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JLeslie's avatar

Is there any talk of ramping up summer school?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) January 29th, 2021 from iPhone

By summer most teachers will probably have the opportunity to be vaccinated. Some teachers took a leave of absence because of covid and many parents are concerned their children aren’t staying on level. Summer school could catch children up and give teachers a chance to earn some income.

Have you heard any talk about it? Would anyone really want to do it? Or, is it depriving children of summertime fun that they should be able to enjoy?

What about giving children a month off now, and adding a month to the end of the school year? Just in one month the country could intensely focus on vaccinating teachers.

In Memphis, a lot of public school teachers won’t go to work. They just approved $1 million to pay for subs to teach. Article regarding the situation:

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2 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I have not heard of that, but it is a good idea. Maybe if someone so much more qualified than Betsy DeVos as you or anyone sane and not a saboteur had been Secretary of Education, they could have planned such a thing. They might even have cancelled one the more high-risk school quarters and rescheduled.

misfit's avatar

There has been no talk of this. I think it’s a horrible idea for most children. A month or two during the summer will not make a difference at this point. Also, the summer months is when children can get outside safely with friends and keep active. They don’t need more time being stuck inside.

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