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JLeslie's avatar

Why can cooking wine be refrigerated for months after opening, but bottled wine supposedly goes bad in a week?

Asked by JLeslie (65980points) January 31st, 2021 from iPhone

This is not a Q about cooking wine being garbage and you would never buy it. I keep cooking wine in the fridge and I’m completely fine with the flavor for last minute meals. I throw it in gravy, risotto, and just put it in a dish to use up leftovers with shrimp, chicken, mushrooms, spinach and pine nuts over pasta and it was delicious.

When I make something special that uses a lot of wine I bother buying a bottle, but then what do I do with the rest? Neither my husband nor I drink wine. I try to make one more wine dish within the next week, but it doesn’t get used up.

Can I freeze wine to keep it good? I assume it doesn’t freeze solid, but that doesn’t matter. Does wine stay good longer than people say?

What if I transfer it to a twist top bottle or jar that’s well sealed and keep it in the fridge, can I keep it for a month?

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10 Answers

hello321's avatar

I had never heard of cooking wine. But after doing a little research, it appears that cooking wine is “wine” that has all kinds of non-wine stuff in it (sugar, salt, preservatives) that keeps it “good” for much longer and is not meant for drinking.

Have you tried buying those smaller bottles of wine?

janbb's avatar

Yes, as hello says, it has a lot of preservatives in it that table wine doesn’t have.

canidmajor's avatar

There is also the fact that cooking wine is intended to be used with other flavors and textures, not as a stand alone. I have used older, opened wine that has lost some smoothness of taste for cooking, and it was fine.

elbanditoroso's avatar

A lot like people.

When you haven’t met them ( but have heard of them ) they seem very interesting and valuable. Like the unopened cooking wine.

But once you meet them, you learn the truth. And the people begin to spoil in your estimation. Just like an opened bottle of cooking wine.

Another allegory of life…

smudges's avatar

Can I freeze wine to keep it good? I assume it doesn’t freeze solid, but that doesn’t matter.

Yes! And it does freeze solid. I’ve read recommendations to freeze it in an ice tray and cover with plastic wrap, then use it as needed for cooking. Everything you ever needed, or wanted, to know about freezing wine———->

Also, cooking wine is loaded with salt, so you may want to keep that in mind if you use it for cooking.

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges It says the freezing might change the flavor. I’ll probably try it in the future just to see.

That’s good to know about the salt, I’ve actually never read the label of my cooking wine.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I cook with beer. I am low class!

smudges's avatar

Right, but it says many people detect only slight changes, and I think they were talking about drinking it specifically, rather than using it to cook with. Good luck at any rate!

JLeslie's avatar

I cook with beer sometimes too!

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