In your opinion how do you think Republicans would react if it was a Democrat President, that did what Trump did on Jan, 06?
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January 27th, 2021
Think they would just want to dismiss it because he isn’t in power any more ?
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22 Answers
Isn’t the answer obvious.
Seriously, the Right lost their shit when Obama wore a tan suit…
What the most bitter and sore losers in the history of US politics will do in that case is rally around conspiracy theories because that’s where they find meaning and purpose for their existence.
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They lost their collective shits over a few schmucks croaking in Benghazi and Hillary’s emails.
But over 400000 dead, and inciting violent insurrection? “LeTs MoVe On FoR tHe SaKe Of UnItY!”
I saw Biden’s press secretary basically refuse to answer questions about the topic of impeachment yesterday. She said they already made a statement and now it’s up to Congress. Smart I think. Just take Biden out of it at this point. You know if it was Trump in office now, and the Capitol attack had happened under a Democratic President, Trump would be chanting String Him Up. I do think it can backfire on Democrats if Trump isn’t convicted. That is a real risk and problem with the impeachment.
Drumpf supporters did chant “Hang Mike Pence”, because he refused to abuse his position to overturn the election by rejecting electoral college votes.
@JLeslie Morally, there is no option other than impeachment. It is very unlikely he will be convicted because most Republicans are against it. It will be a short trial. History will be the judge.
The Republicans will have to deal with the Golem they have created.
Another thing that Jan 6th. proved and demonstrated, and what I always believed, is that all those self proclaimed “defenders of the constitution”, all those militias, like the “proud boys” and the “oath keepers”, who style themselves as guardians and protectors of liberty and democracy, would in reality be among the first ones trying to destroy it by force.
And the only reason any of them are showing some kind of “remorse”, is because their Führer, in his final expression of selfishness and narcissism, dropped them like a hot stone, and refused to pardon any of them.
I always held that they were full of shit, and the recent events just showed how they are overflowing with it.
@ragingloli I’ve said this before, but those morons don’t give a rats butt about the Constitution, other than their right to run around playing with guns. Which most of them don’t have the brains or common sense to handle anyway.
@janbb I think what he has done deserves impeachment, but whether to do it I’m back and forth about. Prosecutors don’t go to trial unless they are 95% sure they can get a conviction. I do understand the argument from a historical sense to do the impeachment, but from a historical perspective the attack on our Capitol and our Democracy is in the history books no matter what.
Nixon was pardoned but no one forgets what Nixon did. Wasting time is not always the best choice.
I am actually more interested in the arrests of the people who rioted, keeping that in the news, showing the trials, showing the convictions, finding some cult members who now realize they were brainwashed and having them speak out. Trump only had that type of power because people were willing to follow him. To idolize him. It started way before Trump, and actually in my opinion was fed by other leaders and terrorists more than Trump, Trump just brought it to the surface. People need to understand better how the human mind works so they don’t get easily duped.
In my opinion, trump started this to the very extreme it has become. Never in my life have I seen leaders of the US stand up and tell lie after lie, make fun of people ON TV IN FRONT OF MILLIONS, and disparage women to the point he has.
During his own campaign he said he could stand on 5th avenue and kill someone and get away with it. Well he just showed us he could. Only it was at the capital. And I hold him responsible for the two police officers that killed themselves after the riots.
I think trump should be punished to the fullest for what he has done to this country. Before he runs for an office again or encourages his dim wit children to run.
And, I think everyone should be held accountable for their actions. If trump is let off without so much as a hand slap, he will think he can blow up the capital and get away with it.
Ain’t it awful.
As some of you know, I’m conservative. If Obama did the same asinine and possibly criminal things that Trump did then I’d just be happy he’s gone.
@gondwanalon Bunches of Republicans are still babbling that Biden is Obama’s puppet and Obama is back. That the socialist leader continues his reign and every good thing Trump did was already reversed back to the Obama plan with Executive orders on the first day. You don’t want Democrats to be less paranoid and delusional than Republicans do you? Hypocrisy. The exact same messaging is spread across both political parties.
Close your eyes and imagine Obama is in the White House and Trump wins and Obama says for weeks that he won not Trump. That “we (Obama) can stay in power if you (his supporters) fight for me.” Then a group of Obama supporters, Blacks, Hispanics, are crawling all over our nation’s Capitol building, breaking windows, rioting, to stop the electoral process. You don’t think Republicans would be calling them animals and that it is an assault on the constitution and our democracy? Give me a break. They’d be calling to strip those people of citizenship, hand them from the trees and lock them up. Give me a break. Think about the people in your party. Not you necessarily, but the people who are in your party and the media outlets that cater to them and what they usually say and do.
Trump promises to come back in some form. Other former presidents typically promise to not interfere with the new president.
Ivanka is already talking about running for senate. It will be interesting to see if she does her fathers brand of crazy or if she pivots away from it a little.
I personally am not paranoid about Trump running again, I’m doubtful that it would happen, but I feel pretty sure his children would.
I also am glad he’s gone out of office, and just trying to be realistic about what can be done. Having the chance to present evidence might sway some Senators, we’ll see. Seems to me Trump was very careful with his words so any Senator wanting you let him off will be able to rationalize it.
@chyna By any chance did you unfriend and clean up your Facebook friends significantly to get rid of Republicans and people with other political points of view that you didn’t like? I’m not assuming. If you did you missed out on the tremendous amount of trolling and propaganda that was not Trump. It indirectly supported Trump, but it had a life of its own. Lots of it was old messaging that now was flying across social media faster. Anti-vaccine, Gates, socialism, that’s all been going on for years, it’s just now Democrats are more aware of it and now that many more people are on social media.
@JLeslie I was recently unfriended by some one who doesn’t like my politics. To bad so sad. Guess it works both ways. Fantastic post by the way, you are spot on!
My opinion they would be calling for everything the law would allow them to throw.
I mean look how they went on and on about Benghazi, and OMG the email thing they never did let that one go.
But when their own leader tries to over throw the Government,we should just let this go, I mean he left let’s just forget it .
@SQUEEKY2 Amen to that buddy. Oh well, Trump and his fan boys tried to over throw the government and dictate an election, golly gee lets’ move on, but Hillary Billary dock, Obama ran up the clock! And lets imprison all those criminal Latino migrants. Just don’t look when we allow our buddy and big businessman donor to hire 35 million of them for his new construction project. Move on, nothing to see here. Go watch Fox News, they’ll give you the straight skinny!
I unfriend people who refuse to post positive stuff. So most everything I see is about dogs and other animals. I don’t use Facebook as a place to get my political views.
I let other folks do the unfriending. Seems like a childish Jr. Highschool game to me. People don’t like my posts, unfriend away. See ya later, bye. But I wont stoop to that silly crap. Just my own two cents.
Typo in my post. Hand them should be hang them.
@chyna I don’t blame you, because I like mostly fun and friendly on my Facebook too. However, you did miss out on a lot of crazy talk. It’s still going on to some extent, but now that Facebook it deleting and banning the majority has gone away on that social platform anyway. There is no way anyone can imagine the spread of misinformation across Facebook if they did not experience it. It truly was mind boggling. Friends of mine repeating ridiculous paranoid notions. Smart friends. I hid some people to not see it all of the time. Luckily, most of my real life friends are not so gullible even if they were Republicans.
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