What does Trump have over Republican lawmakers that they will not vote to convict him in the Impeachment trial?
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January 29th, 2021
They just want to let it go since he is out of office anyways.
The same way Trump did about the email thing?
The way they let Benghazi go?
What does he have over them?
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23 Answers
1. They are afraid of drumpf supporters literally murdering them for doing that.
2. They are afraid of not getting reelected, because a lot of republican voters, if not most of them, are still loyal to drumpf.
3. They want to remain in drumpf’s “good graces”, when he runs again in 2024.
4. They are secretly still loyal to drumpf, and do not actually have any problem with that failed insurrection.
My guess is, that all 4 of those reason are true.
Nothing. They are hypocrite dirt bags who put party over country. I have heard jack ass Repubs STILL talking about Clinton and his, admittedly, ill advised sex antics. And that was, how many decades ago? They never drop anything. Screw ‘em.
What Trump has to this day over Republican lawmakers is the ultimate threat to a politician, and that is being forced to openly admit “I unequivocally fkd up.” Republicans consider it unnecessarily extreme of the Democrats to treat Trump (and by extension themselves) to the ridicule and contempt he most certainly deserves. They’re never going to admit it, and why should they? They are simply carrying out the will of THEIR people.
* They want Trump’s idiot racist xenophobic crazy fan base’s votes. They rightly see those votes as fickle and likely to vote against anyone who says/does anything against Trump, especially if Trump tells them to, so they’re afraid of that outcome, apparently more than they’re afraid of the sane people, or other consequences.
* Also, they’ve already made themselves complicit with Trump, so they may think they don’t have that much to lose.
He knows they’re all pussies, and just love it when he grabs them.
Because they know he is extremely popular with some voters.
He has an extremely loyal, rabid base and they need their votes. Without 45 giving them the OK to vote for whichever rep, they have nothing. Unlike 45, most ofthe reps have lost their confidence
@stanleybmanly Your theory is one I never considered. And it makes perfect sense. I always wonder why didn’t they test the water to go the other direction, because all they actually would have to do is actually govern in a way that is appealing to voters. My state was a red state that turned blue and continues to be blue. I still believe we have more republicans than democrats but our state has been making steady progress and I believe that is why our Dems keep winning. You know that saying about not fixing something if it ain’t broke. Well the republicans here may love Trump but they know most of the work in the state is done by Congress and our Govenors. So it confuses me why Republicans simply don’t do their jobs better and get their votes that way. But it makes sense if they simply A, don’t want to look bad and B just work on keeping it without actually doing it and just keeping the voter happy by supporting Trump.
@SQUEEKY2 I think he had a lot of dirt on a lot of them and is willing to keep shut about it if they back him. Just look at how quickly a lot of never Trumpers in the republican party knelt down to kiss his rear. That isn’t just about votes. That is something more and I think the ones who continued to fight him were able to because Trump didn’t get any dirt on them. And if he didn’t find dirt, I’m willing to bet he had to promise them something big in exchange that would implicate them in covering for him.
One’s gotta make a living and trump still gets you votes. All you need is to be shameless and deplorable. They will worship in his altar until of course they fail to get the things they are kneeling and praying for.
Imo nothing energizes Democrats and some independents to vote more than trump. I hope the more deplorable Repubs make trump relevant to their existence the more they lose seats. Bottomline the race being played here is the mid-terms marathon.
Maybe if you let go of your hate and conspiracy theories, the answer would come to you.
Oh ?Like the email thing?^^^^
Obamagate, what ever that was?
Those conspiracy theories ?
Oh or trying to over throw the government?
But please tell us why is the right so devoted to Trump?
That mob that stormed the Capital sure didn’t look like they did it for love ,while beating a Police officer to death,and chanting hang Mike Pence.
Maybe it was the outstanding way he took on the Pandemic ?
But but but – the Righteous Right is all about Blue Lives Matter, correct?
But before we get to far off topic and a mod comes sweeping down, what does Trump have over these Republicans that they wont vote to convict him in the upcoming impeachment trial?
Oh and @Jaxk you say let go your hate and conspiracy theories, care to explain this lady and she is one of your beloved Republican lawmakers.
Read this slowly so you can understand. What Trump said was to ‘Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard’. That is not insurrection no matter how badly you want it to be. GOP members are voting against impeachment because it is unconstitutional and it is not instigating a riot. Get a grip, there is no conspiracy.
Never heard him say that on any news clip or you tube video, he did say we are going to march down to the Capital, and cheer on our law makers that will be glad to see us,others wont be glad to see us and I will be right there with you.
We have to be strong to take our country back.
Then Trump Jr went on and said it’s time for war.
And Rudy said trial by combat.
How did you think a foaming at the mouth mob was supposed to take that?
What should have been added if your guy is so innocent was we will march right up to the Capital(BUT NOT GO IN) and make our voices heard but that wasn’t said,just like I can’t find anywhere Peacefully and patriotically was said.
But will be glad to look at any link you want to provide.
@Jaxk That is the most specious defensive reasoning for what trump did instigating, inciting and strategizing for months beforehand that attack in Capitol Hill. Any sane and reasonable human being could easily see through trump’s filthy tactic of doublespeaking.
@SQUEEKY2 trump the seditious and criminal douchebag watched TV as Capitol Hill was under attack. Imagine if Hillary did all the things trump did…
@SQUEEKY2 – I can’t believe you’re arguing that Trump should be impeached for what he said and you don’t even know what he said. That is the definition of ‘Trump derangement syndrome. I’ve posted this before but here it is again. This is the text of his speech. You should read it before blathering on about what he said.
@mazingerz88 – You have a short memory. We have been having riots every day for months. Democrats like Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi,, The list goes on and on, have been encouraging these riots all along. Now you find one that you think you can blame on Trump, and you go screaming into the night for impeachment. If you really care about the riots (which I doubt), get control of your own side of the isle.
@Jaxk I will apologize he did say what you said right at the front of his double talk speech, and proceeded to get the mob super worked up.
and his kid and and Rudy finished putting the bullets in the gun type thing.
I can’t believe that is all you have to say poor little Trump is all innocent and those big bad Democrats are just out to get him, and of course you must reference the BLM riots and compare them to this one, see those were a lot worse more people died more damage was done, this one was just a little try and over throw the government type thing, we should just this one go and get on with day to day life.
@SQUEEKY2 Come now, you really have to see the Rebub and conservative point of view. How can you possibly compare a trivial incident like a take over of the US Capital, which resulted in 8 deaths, to a heinous event like a riot by BLM? I mean, the Trumpers were merely trying to subvert the will of the American people, and inflict a Hitler Wannabe on the rest of us. BLM, on the other hand, hand the audacity to be angry over judicial murders of Black people by Police. There just is really no comparison. Of course we all know that if Dems / libs had pulled that bull shit four years ago when they rigged the Electoral votes against Hillary, they’d scream about it until hell freezes over. Time to unify and get over it, while they excuse it, dismiss it, and whine and cry about Obama (out of office for four goddam years) and Clintons blow job (Ancient History). Sarcasm fucking intentional.
@Jaxk You should blame trump for those riots you’re blaming Pelosi, Harris and Waters for. What did your trump do as President to address BLM protests? Nothing. Nothing but be a divisive and deadly clown by taking the side of brutal cops and give lip service to racist Americans.
That is the problem you keep refusing to acknowledge. Your trump was pretty useless in this big volatile and festering issue of white cops killing black men. And more. But you only see the riots not the cause. You probably support armed white guys from other states coming in to shoot rioters in the name of protecting properties they don’t own.
Not one of those wannabe heroes of the white race care about why the protests were happening in the first place. It’s about “property destruction.” Give me a break.
Your indifference towards the BLM is creating more division in the country but maybe that’s what you want. Because that is what trump wants.
And now that a trump mob invaded Capitol Hill to overturn an election you’re equating that with the riots that took place during BLM marches? Pelosi, Harris encouraging riots. When and how exactly?
@Jaxk In your transcript link, Trump says, “we have to be a little careful with that statement”, after mentioning (his exaggeration of) the crowd size, and before claiming Congress is in the process of “illegally tak[ing] over the country”:
“Looking out at all the amazing patriots here today, I have never been more confident in our nation’s future. Well, I have to say we have to be a little bit careful. That’s a nice statement, but we have to be a little careful with that statement. If we allow this group of people to illegally take over our country, because it’s illegal when the votes are illegal, when the way they got there is illegal, when the States that vote are given false and fraudulent information.”
And then he “merely” says,
…“And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”…
And the Trump morons took that literally. But I’m sure that’s not what he meant, the evil commie lib demoncrats took it out of context.
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