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YARNLADY's avatar

What proof of election fraud did Mike Lindell present in his TV documentary?

Asked by YARNLADY (46776points) February 7th, 2021

Where is the “proof”?

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25 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Apparently not much since the platform (One American News) that aired it showed a lengthy disclaimer at the beginning stating that what followed was his opinion, have no basis in fact, and does not reflect the platforms views.

Here’s the actual disclaimer:

Mr. Lindell is the sole author and executive producer of this program and is solely and exclusively responsible for its content. This program is not the product of OAN’s reporting. The statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.

flutherother's avatar

The only fraud is Mike Lindell himself. He also promoted Oleandrin as a cure for COVID-19 calling it the “miracle of all time”. The claim was completely unsubstantiated.

cookieman's avatar

I was also disappointed in his pillow.*

*bag full of shredded styrofoam.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

What does it tell us when OAN issues a lengthy disclaimer? A lie is so preposterous, so outrageoius, that a lying entity wants to distance and insulate itself.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Proof is + + + if you lie enough times over the three hours about Dominion and Smartmatic voting machine; the voting machine companies will sue into the 22nd century !

Oh – - – there is no proof !

cookieman's avatar

@Love_my_doggie: Exactly. My first thought was, “Who the heck is OAN?”

janbb's avatar

@cookieman OAN is the station that is trying to outfox Fox!

ragingloli's avatar

The only reason that OAN has this disclaimer and cut the guy off, is that Dominion and Smartmatic, the two voting machine companies, sued other networks for defamation to the tune of billions of dollars, and they want to avoid that, because they know they would lose.
Dominion has already indicated that OAN may be next to be sued.

Pandora's avatar

@ragingloli He should be next. They are still spreading the lie like it’s news. They shouldn’t get a pass because they issued a disclaimer as they continue to spread the lie.
If he had any kind of actual proof he would’ve given it to Trump to use back in early December and his lawyers would’ve used it.

Yellowdog's avatar

Why don’t you watch it before making so many assumptions?

There is no way that information can be displayed, explained, here.

In 2016, because of concern of foreign interference in our elections, a commission was set up to make a ‘footprint’ of international involvement in our elections. A lot of the flipping of votes from Trump to Biden, which has been claimed to be non-intentional errors in the software, came directly from China. Which really shouldn’t surprise anyone,

A lot else, which many of you were saying there was no proof, is shown and explained.

Dominion has not done anything that is not explained in their own manual, so there is no reason to get all uptight about that.

The version I saw was two hours, and I recommend actually seeing it rather than just assuming anything, as this type of documentary shows a lot of data. It did get a little boring in places, so if you only want to see the gov’t information about foreign interference, I’d recommend the last 30–40 minutes.

@Pandora The information from the government about foreign interference, mostly from China, wasn’t given to Mike Lindell until January 6th. The person who gave the information is anonymous obviously but several named individuals and their titles/positions commented on it.

@YARNLADY Watch the documentary for yourself rather than ask people who don’t know any more than you do about the ‘proof’.

I don’t think anyone fears Dominion per se’—because if that got in court, the ‘proof’ would be demonstrated in court. What news media do fear is being deplatformed or dropped from cable networks. Doesn’t that level of censorship for something that could easily be checked out or affirmed / debunked concern any of you?

si3tech's avatar

Regarding this subject: Read Time magazine’s comprehensive articles (2 of them) describing exactly how with the help of the cabal, big tech and swamp, OWO, globalists, it was carried out. Look to Gates, Zuckerberg,
Soros and Brennan to name a few.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog Do you understand the concept of evidence and proof?

He had no proof, just blah BLAH BLAH and his empire in is the toilet !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@si3tech sources please and OAN doesn’t cut it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, yeah but I am more concerned about Jewish laser beams from outer space.

ragingloli's avatar

Or how Sandy Hook and Parkland were faked by the deepstate so they can steal people’s guns.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 They only start fires in California.

chyna's avatar

Or that there is no proof the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Where did they come up with that one @chyna, gee a jet liner sticking out the side of it might be a clue?,

rockfan's avatar

Haven’t seen the documentary, but every interview I’ve seen him in he always says “100% proof there was election fraud.” But never follows up and says what it is. He’s a fraud.

Newsmax actually had to stop an interview with him midway through because they’re afraid of getting more lawsuits by spreading false information

Yellowdog's avatar

You cannot win a lawsuit for defamation, libel, slander, if the information is true.

Dominion may threaten, but the networks know that if a suit was filed, Mike Lyndell or whoever was making this claim, would have an opportunity to present this information in court. Presenting this information in court is something no one, especially Dominion, would want. That’s why they have refused to allow audits.

What the networks fear is being silenced, deplatformed—attorneys disbarred, by big tech giants and governors.

At no time in U.S. History until now has it ever been considered ‘treasonous’ to question election results, and for an election to not allow transparency.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog Where is this proof ? ?

“You have to believe because if Trump lost there was fraud” – - – is not proof.

Lindell owns a pillow factory that is going out of business, that doesn’t make him person with a lot of smarts. Zero proof and lots of empty accusations !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog, Good grief of course anyone can contest the damn election that’s why recounts take place,vote counters are supervised by both Democrats and Republicans.
And when your Don Father cried fraud, every Republican said Oh my God show us and we will fight to the end of the world for you, BUT he couldn’t provide proof or any evidence.
Just kept screaming I have proof but wouldn’t show anyone.
EVEN HIS appointed right wing Judges said not any evidence to build a case on and threw it out,but oh no you and his loyal lap dogs truly believe him he was cheated .
WHY?? when all the courts threw out all the cases due to any kind of evidence why do you believe him?

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s one that Mikey & Margarine haven’t thought of yet: Jewish aliens from the year 2525 (per Zager & Evans), drove their space lasers back to Nov 3, 2020. While in geostationary orbits over the US, they zapped the Dominion machines and flipped all the votes for Trump to Biden. ;-o

Pandora's avatar

@Yellowdog So this person can be someone from a basement for all anyone knows or information he made up. That isn’t proof. And the reason why stations are afraid of lawsuits and issue disclaimers isn’t because they don’t have the money to fight it in court but because they don’t have actual proof of made up nonsense and know they will lose. And the whole China idea is ridiculous. Why would China care? Trump stayed out of their business for the most part and the trade war didn’t hurt them. If anything, they expanded out to other nations and the US was staying out of most of it. With Trump they had it made. US would hardly interfere with them and they can still make money. If anything they had more of a reason to let someone like Trump stay in power as our power in the world diminished under Trump. US certainly couldn’t say anything about Human Rights violations as Trump did the same in the States. If anything. Dictatorship nations loved Trump. They would’ve wanted to help him win even if they found him obnoxious.

bob_'s avatar

None. He had a bunch of bozos say “yeah, we know for a fact that there was fraud”.

That’s like if I said “yeah, Monica Bellucci and I are a couple, that’s a fact”—not a proof of anything.

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