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How to deal with misogyny at home (Father in law) is whom I am talking about?
I raised a serious question about “a person’s interest whether the person wants to cook or not, that’s something is a choice and not should be thought of as done by a specific gender.”
My point was men and women are equal and if somebody wants to eat something nice then they should make it and not expecting that their wife or mother or sister will make it for them.
This was the conversation I was having at home, and suddenly I got an answer that men and women can’t be equal, this is coming from someone whose own daughter doesn’t do a single thing be it cooking or taking care of her own son from him being a baby till now when he is almost 11. And me being the daughter in law and that too working expected off of me to cook, clean, take care of my own child and do all sorts of household chores which are basically done by maids.
I am not liable to anyone, not even my husband and I do not like when I am being stomped on such trivial things. This made me really furious and I was confused about how to handle such a situation where I don’t want to get into any argument but make a straight point.
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