What period in US history are you most interested in learning more about?
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14 Answers
All of them. I just bought a book on the 1919 pandemic.
Who knew they were trying to microchip us then?
I’ve always has a thing about the early Colonial period. Ever since I found out though a relative that I have ancestors who came from England to settle in the Carolinas..one of them served in the Yamasee Indian war about 1715.
Nineteenth Century Utopian communities. I’ve studied some about them but would like to learn more.
And the early labor and progressive movements such as the I.W.W. – International Workers of the World.
And the Underground Railroad.
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The Early Psycho-Industrial period.
Or last week. Whichever has open book tests.
I’ve read a lot about the Vietnam War era as well as the Civil War years (periods of crisis seem to interest me the most), but right now I’d like study the early 20th century more, the Teddy Roosevelt presidency and the lead up to WWI.
I’m interested in Black history the last several years, and most recently want to read up about people and families that moved out of the South during the 50’s and 60’s. I haven’t really researched it much yet. I think the Great Migration started years before that, but those decades interest me most right now.
As a history major, all of them. That said, as I got more and more into expanding my family tree, already knowing I had ancestors on both sides of the Civil War, including one invading soldier buried at the back of my long time family property in Ohio, (Morgan’s Raiders), that era fascinated me, as does Plymouth Plantation. Yep, related to some of the Mayflower first comers. I can usually find some aspect of all the eras of interest, perhaps depending on what my own mind-set is at the time for what I focus on.
The entire history is of course important since we are a product of all that came before us. But I believe emergency emphasis should be placed on the history of the country between the Spanish American War and the present. There can be no explanation for the behavior of most of us had some semblance of a reasonable retrospective of those times been inculcated in even a third of our population. People require grounding to understand the truth of where they are. People should appreciate just how desperately it is now required. Consider this: Trump is the walking proof that the single greatest distinction of American culture, the packing of the churches is insufficient for recognition of the devil undisguised and out in the open.
Two time periods are of interest to me:
1) 1870s through about 1900: post Civil-War and the beginnings of the Industrial age, up to and including Teddy Roosevelt
2) US domestic policy from the Depression through FDR. Not so much about WW2, that was a foreign war, but more about what was going on domestically in the US from, say, 1928–1945.
^^There’s a history professor in FB named Heather Cox Richardson who talked a lot about that period of Reconstruction post-Civil War. Very informative.
The Civil War fascinates me, as does the slaver era, 17th and 18th century and even back to Mesopotamia.
I’ve found in general that the more I learn about something, the more interesting it becomes. I’ve probably read the most about the colonial period, having been brought up in one of the original 13, so that seems most interesting. But the same thing would happen if I read more about the Civil War, the FDR years, or any other period.
And the same would also be true as soon as I read up on any other subject. Because everything is interesting. To me there’s no such thing as worthless knowledge.
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