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SQUEEKY2's avatar

OK I want to be fair, are there any conspiracy theory kooks on the democrat side?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23564points) February 4th, 2021

The ones in the news seem to all fly the conservative flag.
Are there any left wing conspiracy nuts on the left?

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22 Answers

hello321's avatar

Confused conspiracy theory is not a Republican phenomenon.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Never said it was, just haven’t heard of any left wing conspiracy theory kooks on the left.
That is why I asked are there any?

hello321's avatar

Democrats are not “left”.

But yes, Democrats dove headfirst into Russia insanity. But there are so many conspiracy theories, and they span the ideological spectrum. There are those who are against vaccination, for example. There are still 9/11 truthers.

mazingerz88's avatar

There could be but not enough to lead Dems into supporting sociopathic leaders and attacking Capitol Hill.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I believe it more difficult for left leaning lunatics to be elected in the United States. You won’t find Democratic candidates claiming the klan or the NRA employing space lasers to burn crosses or bomb churches. It might well be possible that there are as many bigots and lunatics on the left. But if so, they are certainly more “discrete” and less visible than their right wing counterparts, and you of course will never find right wingers willing to admit even what is so plainly obvious. Bigotry and lunacy are always going to be with us. It is when such characteristics are accepted as just a variation of the norm like freckles or; when people can actually run with such repulsive traits as actual planks in their platforms that we must pay attention. To this day, when asked what Trump’s election means to me, my reply is: “keep your passport handy.”

Demosthenes's avatar

Everyone who pushed the “Russiagate” narrative despite the lack of evidence. No different than Republicans insisting that the election was stolen without evidence.

Conspiracism does seem to be very popular with the American right-wing right now. There are definitely left-wing conspiracy theorists, but it doesn’t seem to have become as mainstream with them as it has on the right. But I do sometimes hear conspiracy theories from left-wingers I know, such as the belief that 9/11 was an inside job (this one doesn’t seem to be relegated to one side) or that AIDS was created by the government to kill gays and black people.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think most of it on the left is related to “magical thinking” like alternative medicine, anti-GMO, “raw water,” “The Secret” etc. Russiagate is another valid example you guys mentioned.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I disagree on the supposition about Russiagate being proven bogus. I’ve made other predictions here which haven’t panned out. My own list of conspiracy theories included more than the 2 impeachments which actually befell Trump and that he would leave office with half a million covid dead in the country. But I don’t view Russiagate by any means settled. There are just entirely too many clues pointing in that direction, beginning with the simple fact that it is so unmistakably a Trumplike thing to do. Criminal Russian oligarchs and their operatives are indisputably the first in line as “investors” in Trump properties and enterprises. There are going to be some upcoming revelations, which can only be dampened depending on the levels of culpability on the part of some Democrats. Russiagate ain’t over.

si3tech's avatar

Nearly all on the left.

gondwanalon's avatar

Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
Nancy Pelosi

Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
sadiesayit's avatar

Can someone explain what the Russiagate conspiracy theory is?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@gondwanalon and how are those four people conspiracy kooks?
I know especially AOC who is very liberal ,progressive, and green thinking that alone I know makes you fright wingers very upset someone actually out for the small working guy how dare they?
And remembers Mueller’s report,uh there was Russian collusion just couldn’t prove enough to build a real case on, the biggest thing was Trump’s obstructing the report,if he was so freaking innocent why throw such a fit?

Demosthenes's avatar

@sadiesayit It’s the idea that Trump and his team colluded with Russian officials to win the 2016 election (through propaganda or more direct interference). While it’s true that Russia interfered in the election, there’s been no evidence that Trump or his team participated or worked with the Russians. Many Democrats still cling to the belief, though. To me it sounds like a lot like the “stolen election” narrative on the Republican side.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^That Mueller Report doesn’t do anything for you?

gondwanalon's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Russian conspiracy in which somehow the Russians got Trump elected even though there’s no evidence. The conspiracy that Trump abused power by making a phone call. Also obstruction of Congress is probably a good thing and not an impeachable offense. All totally kooky.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NO! The report said there was evidence about Russian collusion just not enough to build any kind of case on.
There was evidence involving obstruction but he couldn’t prosecute a sitting President.
As for the Ukraine quid quo pro, He beat that with the outstanding help of fright wing spin doctors.
Trump left office with something like a 30% approval rating and you fright wingers think that is a sky high rating.
You probably still think the election was stolen, then why didn’t the Don Father produce the evidence he said he had so his fright wing judges could see it?

gondwanalon's avatar

HA! The Russian collusion investigation initiated by the now known totally erroneous Steel Trump-Russian dossier was bogas. Any and all evidence from that “investigation” should be null and void.

I don’t know if the 2020 Presidential election was stolen or not. Some people say no some people say yes. I suppose that it could be either way.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Leave it open eh?
Why pray tell didn’t your hero The Don Father show his conservative appointed judges the evidence if it was stolen?
All this evidence was just affidavits sworn by super loyal Trumpanzies ,that would have admitted to shooting Kennedy if it was what Trump wanted them to.

gondwanalon's avatar

Leave what open? What hero? Hard to understand what you are talking about. But actually to tell you the truth, I really don’t care.

True the amount of the fraud evidence is likely not adequate to effect the election outcome.

Have a nice day.

sadiesayit's avatar

@Demosthenes—Okay, thanks for clarifying what you meant. I wasn’t sure what aspect of Russian influence in US politics was being called “Russiagate,” but it sounds like you’re specifically referring to the idea that there was conspiracy/coordination between the 2016 Trump election team and Russia during the 2016 election.

I would push back on the idea that it is some equivalent counter-balance to the Republican party’s “stolen election” narrative. At one point, conspiracy between the Trump team and Russia was a credible question, enough so that the FBI opened an investigation into it. There was no similarly reasonable, nonpartisan basis to idea of a “stolen election.” Nor have I seen groups of people organizing and rallying around the idea that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, much less attempting a coup over it.

@OP: There are certainly conspiracy theories that tend to be seen to the “left” of the US political right—anti-vaxxers come immediately to mind as one troubling example—as well as conspiracy theories that aren’t politically stratified—but I do think right-leaning media organizations and online communities in this country have a particular way of coordinating the spread of disinformation that is concerning. (And part of me worries that “both sidesing” this type of coordinated disinformation only invites other entities to participate in it, since they’ve been made complicit by “both sides” dialogues anyway.)

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