar

Aw come on, we did it all the time in the 30s…

bluemukaki's avatar

And seriously, how can anyone base their relationship with someone on something to do with when they were born? It’s just plain stupid.

eambos's avatar

I really don’t see how your sign affects anything in a personality it is your upbringing and environment that determines it.

dollfacee's avatar

i’m aquarius, and i don’t think i’m like thatt.
if i like someone they can definitely tell, i won’t beat around the bush about it.

generalspecific's avatar

man.. try dealing with a gemini… the twins. one second he loves me, the next he doesn’t even care.. oyy.

wundayatta's avatar

Look, astrology is sufficiently inspecific that there is room for interpretation of every little thing that is predicted. And, of course, as you know, if you look hard enough in anyone’s life, you will find something to fit a prediction.

If they say the stars ordain it, it doesn’t matter. What really matters is that they are using a point of comparison to analyze a person’s life. That is helpful. It is useful for people who can not, or are too lazy to create their own points of comparison through observation. Read a chart, now let’s compare this to what this person is doing.

Palm reading, tea leaf reading—it’s all the same. The good ones do it in person, and catch body language cues to refine their “predictions” (which are really just descriptions).

So, when he is asking about dating an aquarius girl, he’s really just asking for a response to her behavior. Cut the believers a break. They’re just gossiping, same as all the rest of us.

JackAdams's avatar

Respectfully, to everyone, horoscopes and zodiac signs and being able to guide your life based on the postions of orbiting rocks, is just so much horse manure, and if anyone wishes proof of that, I can easily supply it, here, or via PM.

You’d be better off trying to determine someone’s personality traits, by throwing rotted chicken bones into a clay pot, and watching some Witch Doctor examine them.

allengreen's avatar

Freak Alarm!

psyla's avatar

It is odd to think that the position of planets at the time someone cracks themselves out of a womb would define their personality traits. My arguement was that I was still alive before I cracked myself out, why is the cracking such an ominous time. I would think conception would be the most definitive “time of my creation”, if there was one…

Apparently, the field of Epigenetics shows that odd events in one’s nurturing affect the genes & development. It was proven that if one’s grandfather starved when one’s mother was born, grandsons would be sickly at age 5, grandaughters would be sickly at birth.

If such outside influences can affect our development, I’d believe that the vast magnetic fields projected by planets in the Solar System could affect the Epigenome as well.

Science does not know all there is to know, & neither do I, so I am prone to lend an ear to any human study that has been around as long as astrology has.

wundayatta's avatar

@psyla: The study of omens from the Greek gods has been around a long time. So has Alchemy. There are probably thousands of religions. Do you pay attention to all of them? Or do you figure that some ideas were just wrong, but folks were doing the best they could at the time. You know, people believed the earth was flat for a long time. And that the sun rotated around the earth.

You don’t have to look to magnetic fields, or planets to see the things that affect the epigenome. The epigenome is designed to activate parts of the code in your genes that are to be activated under certain conditions. Stress, pollution, lack of food, extra exercise, and a plethora of other environmental conditions can affect our genes’ control system (epigenes).

These things are worth studying. Maybe even magnetism is being studied, I don’t know. But if it is, it will be powerful local magnets. The vast magetic fields you speak of may be vast, but their impact is nearly undetectable, or completely undectable on the earth’s surface.

Hey folks. Let me know. Is psyla just suckering me in to saying this stuff? Or is she representative of the all-too-vast numbers of people in this country who don’t understand science and lack a grasp of fundamental scientific knowledge? I’d hate to think I’m being trolled.

JackAdams's avatar

At a national convention which I attended several years ago, it was advertised that one of their esteemed (and nationally prominent) members was going to present a talk on Astrology, and that anyone “who wants to learn more about themselves,” should be sure to attend. So, because I wanted to learn more about myself (as most folks would), I decided to go to the hotel meeting room, where the lecture and presentation would take place.

The presenter was someone whom I knew by national reputation, and I was surprised to discover that it was he who would be talking about something like Astrology.

After all of us in the hall had been seated, the speaker walked by each of us (seated at “desk/chair” combinations) carrying 12 file folders and inquiring, “What’s your sign?” When we told him, he would find the appropriate file, pull out a single sheet from that file and say, “Please do NOT look at the printed side of that sheet, until you are instructed, or the EXPERIMENT I am about to conduct, will be invalidated, OK?” Everyone signified that they agreed, and he continued distributing the face-down sheets, until everyone in the room had one.

He then said, “Without allowing anyone else to see what is printed on your sheets, please begin reading your information, and when you are done, please return your sheet face down on your desk.” All of us in the room, complied. He looked at his watch and, after 3 minutes had passed, asked, “Has anyone in here NOT read everything on his or her sheet? If so, please raise an arm.”

When no one did, he then said, “OK, I am now going to collect all of your sheets, so please leave them sitting in plain sight, on your desk for me.” He then collected all of the sheets.

Next, he went around the room again, saying, “This time, I am going to deliberately give you a profile that is NOT yours, so in order to keep this experiment valid, tell me again what your sign is, so I can give you a totally different sign profile.”

He then paused and said, “But before I give you this second sheet, I need for you to stand by your desk, if you believe that that, generally speaking, the profile that was given to you, applies to you.” Around 98% of us stood, and remained standing next to our chairs, myself included. He then repeated exactly what he had done before, only this time, he gave us a sheet for another sign, and not our own.

After once again returning to the front of the room, he had all of us sit down and he said, “Now, please read your NEW sheets, that weren’t written for your sign.”

We were startled to discover that the sheets we were now reading, were exactly the same as the sheets we had previously been given. In fact, all the sheets in all the folders were identical.

As mumbling and righteous indignation circulated throughout the hall, The Amazing (James) Randi said, “Let this be a lesson to you. Astrology is not ‘science’ at all. It’s total BS, and boiling gases or solid rock masses 10 billion miles away, have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER, on your daily lives. So, be done with this trick of charlatans, and go about your lives. That concludes this presentation, and I thank you for attending.”

You see, truly intelligent people believe in science, while eschewing science fiction, except “for entertainment purposes, only.”

Expecting orbiting gas balls and rocks (millions of miles away, in space) to somehow “guide” your life, is ridiculous. It’s also wrong, in my humble opinion, to lump someone into a category, based on that person’s birth circumstances, over which s/he had no control.

wundayatta's avatar

@jackadams: I’ve heard this story a number of times. Were you really at that presentation with Randi, or are you saying that for effect?

Oh. The version I heard was less complicated. He passed out the horoscopes. Then asked everyone to pass their horoscope to the person behind them. Punch line, of course, is the same, as were the horoscopes.

JackAdams's avatar

Daloon, I was there, and witnessed it with my own eyes.

He has given that same presentation nationwide, at more than one venue, so variations on it would occur, of course.

BTW, when his trick is revealed, the majority of those in attendance applaud him, while a few zodiac junkies storm out of the room, shouting curses and obscenities.

They don’t like it, when they are publicly exposed as con artists.

psyla's avatar

I have created my own Astrology method where there are only two signs: Flutherites (members of Fluther) and non-Flutherites (all people who are not members of Fluther). We speaking here all have the same sign – Flutherites. If you do not believe in my astrology, that means that Flutherites are no different than non-Flutherites. Isn’t it that all methods of caragorizing people are simply a tool we use to initiate communication?

JackAdams's avatar

Or, a tool we might use, to initiate or “justify” hatred/prejudice.

wundayatta's avatar

Once again, I know not why I rise to the bait. psyla, what you are talking about comes under the category of qualitative research. Now you have to develop a categorization scheme before you can count anything, but that’s another story. The relevant question is how do people, or in this case, scientists, develop categorization schemes?

Well, a categorization scheme must meet a few criteria to be accepted. The categories must be clearly defined and ascertainable. The categories must be relevant for analysis. They must also be accepted by the community of scientists.

While your flutherite categorization scheme would probably pass these tests, if scientists were interested in fluther (and actually, I do know of a scientist at Ann Arbor who is studying online social networking on answer sites), I doubt that any scientist would consider the astrological sign categories as relevant for analysis. There is no proof that there is any relationship between the planets and human personalities.

The categories would, however, be relevant for identifying a sector of the sky, or for fictional and social purposes. But that’s a completely different thing than for predicting personality.

So, to review, while it is clear that flutherites are different from non-flutherites in their use of fluther, astrological signs are useless in terms of understanding individual personalities. We do not categorize to initiate communication, we categorize in order to develop understanding of specific things.

Now there. Those are lessons that PhD students pay tens of thousands of dollars to get, and I’ve given it away for free!

JackAdams's avatar

@daloon: Hear! Hear!

Where do I mail my personal check to you, in the amount of $10K (or more)?

PredatorGanazX's avatar

It is indeed a lengthy discussion about astrology, some is die hard believers while others are not.

Anyway thanks for all your responses and i couldn’t agree more with pysla. ;-)

Nimis's avatar

Most of the Aquarians I know (coincidence or not) seem a little crazy. I’d think twice…hahaha…

PredatorGanazX's avatar

Hahaha you got that right , but care to elaborate your definition of crazy?

Nimis's avatar

They’re all crazy in their own ways. The only thing that seems consistent across the board is that they’re unpredictable. Hard to be at the receiving end. But that’s part of their charm, no?

JackAdams's avatar

I dated an Aquarian female, once.

I used the Carbon-14 method.

PredatorGanazX's avatar

Thats mind boggling indeed (Carbon -14) Duhhh

psyla's avatar

I bet that guy who handed out duplicate papers of “astrology personalities” wrote the descriptions himself – as generically as possible – and did not use any true specific descriptions from astrology texts. The whole “experiment” was surely a major sham & the guy had an axe to grind. If the fool would have written a true zodiac trait such as “you’re secretive” (for Scorpio for example), I highly doubt 98% of the class would have stood up by their desks agreeing with the joker. If you ask most people if they’re secretive, they’ll say Heck No! But a Scorpio will almost always say yes. I agree with Nimis, AQs are crazy. They’re so creative, the creativity spills out into their day-to-day life. They let it spill out because they love people & want to share their innermost selves, their looney creative unusual innermost selves… and the AQ girl’s are always so hot-looking.

JackAdams's avatar

The Amazing Randi has a one million dollar offer to anyone who can prove that astrology (or any other paranormal crap) is genuine.

Those who believe Astrology is real, are certainly welcome to publicly provide the requisite evidence and claim the $1,000,000.

The offer, unlike Astrology, is genuine.

psyla's avatar

Science does not know everything there is to know. What is dark matter? Is Superstring theory true? Originally light was postulated as travelling on ether, now we know it is a combination of electric & magnetic fields. We each have to believe what we believe. Someday, our beliefs may be proven to be a crock by science, but if we have a faulty belief yet it helps us to function effectively in life, is the belief useless? I believe that aliens exist. Does it hurt anyone else to have this belief?

JackAdams's avatar

I know aliens exist.

I am one!

wildflower's avatar

Are we back to aliens now?

Nimis's avatar

From a logical point of view, astrology is a lot of bull. I just have a personal knack of running into all the crazy Aquarians.

wundayatta's avatar

@psyla: of course science doesn’t know everything. And you can have any theory you want to explain things that are currently unexplained. If it were me, I’d want a theory that at least fits with what we currently know. A theory that hearkens back to the cutting edge of science 2000 years ago—well, that seems to me to make one look rather foolish.

Go ahead and believe in aliens and astrology. Don’t expect any educated person to take you seriously. They’ll just pat you on the head, and say, “That’s nice, dear,” and go back to talking to people who have something useful to say.

bluemukaki's avatar

So, speaking of archaic moronism (no, not mormonism), are you guys coming to the witch burning tomorrow night then?

JackAdams's avatar

You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all…

bluemukaki's avatar

I believe this witch turned someone into a newt.

JackAdams's avatar

Or maybe a Gingrich (the one that stole Xmas)?

bluemukaki's avatar

Oh yes! Of course. This will be a great witch burning because we’re going to implore the lightning gods to set her on fire themselves (of course we’ve got some burning torches in case the lightning gods… um.. don’t… er, wont set her on fire… because we… sinned by touching our eyelashes too many times in the rainy season.)

JackAdams's avatar

Be sure to make a video, so we can all enjoy it.

psyla's avatar

It’s good to know we have a resource we can turn to for all our questions on burning witches. I wonder if there’s any expert on aliens out there in The Fluther. I’d have alot of questions if anyone would step forward.

eambos's avatar

Witches and aliens are people too.

JackAdams's avatar

That’s true! I’m an alien, and I should know. (I’m from the planet Quertzl, in the Zaluvian galaxy.)

bluemukaki's avatar

Well as long as we’re being honest I think I should tell you guys that I’m actually a 13 year old girl from Connecticut.

JackAdams's avatar

And you are also a Wiccan, perhaps?

bluemukaki's avatar

I have been known to stand in circles with people from time to time…

eambos's avatar

It be a witch!!! Ye be walkin’ thar plank tonite, unless ye prefer th’ stake!

bluemukaki's avatar

Steak please, I’m not partial to fish. oh wait

psyla's avatar

I’m not an alien, but aliens seem to have implanted some strange technology in me. Is there anybody knowledgable on extraction & study of implanted alien technology?

eambos's avatar

He was abducted! Call the FBI!! Call the X Files!! Call the Men In Black!!!!!!

wundayatta's avatar

@psyia: in the old days, I would have shown you the blueprints for an effective tin foil hat. Unfortunately, foil is made of aluminum these days.

There’s another problem as well. Alien technology is based on nanotechnology, and floats freely in your blood stream. The only way to get it out is to do chelation treatment or a nano-level blood cleaning such as is currently about to be provided by the Russians.

Well, I’m not really sure about the chelation. That’s a controversial procedure. Come to think of it, do you really trust the Russians, these days? I mean, Russian scientists. Lysenkoism! Shudder!

Anyway, if you’re interested, I know a few doctors I could refer you to. But if I were you, I’d just live with it. It’s kind of nice to be a broadcaster to aliens, or whatever.

psyla's avatar

Yes, it showed up on my MRI and they tried to appease me by calling it a cyst. But I have had strange thoughts for years & know it to be a device that monitors what I’m thinking & relays my out-of-the-norm thoughtflow to these alien observers. Please provide me with the names of the doctors, daloon, I’d like to be normal and not so strange.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh, a cyst? Hmmmm. Not sure these docs can treat that. I assume you’ve tried standard surgical procedures? Anyway, email me privately about the chelation docs. I’d have to do some digging to get you a reputable name. It also depends where you live, of course.

Again, I question, why would you want to be normal? I hate to say it, but the more weirdos there are, the less wierd we’ll be.

psyla's avatar

I’ve tried chelation therapy before but this device was implanted back in the days of Area 51 by old-fashioned aliens before they embraced nanotechnology in humans. Ah, the good old days….

psyla's avatar

OK. I’ll take your advice & continue not to be normal. I just hope I don’t raise too much havoc in Fluther because of it.

wildflower's avatar

psyla – havoc?? surely not!!

eambos's avatar

What was the original question?

wundayatta's avatar

My father actually disappeared in area51, I think. I was a boy at the time, and my family was quickly moved away afterwards. Whenever I bring it up, my Mom and my brother both act as if I’m imagining things. But there’s never been a satisfactory story about what really happened to my Dad. He was a scientist, and I used to see him tinkering with stuff in the basement.

Anyway, that was back in the day. There was this huge light that lit up the whole town the night he left and didn’t come back. Like one of those atomic blasts, except without the concussion wave or the noise, and, I guess, without the radiation, too. Although, my doctor does say that I have high levels of chrome and strontium 90 in my blood. The weird thing is, I’m perfectly healthy. Anyone else afflicted as I am would probably have about ten cancers and be dead by now.

I also tried chelation, but the metals in my blood also seem somewhat immune to the process. But maybe he was a quack, anyway.

I’m a little suspicious of your claims about aliens without nanotechnology. As far as I know, they had it a lot longer than we have. But what do I know? I’m part of the tin hat brigade. We’re dedicated to telling the truth about aliens and conservatives.

Anyway, I think that you may have something different in that cyst than alien technology. It may be one of the Air Force experimental thought controllers. They were trying a program back in the late fifties and early sixties. It never amounted to much, but I’m told that not all their inventory is accounted for.

eambos's avatar

No, really. What’s going on? I want in.

AquariusGirl's avatar

I am an Aquarian female & to answer the initial question, that does NOT necessarily mean that she is not into you. We can be quite aloof when it comes to our emotions (primarily b/c we don’t think that way & have trouble identifying WHAT they really are). We are also freedom-loving, including IN a relationship, so we need time to go off on our wild & crazy adventures. Don’t worry – let her have her freedom & she will love you even more! Eventually, she will return…An Aquarian’s love will always be subtle, never ooey-gooey, mushy or in your face!!

AquariusGirl's avatar

And for those of you who have dismissed astrology as bs, just know that it is not bs. You are certainly entitled to your opinions, but don’t try to turn off people who have possibly never experienced it. Yes, a horoscope is just for entertainment…However, based on the date in which u were born, there are some general characteristics that everyone has which identifies with their signs (not just sun signs, also rising, etc.). As an Aquarian growing up, I was in constant conflict with myself & had no idea WHY I was the way I was. I was very different from everyone else, including my family members (so it can’t just be your “environment”!). It was quite troubling to me – I felt completely out of touch with the rest of the world, I had psychic abilities, etc. that I couldn’t understand. Finally, I came across astrology in my late teens and instantly it all made sense! I am an Aquarian, and everything I read about one fit me to a T. It was great to finally understand…It helped me tremendously.

eambos's avatar

And the universe was made by some all powerful entity <sarcasm/>

generalspecific's avatar

@eambos, perhaps you meant </sarcasm>

psyla's avatar

So if I have an Air Force thought-controller in my nose, why do I believe that John McCain is a clone from George Bush? Is the Air Force cloning Presidents for use as Electoral Candidates and the classified top secret information is leaking out over the Air Force Nasal Broadband Frequency and being intercepted by those of us who have unaccounted-for implanted Air Force thought controllers?

My horrorscope includes Aquarius Rising. The preceding speculation is a typical example of Aquarian thought processes. Yes, we’re all very mad, but don’t discount us as we’re not at all insane.

The best way to get through to an Aquarian is to expose yourself as an eccentric oddity & just be weird.

PredatorGanazX's avatar

Weird rules the day ..

psyla's avatar

Yes. With an Aquarius, Weird is Boss. Female Aquarians love “Cute Weird”. AQ Guys love any weird. Show the gal your cute-weird side.

PredatorGanazX's avatar

Finally some sensible answer….

psyla's avatar

Thanks! I do have a sensible thought crop up once every few days, no thanks to my Aquarius rising though! Good luck with the AQ girl! Post back here how it goes with her!

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betterthanyou22's avatar

How did this get back on the AQ girl track? ... just when i was starting to believe there were humans out there that could geniunely intrigue me.
– pysla come back! save me from the mundane!
If you want to captivate and AQ girl, you need to:
understand and genuinely appreciate our oddities
laugh at what we laugh at… “get” and relate to our humour
treat us like gods/aliens
make witty contact at random times
be sexy
...and pay our rent.

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