Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Would if help if Congress/Parliament to be dissolved and replaced with referendums?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25140points) February 7th, 2021

That way people can make a change to law without having to riot/protest?
Technology could be used to secure voting in the future.

Suggestions for improving democracy, or answering my question welcome?

Previous question in 2016

Or make Congress/Parliament terms shorter? Say every two years instead of the usual four? Or even one year?

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2 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

Shorter terms just means the politicians spend their careers in perpetual campaign mode, even more so than now. It’s bad enough with members of the US House of Representatives, who are elected to two-year terms. At least members of the US Senate, elected to six-year terms, have a little time in which they don’t have to worry about campaigning.

zenvelo's avatar

It was a bad idea in 2016 and it’s a bad idea now. Mob rule makes for bad law.

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