Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Will you tell me something great that happened to you today?

Asked by janbb (63385points) February 4th, 2021

(Back by a request from a gelatinous friend.)

While we’re all going through some hard times, let’s see if we can lighten the load a bit by sharing some of the events, large and small, that enriched our days.

It could be something as small as having eaten a perfect piece of toast (one of my major pleasures) or as big as dropping a kid off for their first day of college.

Let’s pause for a bit and share some joy.

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130 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I have 2 Korean American grandsons, and yesterday was one’s 100 days celebration..
In Korea, this is a big thing, due to the high number of childhood mortality. This child lives in the U.S., so this wasn’t a concern, but it is a Korean traditional celebration.
This kind of thing warms my heart.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann Cool! My Korean-American great nieces had a special one year old party – I think it’s called a Doh. They were dressed in traditional outfits and various implements are put out on a blanket and what they choose is supposed to indicate their career path.

filmfann's avatar

@janbb My older Korean grandson did that as well, choosing a gavel, and a bow and arrow, signifying he will be a combination of law-and-order, and a hunter. So, basically, Judge Dread.

canidmajor's avatar

Wow, @filmfann, what a lovely thing to celebrate!

My life is so very beige now that finding my favorite flavor of Triscuits in the supermarket this morning has made my week. Smoked Gouda. Try them, they’re delicious.

bob_'s avatar

My dad sent me a picture of an article in our hometown’s newspaper, quoting a report I wrote. It’s not unusual for my notes to be quoted, mostly in the financial press, but it’s always nice when my dad catches it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Had some byers premium ice cream Resse peanut butter cups flavored treat. Cheered me up.

longgone's avatar

I turned my phone off this morning, and spent a few hours happily unreachable. My house is cleaner, my mind calmer, my book well-read, and my dog well-snuggled.

janbb's avatar

I finished a book I really loved; The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

longgone's avatar

^ Oh, I have that around somewhere. If it’s penguin-approved, I should give it a try.

hello321's avatar

My daughter made avocado toast and offered me a piece. It was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. And enjoying her company is amazing.

We are driving her back to college on Monday, and I’m going to miss her.

kritiper's avatar

A customer who canceled service last summer called to restart service again.

jca2's avatar

I just woke up from a two hour nap.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Got up, drank some coffee, watched TV awhile. My life isn’t that exciting. And I suppose texted some annoying relatives on Facebook. Whoopy doo.

JLeslie's avatar

My parents received their second Pfizer shots yesterday. I called them today to see if they were having any bad side effects, and happy to report they don’t! They both just have sore arms. That made my day.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I spent almost 2 hours outdoors in the snow alone with my grandchild. It was so much fun showing him tracks in the snow, making snow birds, trying to make a snowman, and sitting on the front steps listening to geese in the distance.

Sadly he goes back to the west coast tomorrow.

chyna's avatar

I got my second vaccine today!

@LuckyGuy Is there any way you can kidnap your grandson?

Cupcake's avatar

I submitted my dissertation edits to my advisor. One more round of his feedback and then I submit the final version, probably next week. Less than one month until the kiddos call me Dr. Mom.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@chyna I’m going to wait until they head to the airport and then call DHS and say “Someone has taken my grandchild! He’s wearing an astronaut suit! Please stop them!”

janbb's avatar

@Cupcake And we’ll call you Dr Cupcake! Yay you!

@LuckyGuy They’ve been with you quite a while, haven’t they? Lucky you!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@janbb Yes. They have been here for 11 months. It seems like a blink of an eye!

Caravanfan's avatar

@hello321 I know the feeling. My daughter is a sophomore at college.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I drove the car out of the garage, down the driveway & glanced left to check the traffic when a gust of wind blew what looked like a dollar bill across the windshield and on down the block. I nearly strangled myself trying to escape the seatbelt. When finally free and out of the car, there was nothing to be seen. I had allowed my eyes to wander from the money!! These truly are my declining years.

longgone's avatar

I went for a nighttime walk with my husband, and the icy rain turned into snow! Snow is usually fleeting around here, and I love it so much. Especially when there’s nobody else around, and it’s freshly fallen.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Last Wednesday I won the Lottery for $4.00.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The house is so quiet… :-(

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Don’t spend it all in one place.

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy {{{hugs, big sloppy noisy hugs}}}.

janbb's avatar

Party at @LuckyGuy‘s! Let’s bring the snare drums and the tubas! Crank up the boom boxes, set off the fireworks and fire up the grill!

Sorry you’re sad, pal!

LuckyGuy's avatar

So… keeping with the “something great” theme:
I removed all the childproof locks on the kitchen and bathroom cupboards.
there is more space for my shoes coats hats and gloves by the side door.
I started the living room woodburning stove.
I turned the t stats down to a reasonable level.
We had a video call at 3:00am and he was all smiles.

janbb's avatar

^^ Awww

And there are some benefits to not having a toddler in the house!

bob_'s avatar

Speaking of toddlers, ours slept for 12 hours straight last night for the first time ever :D

janbb's avatar

@bob_ That is so wonderful!

canidmajor's avatar

I know it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s Puppy Bowl Sunday, yahoo!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@bob_ I hope you got to share at least a few of those hours. They are magical.
Take a couple of selfies now while you have the chance. Our little guy is 23 months and is smart enough recognize and shy away from cameras now.

janbb's avatar

It’s been snowing and I’m staying in my bath robe all day!

stanleybmanly's avatar

75 degrees. Brilliant sunshine.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m in the middle of enjoying my New Year.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Chúc mừng năm mới!

I hope that is correct. I didn’t verify it.

canidmajor's avatar

My neighbor with a snowblower, without a word, cleared my driveway and access to my mailbox last night. The fall was heavy and deep and wet, so it would have taken me an hour and overwhelmed me to do it myself.

janbb's avatar

^^ Someone shoveled me out last evening too.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@LuckyGuy Yeah that’s correct, don’t worry :)

canidmajor's avatar

I just made an appointment for my first stick, next Monday! Yahoo!

Demosthenes's avatar

I know I’m a few days late, but I often forget to check the “Meta” sections so I often miss out on these questions.

One great that happened to me today (or rather, that I achieved) was that I at last completed two important chapters in the novel I’m writing, bridging the gap between two large sections of finished material. I had long left this portion unwritten and faced major writer’s block on how to finish it and tie to the two sections together. Today I wrote the rest of it. I’m up to 250,000 words. This is something I’ve been working on for years and I think I may actually finish it this year.

stanleybmanly's avatar

the labors of Hercules.

Pandora's avatar

My left knee is a lot better today.

longgone's avatar

I have no less than three great things today:

1) I discovered dance music from the 60s-80s. Not at all what I usually listen to, but it’s really helping me when I feel down.

2) There is still so much SNOW, and I just went sledding with my dog and husband. Plus, the birds are flying right up on the window ledge to eat raisins.

3) I was feeling lonely over the weekend, so I started reaching out to people. Now I’ve already had two fun video calls with friends, and my mum sent me a surprise present :]

janbb's avatar

@longgone Nice stuff!

I had a nice online chat with my California DIL yesterday. Getting closer with her through the pandemic.

canidmajor's avatar

Got my first stick today, progress! I am grateful that my state is doing such a good job of rolling out the vaccine.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor What makes it a good job? I’m curious because NJ is kind of a hot mess.

canidmajor's avatar

We seem to be increasing the vaccine stations, and I found the sign-up to be efficient and clear. This morning, the process was speedy and pleasant.

I have talked to so many in other states who have had no luck with the system.
I found this this link that I thought was interesting.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor That’s a cool site! In New Jersey, getting the appointment has been hard but I think it’s easing some. The sign up was hard as you could pre-register with the state site, but that has yielded few results, or you could make an appointment elsewhere at sites listed by the state. When they opened it up to 65 and older on January 14th, there was a made dash for appointments and not enough vaccine or providers. I think it’s easing up some now and will ease up more.

canidmajor's avatar

I think CT was more methodical, which helped. We couldn’t even start to register until last Monday (2/8) and that may have kept the rush in check.

janbb's avatar

^^ More methodical than Jersey? Faggeddahboutit!!

Anyway, my something great has been reading a whole bunch of really good books in a row over the past two weeks.

LuckyGuy's avatar

We got over a foot of snow last night. We never lost power and my snowblower started and flawlessly blew the snow out of my driveway after sitting unused for a long while.

stanleybmanly's avatar

second shot. Glad it’s over.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Woohoo! That’s awesome.

Cupcake's avatar

I had job interviews yesterday and today. They both went VERY well. I will hear in a few weeks.

One was at a school that I dreamed of attending. I’m thinking of turning it down because I like the other one so much. It’s going to be a tough decision if I get offered both.

JLeslie's avatar

@Cupcake When would you be moving? I always felt like one day we would hopefully meet.

Cupcake's avatar

@jleslie Either May or July… so there’s still hope!

jca2's avatar

@canidmajor: A friend of mine got her vaccine at a pharmacy in a town near Woodbury CT (not Woodbury, but a nearby town). She said there was one guy in front of her and it was really quick and efficient.

canidmajor's avatar

Yeah, CT is doing outstandingly well so far. I feel fortunate to live here.

bob_'s avatar

My parents got their first shot! Moderna.

canidmajor's avatar

Somebody, quick give @bob_ 6 more lurve!!!

longgone's avatar

I sent an old friend a birthday message. We had an argument a while ago and it was never really resolved, but she responded very positively. I think we can work things out now.

janbb's avatar

I participated in a play reading party over Zoom. It was a lot of fun!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We got our income taxes done and electronically sent. We get some money back!


JLeslie's avatar

Late morning my husband and I drove to the beach and spent an hour there.

On the way home we picked up a pizza, ate, and then relaxed watching a show on Netflix that’s about a competition for blown glass.

Later, I took a short nap and then I zoomed with some of my close friends to wish happy 94th birthday to one of their moms who we all know.

It was a very nice day.

janbb's avatar

I just got my second Moderna shot this morning!!

JLeslie's avatar

Yay! That’s great!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I got my first Pfizer shot. Whoo hoo!

The tracking antenna is already starting to grow. :-)

Cupcake's avatar

Finished the second round of interviews and the job sounds better and pays more than I thought. I was already sold.

idktimmyturner's avatar

Well, I did publish part one of my book on dreame? (i guess that’s good)
I passed a test with one try and got a 100. (Virtual classes/online school)
Iam already planning part2 of my book. (Literally for months because part one was edited and remade SEVERAL times before I actually published it FULLY)
And i made a friend today!

janbb's avatar

I’m fully vaccinated – it’s two weeks after second shot!!

JLeslie's avatar

I was able to get my husband and I on a vaccine waste avoidance list. I know they have a lot of names so I’m not sure how long it will take. Feeling optimistic though, I couldn’t even get on a last last week.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I woke from a dream about strawberry shortcake at 5:45. Made it to the Safeway to grab a big basket of strawberries and a quart of whipping cream by 6:05. The place is always empty then. The pandemic has destroyed the former joy of the supermarkets open 24 hours. My scheme is to plan a healthy meal for us around 11 this morning and then pig out on shortcake as the sole item for our dinner. Gotta slice up the berries so there’s plenty of juice by 7. Gotta mix and bake a big shortcake. Busy day in the kitchen. I think it’s time to fire up the kitchen TV and run the old VHS tape of Oliver’s Richard III. Nothing compares with cynical and evil villainy while catering to an appetite. Life is good!
in the background.

smudges's avatar

I finished a beaded necklace yesterday and I really like it. Today I’ll start beading a star for my new great-niece and will get together with a few fellow beaders like we do on Saturdays.

canidmajor's avatar

Got my second Ouchie today, two more weeks then wild party time!!! Woo Hoo!!!

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor Is “ouchie” a new Briticism too, then?

canidmajor's avatar

Ha! Haven’t you heard of the Fauci Ouchie?

janbb's avatar

^^ In Britain maybe it’s the Queenie meany?

smudges's avatar

Cost me $200, but I got my car up-to-date on maintenance, new oil, and tires aligned. Now if I could just figure out how to program my new address into it because I moved. Can’t use the ‘home’ button until I do.

chyna's avatar

^Someone recommended to me to not program your GPS home button in case someone steals your car. They could get in your house if you have a garage and door opener. I programmed my home under my dogs name.
Sorry for the PSA. Carry on.

smudges's avatar

@chyna That’s smart! Although if I have my key fob, which I keep in my purse, it wouldn’t do anyone any good to try to steal it. They couldn’t start it without the fob, and even if it’s running, the car would stop and refuse to restart when it got just a little ways away. And I never leave my purse in the car. Plus I live in an apartment. But still, that’s good thinking! Thanks!

Brian1946's avatar

Program your Home button to the police station?

smudges's avatar

LOL Funny, but that defeats the purpose of the home button.

canidmajor's avatar

My friend programmed a nearby chain (like Dunkin Donuts or MacDonalds) as her “home”. It’s a couple of blocks from her home, but by that time she knows where she is.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@canidmajor I like that idea. The ‘home’ in my phone is the local Verizon store.
There is no reason we need to keep telling google, where we are going all the time. When we use our android auto or apple devices to get to and from the doctor, we are telling google/apple that we need the services of that doctor. Do we want that data out there?
“Hey google, navigate to the nearest explosives supplier.”
“Siri, navigate to Dr. Boobpump’s office.”

Let’s not make is so easy for them.
Also, turn off your GPS if you don’t need it. Your battery will last much longer.

canidmajor's avatar

@LuckyGuy I have always been a cartophile, I would much rather use a map. I do look stuff up online sometimes, then I write the directions on paper by hand.
And really, I roll my own eyes at me about that.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@canidmajor One Luddite to another! :-) I either write out the part I don’t know or I print it. I do not use my phone to get where I need to go – unless I am lost. Then I turn on my GPS. That does not happen often.

I get in my car, turn the key, put it in gear, and drive.
My techie son gets in the car. turns the key, .finds the power cord for his device, plugs in his phone, puts it in the holder, puts in his ear buds, waits for android auto to synch, finds some music, and then puts it in gear and drives away.

I just don’t get it.

idktimmyturner's avatar

@canidmajor I’d probably do the same. I just haven’t learned to drive yet, so I mostly sit in the car with my step-dad.
@LuckyGuy That has me thinking- because when we first drove to Memphis- my step-daad never used a GPS? Man, he must memorize everything as a genius. His IQ is higher than my ego-

smudges's avatar

@LuckyGuy I can turn off the gps in my car?? I’d love to save on my battery since it costs a couple thousand.

canidmajor's avatar

@LuckyGuy I spent my formative years using marine charts to find my way around various bodies of water, now that’s a helluva skill to have!
I loved early GPS stuff, until I realized I was lost more than not. My daughter can’t read a map, I despair for her!!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

When my kids were young we had maps all over the walls in our house stasrting from a hand drawn map of our house and property the the town, then the county , state country world, solar system. galaxy, local cluster. They referred to those so many times and it gave them the big picture.
Confession: We have one wall in the kitchen that has 4 big maps on it: National Geographic’s The World , Nat. Geo.‘s The United States, AAA’s New York, and AAA’s The Finger Lakes Region.
You don’t see this type if decor in home beautiful but it made my kids so much smarter and better thinkers than if we had decorated with the color of the year.
North is always up and we should always know where North is. Once you get the big picture you can navigate using your brain. It is quite powerful.
You keep your privacy and your phone battery will last years!

@canidmajor I do use a stand alone GPS for geocaching. That is fun.

janbb's avatar

It’s funny how we all have our own privacy things. I quit using Alexa when she started participating in my conversations in another room but I will use GPS on my phone to back up my belief that I know where I’m going! I do like maps as well.

chyna's avatar

“No @janbb, you do not need that much salt in your dinner.”
Scary Alexa!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@janbb I, too, turn off the mics on those devices. I turn them on if I need it but otherwise they are off.
In the past week or two, how often did you go someplace where you had no idea of it’s location. I’m guessing, zero. For the past 2 weeks you let google/apple track your every move. Why? Turn off the GPS and only use it when you need it.

If makes me laugh to think those nutjobs posting the false rumor that Bill Gates is putting tracking chips in their vaccine, are using their cell phones that have GPS turned on.

@chyna By the way… your tuna fish supply is running low. And that can of condensed milk is expired.

canidmajor's avatar

My location is always off, it’s a battery suck.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy I too have location services turned off on my phone unless I am using GPS.

But – I’d really like to get this question back on to the something great theme! I know it’s in Meta which is kind of social but if something wants to talk about privacy more, can you ask a separate question?

canidmajor's avatar

I found out yesterday that my daughter will be eligible on April 5!,,

smudges's avatar

@LuckyGuy Ok, so when you said ‘turn off the gps’, were you referring to your phone or car? And if it was the car, how does one do that? I just need this answered then I’ll get back to on-topic, I promise.

janbb's avatar

I had an “inside” visit with a friend today who is also fully vaccinated! Pretty strange!

janbb's avatar

^^ It was a wow!

janbb's avatar

I switched hairdressers this week, finally after thinking about it for five years. It’s a brave act on my part because I’ve been using the same guy for about 20 years and I didn’t want to hurt him if he found out.

Brian1946's avatar

I just completed a 24-hour fast. All I had was water.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 Do I get to see a more buffed Brian? :D

Brian1946's avatar


Please believe me- nobody wants to see anything but a fully clothed Brian! ;-o

janbb's avatar

^^ Yup. Pretty much!

stanleybmanly's avatar

The wife is pressuring me to join her in an excursion to Victoria B.C. where a few of our friends now live in retirement bliss. Worse, another retired couple wants to come here during the Passover days to visit their son and the new grandson. They have romantic notions of the 4 of us frequenting the haunts of their courtship, and other feats of excitement that defy my current stick-in-the-mud routine. My niece as well has informed me that her and her husband plan to book reservations for a flight here one week after their 2nd scheduled shot. Things are ramping up. I’m not sure I approve.

LuckyGuy's avatar

WhooHoo! I got my second Covid shot and am doing my part to stop the spread.

Data for anti-vaxxers: the only side effect I’m seeing is the Bill Gates 1.2 GHz 5/8 wave tracking antenna starting to grow out of my crotch. It is disguised to look just like a p….! (Darn that mainstream media censorship!)
I saw something about this effect in Epoch Times and Fox news.

chyna's avatar

^pictures please.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@LuckyGuy OAN Network had “Fuzzy” pictures of the antenna. ;>)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here’s a pic. Obviously the frequency and color are a little different.

chyna's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

The wife announced the impending (and early) baking of my birthday carrot cake to commence this afternoon. Hot Dog!

smudges's avatar

@stanleybmanly Will she be using the much-aligned full grown carrot, or the preferred, tender baby carrot? (There’s a question in Social about carrots so I had a chuckle over your post.)

stanleybmanly's avatar

She peels, chops then grates the big ones. The walnuts have been chunked up and toasted and the mixer is whirring up the cream cheese frosting now. God’s in His heaven. All’s right with the world.

janbb's avatar

My younger son got vaccinated today!

bob_'s avatar

Got my tax refund today!

Brian1946's avatar

I saw a Monarch butterfly in my front yard.

I finally tracked down this song I heard on a Peloton ad, and I’m loving Celeste!

smudges's avatar

Love the video! Thanks for the link!

bob_'s avatar

Out of town, went to this store looking for banana ice cream, and found it, yay!

Oh, yeah, and I got my second Pfizer shot.

longgone's avatar

I woke up in my new apartment, and it feels like I’m on vacation. I am relieved that the move is over, happy for my dog to have a fenced yard, and enjoying the floors and wall colours we picked out.

canidmajor's avatar

Hey, @janbb, how about starting another one???

janbb's avatar

^^ Done. Check Meta for new iteration.

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