General Question

How do you feel about "bathroom stuff" when it comes to caring for an elderly parent?
What if you just can’t do it? I mean, I guess if you’ve had kids, it might not seem like a big deal, but I never did have children, and this is one thing I cannot handle.
I’ve been caring for my mom for about three years now, although it’s only been in the past year or so that she has gotten a lot weaker and a lot more feeble minded. Even then, she’s been able to do for herself in bathroom matters, but now she has a sore on her bum that needs looking after…and I just can’t. Especially given that she doesn’t always clean herself the best back there.
My one sister is willing to come over and handle the wound care for the five days of the week that the nurse can’t come until the wound heals. (Insurance only covers twice a week.) My mom is willing to pay her for each day she comes, especially since it’s a twenty minute drive one way. She’d have to pay for outside nursing otherwise, and it would cost a lot more.
But my other siblings are judging me very harshly for not being able to deal with this. It’s funny, because they’re pushing for my mom to spend her money for a home health care person for when I have to return to my job in the office. (My job is graciously letting me work from home for a few weeks when she gets home from rehab.)
Mind you, these are the same people who maybe come over three or four times a year to play the dutiful children (Christmas, burthdays, etc.) They have never once been willing to take mom for a weekend to give me a break.
So, is there something wrong with me, that I struggle with this aspect of her care? (And spare me the “she did the same for you when you were a baby”. I know she did, and I appreciate that, but I didn’t exactly have any say in the matter, and I can’t help if I have an aversion to that sort of thing.)

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