Who wants to play TJBM #87?
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me loves chocolate.”
The response might be:
“False! Cheese is 100000 times better!”
“True! I can’t live without chocolate!”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me sleeps like a log.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a Jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
343 Answers
TJBM is happy the game is finally back!
Oh my gosh yes I am!
TJBM loves Honeynut Cheerios.
Don’t know about Honeynut, but Cheerios used to be extremely big here. I ate the cheese flavor and now I missed it :’(
TJBM has to clean their house during New Year and hates it!
I cleaned my house a little after our New Year’s Day (about 4 weeks ago).
It doesn’t even annoy me, but I still procrastinate it.
Although it’s not my favorite activity, I feel good once it’s done.
Being a retiree who doesn’t have a full tectonic plate of obligations, that’s relatively easy for me to say.
TJBM will reveal their time zone.
Mine is Pacific.
It’s Greenwich Mean Time here.
TJBM will go out for a walk.
It’s only 13 degrees so the walk will be delayed.
TJBM is really ready for a vacation.
Not in this crappy weather. Supposed to drop to 5 degrees F here by Monday A M. TJBM is ready for summer. Eternal summer.
I grew up in snow country in the mountains. It’s where folks actually know how to have fun in cold weather. But in the midwest where I now live, there’s no such thing as having fun in the snow. It’s hard to even find a hill to sled on here!
TJBM knows how to have fun outside in cold weather.
No, cold weather can go fuck itself.
TJBM had a good morning today.
Yes got my shopping done and stores had little or no customers.
TJBM is waiting for a storm to come (That’s the reason I went out today).
Nope. It’s 82 and cloudy with a slight breeze. No storm in sight.
TJBM is worn out from their kids remote-learning and wants them to go back to school.
I HAVE CHILDREN??! Must have happened when I was trapped on that escalator…And yes, I want them to stay in school and not bother me with questions about where they came from.
TJBM May or may not be wearing pants, but has an extra large mask on.
I am wearing pants, but no mask since I’m home.
TJBM adores jelly beans!
I do when I’m in the mood.
TJBM loves their doggie.
Both of my doggies.
TJBM has a favorite burner on their stove. Mine is the left front but use right rear almost exclusively for the teapot.
Right rear. Hold over from when the kids were little.
TJBM is fighting sub zero temps.
42* F and raining; the forecast is rain next 5 days off and on.
TJBM wants to go somewhere warm and sunny.
I’ll take where you are @Tropical_Willie! Saturday’s HIGH is 1⁰. The low is -11⁰.
TJBM is ready for summer.
@Dutchess You and I are in the arctic blast zone. Heck ya I’m ready for summer!
TJBM speaks more than one language.
Right? Shit cold!
Well….I speak English and 2 year old.
TJBM needs internet.
Of course! It’s not like I can get to Fluther to play TJBM or something. Where’s my Internet?
TJBM has discovered something great!
Yes! My 7 year old grandson is musically inclined.
TJBM is happy to se the TJBM thread revived.
@Strauss Wonderful! What are you going to do about it?
TJBM will stay for the game.
Been here since #1. Why would I leave now?
TJBM has a forecast of 7 to 10 ” of snow this weekend, and she/he really hopes so!
Hell to the no. Fortunately. Temps of 4 degrees F forecast for Monday, that’s bad enough. TJBM wants to hop a plane, train, or automobile to somewhere tropical.
TJBM likes jigsaw puzzles. What was the last one you did?
Not me. Haven’t had any use for Valentines Day since I was a kid in Catholic school. We got Valentines off in those days. I was shocked when I got to public school and it was just another day. But TJBM is all pumped about it.
I wouldn’t say “pumped”, especially because holidays tend to be disappointing if you’re expecting too much. But I am looking forward to it! I have decreed that there will be Tacos and an at-home escape room game. I also bought a secret dessert surprise that I’m going to enjoy.
TJBM has arranged a surprise for someone.
Yes – Yes I have.
So you’ve been watching??!
TJBM Is pretending to be surprised, but knew all along.
I am shocked! Shocked and appalled!
TJBM has big plans for the weekend.
Lasagna for my wife on Sunday, Valentine Day dinner.
TJBM likes cooking and baking. (Cherry pie for dessert)
Not particularly. That’s my husband’s forte.
TJBM has seen “The History of the Eagles”.
I certainly have, and their eggs are great when they’re scrambled! ;-p
Actually I haven’t seen it, but I have been to two of their concerts.
TJBM has seen an eagle in the wild and/or will name an Eagles tune that they like.
I have. At the lake.
TJBM has seen a wolf in the wild.
Do you remember the name of the lake?
The only place I’ve seen a bald eagle in the wild is Alaska, and that was through a zoom lens.
Since they’re such a magnificent species and were once Endangered, it’s good to see that they’re more widely distributed than I thought.
BTW, I saw a wolfpack in the wild at Denali National Park.
TJBM knows the location of, or has even visited Denali Park.
Denali is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of 20,310 feet above sea level, located in Alaska.
TJBM knows their geography.
Not all of it. But I know Kansas and we have bald eagles and coyowolves. And coyotes.
TJBM likes the movie “Crocodile Dundee.”
Yes. Oldie but goodie. TJBM is a John Wayne fan.
TJBM slept well last night.
Absolutely! But I had a weird dream…probably something I watched before bedtime.
TJBM will share a weird dream with us.
TJBM had a nice breakfast this morning and will tell us about it.
Packaged doughnuts and coffee. TJBM has already filed their income tax.
Nope, that’s done in April where I live.
TJBM is thinking about buying a car.
Not unless she wants to end up in the ER! LOL
TJBM watches Netflix.
TJBM is starting to think Netflix isn’t worth the charge any more.
Don’t have it anyway. I can view all my favorite old movies / TV shows on YouTube. Mostly free. TJBM is fed up with winter.
No. It’s ok. It just got started! Can’t really appreciate spring without a winter.
TJBM thinks -11⁰ is TOO MUCH!!
Way too much! Only 22F here, and I cant even get out of my damn drive way. TJBM is having a nice hot stew for supper.
No. No supper here.
TJBM is tired.
All day, every day. Yay adulthood.
TJBM likes steaks.
Love steaks rib-eye, sirloin and pork steaks
TJBM is making something special for Valentines Day. I’m making a huge Lasagna !
I do not know. If there is VD dinner to be made it won’t be made by me. Rick brought home some pork chops, and pork is my least favorite meat and he knows it so….
TJBM is watching their favorite movie.
True- I’m watching EVERYONE’S favorite movie! ;-o
TJBM can name a movie title that includes their name, or the name of another jelly.
Daym. Ok, “August Rush.” And now I cry.
TJBM intends to make snow angels tomorrow. And cookies.
No and no. TJBM plans to sit by the fireplace tommorow. Sip coffee, stay warm, cozy up and chat with wife / hubby / s/o.
There is no fireplace here.
TJBM has no fireplace.
In fact I do, sitting in front of that bad boy now. Would toss on another log but Mamma Bear will get bent about me wasting wood. TJBM has no weather worries.
I has weather worries but keeping the fireplace on lock down. If you aren’t careful it’s just like leaving a door or a window open.
TJBM knows what I mean.
Yes…but I thought you wanted it to be a secret.
TJBM Sees this abbreviation and thinks it’s jelly, peanut butter, and margarita time.
No, but I could use some whiskey.
TJBM had at least one orgasm in the past week.
I lost count. But probably one for sure. I think…
TJBM Has Zoom work meetings every day but stays muted so no one can hear them groaning.
Guilty as charged.
TJBM has been charged with a felony.
The judge looked into my eyes and said I was innocent.
TJBM Will get misty eyed whenever someone plays “Wild Thing”.
[NSFW or anyone who doesn’t enjoy hermaphroditic humor]:
Actually, the reverse: I go Jessica Walters-wild whenever someone plays Misty for me!
She made Clint lick her clit! They used to call him Clit ‘licker” Eastwood on the set. ;-D
TJBM wishes their browser had a user-specific jump scroll feature, so they could avoid all my posts!
TJBM is so caught up in laughing that they forgot to say TJBM.
You were right.
I then edited it while you were posting your quip.
@Mimishu1995 It posted its edited quip just after you posted yours.
You were seeing its preedit post, while it was editing. Then you posted your answer, just before it posted the edited version; hence the discrepancy.
Once again:
TJBM wishes their browser had a user-specific jump scroll feature, so they could avoid all my posts!
No worries, I’m a big boy. TJBM is only concerned about staying warm.
Well, since you mention it, at the moment, absolutely!
TJBM hates creepy crawlies.
Well, I try hard to avoid spiders and centipedes. Otherwise all good. TJBM is having a happy Valentine Day.
Yes just took the lasagna out of the oven, wive loves it and I do too !
TJBM has a favorite meal to make, for leftovers.
Yes – I’m making soup with old boyfriends tears.
TJBM Has been shut in for so long they’ve knitted matching outfits for all the neighbors.
@JLoon I would have, but my joints hurt too much for knitting, and I’m too busy making sure the kids sit still through their many daily zoom school sessions.
TJBM ate chocolate Valentines Day cupcakes for breakfast.
Sausage and eggs actually. TJBM has places to go and things to do.
Yes. Bed, and watching The Hobbit. Tired from sledding in the dark.
TJBM has gazed at the stars recently – and/or almost crashed into a tree.
I gaze at the stars almost every evening…or at least look at them.
TJBM is a stargazer.
Not so much these days. TJBM wants to kick back and watch TV tonight.
Now that I think about it, I’ve been outside for so long I haven’t sat back to relax on a couch yet. Oh New Year…
TJBM has so much fun they missed out some things on here.
I did have fun today, played a PC game with my grand son most all day. Except when he got tired and went to play in the snow. TJBM has been in and out all day.
Took six trips in and out to the recycle and trash bins then took the two of them to the street. Tomorrow is pick up.
TJBM is @Dutchess_III
She was there while I answered.
I’m not – But she said for you to just give me the money. All of it.
TJBM – Is working to make the world a better place.
I’m here!
I’m lucky to be making myself a better place.
I guess the only thing I’m doing is not seeing my grandkids to do what I can to stop the pandemic. It’s killing me, too.
TJBM has a very expressive dog.
I do! She’s a blue heeler/Aussie cowboy mix. She actually became more vocal after our 6 year old grandson came to live with us.
TJBM has changed family dynamics due to COVID.
Not really, but we do wear masks.
TJBM is thinking of eating… what?
Lunch :D
TJBM will tell us what they eat for lunch.
Nothing. I’m ready for bed.
TJBM is cold as hell.
I’m cold, but I don’t have hell :D
TJBM hates cold spring!
I wish it was Spring! There’d be some hope. Right now it’s -2⁰. Blerg.
TJBM just hit their dog with a snowball.
Nope, but it sounds like a good idea!
TJMB had a big job set up for today, but there was a change of plans.
I don’t have a thing set up for today. Other than sitting indoors by the fire. TJBM enjoys a warm clime.
I enjoy it when I’m in that time or place, but right now it’s 3° F (-16° C), wind chill -8° F (-22°C).
TJBM would prefer summer drought to winter drought.
Darn tootin’, ya love Fig Newton’s. TJBM is preparing a good lunch.
I mean…I’m preparing an ice cream sundae station right now.
TJBM got a present recently, and they’ll tell us about it.
Yup, my 12 yr old granddaughter gave me a little stuffed panda bear for my birthday, paid for with her own alowance. I know I’m an old sap, but I found that very touching. Best present I ever got : ) TJBM is enjoying warmer temps than the majority of us.
Nooooo. It’s 0⁰ as we speak. Supposed to go down to -15 overnight. But….It’s wintertime. That’s what happens in the winter in Kansas.
TJBM refuses to buy into the hysterical hype about the weather that the media puts out.
What, like bundle up when you go outside?
TJBM thinks the occasional polar invasion inversion is good for the soul.
Sure it is! So is the occasional tornado invasion.
TJBM is hongry
Nah. Had heat ‘n eat brisket for supper. TJBM has cabin fever. Bad.
Not really. Ready for summer tho.
TJBM is sealing up windows and doors.
Already done, at least as much as is possible for the time being.
TJBM is planning on a great breakfast. Tell us about it.
Chicken and apple sausage with canned artichokes that I sautéed in butter with lemon and sea salt and a side of fresh local strawberries.
TJBM can’t believe I’m talking about fresh local strawberries when most of the US is under a freeze.
!!! Fresh local strawberries! From California?
TJBM us also wondering where TJAM is that they can get *fresh local strawberries *!
As of now, I’ll settle for fresh local electricity. TJBM believes some heads will roll when this is all over.
No. Why would heads roll?
TJBM loves that ice cold water right out of the tap!
Hell no. In the summer that would be nice. But not now. TJBM is dressing like an Eskimo. And inside, no less.
@Dutchess_III Heads should roll in Texas because of the lack of advance warning. They knew this front was coming and no notice in the news to be prepared! Just bang- juice off at 1 in the morning and won’t answer their calls. B.S.
I’m always ghetto layered (as my daughter says) in the winter. This winter is no different.
TJBM rescued their dog from out of the driveway because their SO left the damn gate open.
Don’t own a dog right now. Grand kids have three cats and they’ve been inside driving me nuts last three nights. Meow my butt. TJBM has had power restored. Finally!
Have never lost power.
TJBM has a fireplace.
I do have a fire place. Fortunately. I have lost power. For 14 hours last night/this morning. Even the big chain stores like HEB and Walmart lost power. TJBM never wants to deal with a major winter storm like this, again.
I’m ready for summer.
TJBM has a pontoon boat.
I wish. TJBM is ready for some ice fishing.
TJBM has lucid dreams.
I sometimes have this sensation that I’m trapped between the dream world and the real world. I can feel myself lying, but I can still see what I’m doing in my dream too. Is that a lucid dream?
TJBM types a specific keyword so many times their phone just knows what they are about to type next just after a few letters. Mine is “Revolutionary War”, and my phone just automatically suggests it just by typing r and e :D
Right. I tap in WTF and it brings me right here.
TJBM Talks in their sleep, but it’s mostly about the weather.
Only when there’s weather to talk about.
TJBM talks about the weather.
No, I’ve been cursing about the weather. Weather is improving for TJBM.
Weather man says all the snow will be melted by Monday.
TJBM has a very short haircut.
No, looking like an old hippie. Do need to get one though. TJBM will stay indoors today.
Yes. My son has to work in this crap tho.
It is starting to warm up where TJBM livesm
I pity anyone who even has to drive in this, never mind be working in it. No warm up for CenTex yet. Maybe another round of freezing precip tonight, then warming to 60s by Friday. TJBM sadly remains in the deep freeze yet a while longer.
I don’t think it’s as bad here in Kansas as it was in Texas. It’s 22⁰ here today! Break out the bathing suits!
TJBM is layered and bundled and wrapped.
It was 18, now 27 but feels like 18. Ice and packed snow on the ground. Sitting by the fire with 2 polo shirts, a wind breaker, and my heavy Dickies coat on. No weather for man nor beast. TJBM is not planning to journey anywhere this evening.
My son said his car registered -19⁰ when he went to work yesterday morning. Brrrr!!
I rarely go anywhere any way.
TJBM is tired.
Good Gawd all mighty! Tell him to take it slow and easyyy… I AM tired. Damn juice was off again half last night, so ALL the grand kids plus their mom stayed with us. And we had three of the little chilluns i bed with us. To snuggle and stay warm with Pawpaw and Nanna. Have a king size bed, but still had kids trying to knock old paw paw off the bed. TJBM slept well last night.
I sleep well every night.
TJBM is wondering where all the other TJBM are.
I am, actually. It’s not so cold, that people cant jump in and play the game. This is TJBM game peeps, not the Dutchess and No More show. TJBM predicts things will pick up in a little bit. And I’m not even talking politics today!
@JLoon I think you kind of misunderstood my statement. I was referring to the auto suggestion feature of the mobile keyboard. But nevermind.
I’m not sure about that, but I can feel myself changing. Maybe it’s for the good.
TJBM is wondering where everyone is too.
Frozen in isolation!
And I’m done with cold. And wondering how I could have helped people and families from Texas.
TJBM is wondering the same thing.
I am now. Previously, I assumed that was the local authorities’ job and that they could handle it – I feel differently after seeing the message from a governor on another thread.
TJBM is exhausted from reading about the state of the world.
No. I have limited my intake of news so I’m not too overwhelmed by bad news.
TJBM exercises moderation.
Not me. I chow down ‘till I’m full, and drink Coke by the gallon. Only drink alcohol in moderation. Hardly drink alcohol at all these days. TJBM cant go out with the guys for a beer without getting the wife pissed.
I don’t drink beer, don’t go out with the guys, and don’t have a wife.
TJBM fantasizes about going on a trip.
Want to see the Grand Canyon one day. TJBM has seen all there is to see.
There is never enough to see. Just as when I think I’ve seen all there is to see, there would be something new pop up for me to see. I have come to the conclusion that I will never get bored, as long as I keep myself curious.
TJBM has a mind-blowing experience recently.
Nothing mind blowing, it has been almost boring.
TJBM wants the next season to start, for me it is waiting for Spring.
For me it’s trying to get stuff down so we can turn the house over to the new owner on the 17th.
TJBM is stressing about upcoming events.
No. The snow is all melted off at your house, or it never did fall where you live.
TJBM loves babies.
I do, no choice. My daughter and her hubby and my son and his wife have had 8 of them. Grand kids out the gazoo, and now a great grand kid. TJBM is taking a break from politics.
I’m taking a break from most things now that I’m Dr. Cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PhD, not MD)
TJBM avoids caffeine because they’re naturally perky.
I am addicted to caffeine, and I enjoy it, so no.
TJBM wants to join me and congratulate Dr. @Cupcake.
You read my mind! Kudos, to the new PhD. @Cupcake! Out freaking standing!!! TJBM goes off on political rants to much. (Not referring to moi).
I try to control myself when it comes to politics.
TJBM is facing life changing decisions.
OMG Dr. Cupcake! That is AMAZING!!!!
I bring cupcake to celebrate!
Not life-changing, but I’m torn about whether to buy a book or not. It’s something I need, but I’m also on a saving plan and I don’t want to break my plan…
TJBM will help me decide.
Can you buy the book used?
TJBM knows how to make cupcakes. (I’ve got six cupcakes pans in three different sizes).
No, my wife does the baking in our clan. TJBM is happy that spring has sprung.
We’re expecting another round of snow here! That’s springtime in the Rockies!
TJBM has experienced springtime in the Rockies.
No. I have experienced winter and summer in the Rockies..
TJBM has a Shakespherian dog who is full of tragedy.
No, my dog is a furry container of joy. He believes in fun above all else.
TJBM has laughed today, and will tell us why.
Yes, at some jokes I saw on Facebook. TJBM is busy with grand children sporting activities this evening.
Not sporting activities. It’s his seventh birthday. I just finished icing the cake. His tias and his gran tio are coming over for a pizza party.
TJBM also is busy with grandchild(ren) stuff this evening.
Yup, Taekwondo for grandson, then soccer practice for grand daughter. Never ends. TJBM is chilling and watching TV.
I am watching “Bringing Down The House..”
To answer @Longgone’s question….I learned that my 7 year old granddaughter is fascinated when Dad clips his toe nails. She grabs safety glasses and oversees!
TJBM laughed today.
Laughed just now, @Dutchess_III s comment above. TJBM is tired and ready to hit the hay, and happy that an activity got cancelled. Grand daughter soccer practice, in my case.
I just woke up :(
TJBM will wish TJAM good night.
Good night, and rest well.
TJBM is drinking coffee. How do you like it? Sweet, cream only, flavored? Espresso? Tell us.
Black. TJBM is going to bed.
Well, I just woke up, but yeah, I’m probably going back to bed.
TJBM has Saturday plans.
Well….rented a Uhaul and moving furniture out.
TJBM doesn’t want to move.
Not planning on it. The only way I want to move from this house is when they haul my cold dead body out on a gurney! Hopefully that’ll be several decades in the future!
TJBM has plans for or against moving.
I have 0 plans to move.
I’m still living in my first house, which I’ve been inhabiting for 47 years.
About 30 years from now, my body will be fertilizing my front yard! ;-D
TJBM will reveal how old they were 47 years ago.
I was 15.
TJBM has amazing grown children.
I do. Daughter and son. And grand children enough for Old Mother Hubbard. TJBM is looking forward to a lazy and relaxing Sunday.
I don’t look forward to relaxing for a few more weeks.
TJBM is trying to figure out what to do with the food in the house.
Canned goods and unopened dry food can go to the local food pantry.
TJBM has a present they haven’t used because of the weather hasn’t been warm enough.
Yeah, my son got me a nice pair of work boots at Christmas. but due to the recent weather I haven’t worn them yet. Not to work anyway. Don’t want to screw them all up on a muddy site. TJBM has errands to run today.
No errands. We may take the dog out to the lake tho.
TJBM has a dog with puppy dog eyes.
No, she looks like a secret agent when grandson puts his fedora on her head.
TJBM is “fluthering” when they should be “othering”.
Just chillaxing with my feet up.
TJBM is making appetizers for dinner tonight – - mozzarella sticks, meatballs and marinara. May use toothpicks . . . LOL.
No. We had Chinese and Rick is do powerful he single handedly destroyed a fortune cookie.
TJBM is going to @Tropical_Willie‘s for dinner tonight.
Don’t know where he lives and wouldn’t invite myself anyway. Had home grilled burgers for supper. TJBM plans to sack out early tonight.
No. About the same time as usual.
TJBM has an amazing High School graduating class.
Not really, bunch of stoners for the most part. I mean Austin, Texas in 1971? You kidding? TJBM needs some hot coffee.
No. I hate coffee.
TJBM thinks coffee is some sort of diamond.
No but I wouldn’t object to a coffer filled with diamonds. TJBM has finances to escape the possible impending Covid disaster in their state when precautions are dismantled.
I don’t think there will be a disaster.
TJBM got some newspapers for packing.
No, but collecting cardboard boxes for our Master Gardener Plant Sale next month. Customers’ cars will appreciate not getting dirt and soil on rugs and trunk floors.
TJBM has over 9 clocks they have “Spring Ahead” on Saturday, I’ve got 15 including the cars.
Negative, only five. A pain in butt enough. TJBM has a Spring Break trip in the works.
Nope. Business as usual. I hate anything to do with spring break.
TJBM is revving up for a hot summer
A hot summer is the least of my worries.
TJBM spilled chocolate all over
my their shirt.
No. Would you accept coffee on a car seat instead?
TJBM has to recharge their phone.
Just put the mobile on the wireless charger.
TJBM has/uses a wireless charger for their phone.
I have one for my last phone.
Spring Break is a time of ancient grief for me. My coworker’s husband was a long haul trucker. Spring Break, 1996, he took took their 9 year old son on a run with him….and rolled the rig. The boy was asleep in the sleeping birth. He was conscious for about 10 seconds, crying out for his mother, before he died.
Wow @Dutchess_III I’m so sorry. Hugs to you my friend.
I do have a wireless charger for my phone. Actually it’s a battery and cell phone case combo, and it has vastly extended the battery of my phone. Otherwise I’d have had to replace the battery. I just set the phone in its case on the charger, and it either charges my phone, or it charges the battery in the case, or both, depending.
TJBM has a dog whose stomach seems to run on an alarm. “Feed me! I’m starving!”
Nah. He eats when he’s hungry. We always have food in his bowl.
TJBM got themselves a pound dawg.
Well, a Humane Society dawg.
TJBM has a different kind of pet. Tell us.
Three cats and three parakeets. No really mine, but the grand children’s. TJBM went to a diner for lunch today.
Haha. I haven’t been in a restaurant for a year. But lunch sounds good, and I think it’ll be pasta with pesto and baby spinach.
TJBM has a project to do.
Did it last night, my son and I got a new bed put together that he had bought for his room. TJBM is going to tell the world to take a hike, and just chill out today.
Yeah! Go take a hike and stop bothering me with your bullshit. Some exercise is good for you. I’ll just stay here and chill. Just kidding :D
TJBM will tell us a shocking thing they hear from a kid.
Yeah, I leaned I’m too damn old for night work. Pulled three night shifts in a row over the weekend, and after helping Mamma Bear get the grand kids off to school, I could sleep all day. No go, our new living room furniture is being delivered at some point today. TJBM has learned there is never rest for the weary.
TJBM says that TJAM got lost in the ozone. Been crafting that response for nigh awhile now. ?
Oops! I just changed the TJBM and you didn’t see it. Oh well, that’s still good :)
Maybe… I haven’t got to the point where I’m weary yet, but maybe some time, in the future…
TJBM will tell us a shocking thing they hear from a kid, for real this time.
LOL well maybe not shocking, but my two year old grand son informed me yesterday that, “This my phone!” I had given the little fart my phone at nap time, thinking the Three Little Duckies song would lull him to sleep. He was enthralled with it, but never zoned out. So when I went to get my phone back to make a business call, he informed me that apparently it is no longer his Paw Paws phone. Got news for ya bubba doo! LOL. TJBM is no longer Lost in Space.
Been lost in space for so long now it’s a normal feeling these days.
TJBM thinks the new post-covid normal will look like the old same old same old.
I do think that. I think a handful of sanctimonious, paranoid people will continue wearing masks for the rest of their lives, but other than that things will go back to normal.
TJBM has been vaccinated.
Not yet, we have both been pre occupied with our other medical issues. Looking into getting it done though. TJBM still has uneasy feelings about the pending lifting of Covid precautions in some states. Even our school district plans to continue having children and staff mask up. A State Governor is not a medical expert.
I’ll just do as I’m told.
And I always had the impression that TJAM was an independent minded woman. TJBM says that’s what I get for thinking.
It has nothing to do with “independent thinking.” It’s the smart thing to do.
TJBM will give us their definition of “Independent thinking.”
Well I’m not Mr. Webster, so I will loosely define it as: I won’t stop wearing a mask or end social distancing, just because my Republican Governor says we’re in the clear. We need something more substantial. TJBM is having a good day.
I agree with your example. I meant I will do what yhe CDC and Dr. Fauci say.
Tiring day, packing packing packing packing.
TJBM is facing a new life.
If it comes from Fauci and the CDC. THEN I will believe it. The only way I could face a new life if joining the Foreign Legion, but I am way to old for that now. TJBM needs to listen to that funny song, “Don’t worry, be happy!” https://youtu.be/d-diB65scQU
Great song! It sorta suits my whole life philosophy.
TJBM will come to my house and shovel the 16+ inches of snow that fell in the past 24-hour period.
Nope, Nyet, Nada. TJBM has gotten their stimulus money already.
IDK. Been too busy to check my accounts.
TJBM has a ridiculous dawg.
No but I (or my 12 year old grand daughter) has a rediculous cat. Sleeps next to her on her bed each night, has to be brought in on school mornings so she can’t follow her to school (it has tried more than once) and won’t eat it’s cat food unless the bowl is brim full. TJBM is feeling happy tonight.
Like a room without a roof!
TJBM will share the first song that comes to mind when they hear “hot”.
“Cool Clear Water”. My favorite western song. Old Dan and I, with throats parched dry, and souls that cry, for water. TJBM could use some water about now.
I’m well hydrated but as usual, So Cal could use about another 10” of rain.
It would be a meteorological miracle if we got that much between now and October.
TJBM lives in a well-hydrated area.
To a degree. It’s Texas, so it either rains upteen days in a row with no let up, or you go weeks on end without a drop. TJBM lives in an area with wild fluctuations in weather.
A/C in the afternoon and heat on at night. Yup !!!
TJBM had corned beef and cabbage for dinner, we did and it was great.
I did. It was great.
TJBM knows the origin of that tradition.
Does sound good. But we had Whataburger. With all the grand kids here tonight, we had a lot of mouths to feed. TJBM will tell is what they had for dinner. (Don’t know the origin of that tradition). TJBM will enlighten us.
It’s more Irish-American than strictly Irish. Many Irish immigrants to the US, especially in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s found themselves in the low rent districts of major cities alongside members of another immigrant population, Jewish immigrants. The traditional Irish meal would be a boiled dinner of ham, cabbage, potatoes, etc. but the closest thing available from the local deli/butcher (who happened to be Kosher) was corned beef…or so the legend goes.
TJBM will share another interesting legend/origin story.
Still waiting for Nomore’s legend…
Just something I heard in a bar. I’m of Irish decent myself, my grand pas people we from Cork, grand ma from the West Country. Anyway, I made mention of that to an Irish guy I was drinking with one time, he told me that if you guys are from Cork, you’re not true Celts, you’re “Fucking Vikings”. Supposedly Cork and South West Ireland were over run by Norsemen in the Dark Ages. Which is why Corkers tend be be light skinned and blonde or red haired, while “Real Celts” tend to be darker, as the Welsh are. TJBM may now have the floor.
Every house has floor.
TJBM has a roof.
I do indeed. TJBM will regale us with another legend. Or bar room story.
I read it now and I read it then, when I was a boy in school.
I recall it well, that tale of hell; my buds and I thought ‘twas cool.
But another rhyme we read at the time really sits in my mind even more.
TJBM is familiar with
The Face on the Barroom Floor
Yes from a Bob Hope movie.
TJBM likes pumpkin pie.
I’m baking one this afternoon.
Oh! I like punkin pie!
TJBM likes home made bread.
I’ve got a loaf I made on Thursday in the frig.
TJBM is hoping for a mild winter.
Don’t we all?
TJBM is still here :)
Yep! This popped out of the blue!
TJBM posted on the first TJBM thread. I think it was in 1842.
No I was busy at the Alamo then. TJBM is pumped about Halloween.
Not really. They have this thing they do called trunk or treat. People put candy in their trunk then go park at some business downtown.. The kids don’t go door to door anymore.
I agree but they don’t really do that in my town any more. And the Churches are
welcoming to all kids, no need to be a member. And they usually get a pretty good candy haul. So that’s good I suppose. Better than no trick or treat at all.
Wait..I forgot TJBM. I should be shot.
TJB Misses door to door Halloween.
As did I. I do miss taking kiddos door to door. TJBM wants nothing to do with crazy clowns this year.
Krazy Klowns—no. Adorable Urchins dressed like their fave superheroes—I guess I need to be prepared. My 7 yo grandson is going as Spider-Man.
TJBM has a preference between door to door or costume party.
I think of Halloween as mainly for kids.
Costume parties are for adults.
TJBM is hungry.
Yes I am and 30 min until taco’s.
TJBM wishes it were winter year round.
NOT WINTER!!! Each of the seasons has their perks. Hot, hot summertime is cured by going to the lake.
TJBM likes their seasons.
Not in Texas. We only have two – in my area anyway. Hot perpetual summer and short frozen ass winter. Then summer again. TJBM has four real seasons.
We do. We are in the midst of Autumn now. Campfires and hoodies.
TJBM thinks Marijuana should be legal.
Hell yeah I do. TJBM says it’s an idea who’s time has come.
I agree.
TJBM has no wifi aside from what they have with their cellular service.
On the contrary, I have no money for my call and ample of wifi.
TJBM will help me go to sleep :)
Just count sheep. TJBM rested well last night.
Very well. North wind howling while I was toasty in my bed.
^^^^TJAM Forgot something !^^^^
TJBM is coming into some money but they don’t know how much.
Always I hope !
TJBM drinks tea with honey.
Rarely. And I never drink coffee.
TJBM rarely eats sugar in any form.
Got a sweet tooth very bad. TJBM starts each day with a mug of hot coffee.
I started a day in 1998 or 1999 with hot coffee, but not since then.
TJBM has had a Covid booster shot.
Still waiting…
TJBM will tell me about their booster shot experience so that I can be better prepared.
Haven’t had it yet, but as of today I’m eligible. So—soon.
TJBM has never played the TJBM game before.
This is my second time.
What does TJBM stand for? :p
TJBM believes me.
Sure. Your avatar shows that you are a trustworthy person :)
TJBM believes me.
Of corpse I do!
Who could be more trustworthy than a demon baby or female pirate with a fake mustache?! ;-0
TJBM can identify the one who revived this threat.
I think it was @Mimishu1995
TJBM knows who started the very first TJBM thread in 1892.
No, I was riding with Butch Cassidy in 1892. TJBM says the Dalton Gang started all this.
Nope. Not the Dalton Gang.
TJBM is now going to research to find the answer.
Fun fact: Jonesen for Bugers was a preincarnation of Patty Melt.
No I never had a little red wagon
TJBM has grandkids that just crack them up! My 6 year old granddaughter, who I was sitting next to at the dinner table, starting quietly singing “I see a pumpkin and I want to paint it black.” The Rolling Stones.
@kneesox one look at his avatar tells you that he has supernatural ability :D
Grandkids? Now if only time travelling is possible.
TJBM has someone who cracks them up.
@kneesox I know that AmWiser is the OOP (ORIGINAL Original Poster) of TJBM.
So I went to her profile and clicked on her questions, and then I selected her greatest ones.
TJBM is her greatest question.
Or what Mimi said. ;p
And what was the one created by BlondsJon that has been running forever?
TJBM knows things.
That was “Will you hijack thia thread”
TJBM still remembers that.
Oh yes!
TJBM Wonders where the highjack thread went.
Don’t wonder I know . . . I visit regularly.
TJBM knows it takes f o r e v e r
to load !
It does. TJBM knows it’s fun tp play though.
It is fun. It’s a walk down memory lane now.
TJBM got their Halloween candy today.
Nope. I don’t eat candy anymore. I have some stashed away, left over from a wedding a while ago. My sense of taste is so bad, I find I’m just disappointed every time I try anything sweet. So, no to candy.
TJBM noticed I was gone for a while.
I did in fact. TJBM is ready for trick or treat. Or, Truck or Treat. Depending on their community.
Fine. TJBM knows that Halloween candy is for the kids, not the adults
Yeah yeah. I still snagged me two Reeces Pieces out of our Halloween hoard today. Mama Bear caught me red handed and snapped at me, done hurt my feelings. TJBM says that’s not very nice. : (
Tomorrow is another day.
TJBM hides the Halloween candy from themselves.
No, but I probably should. TJBM is ready for the next Holiday. Thanksgiving, anyone?
I’m not ready for anything except to be out of this camper and into a real house.
TJBM wishes things were a little different.
I wish we had a different DIL. She promised the kids she’d come over and take them Halloweening and hasn’t shown up. And won’t respond to her phone. TJBM has dealt with similar B.S.
Yes I have.
TJBM isn’t particularly excited about Halloween.
Excited for the kids, otherwise, meh. Now Thanksgiving will be another thing. TJBM loves holiday season.
I used to, but it’s so commercialized, it’s more about buying stuff than anything.
I do like quiet family celebrations during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
TJBM is great at something. What is it?
Raising and tending children.
TJBM has a crazy dog.
Two both dogs can tell time, like when meals and treats should be served,
TJBM has had more than ten dogs in their life.
I believe I have.
TJBM has had the best dog in the universe and misses her.
Yes, that’s definitely true. When I lost things out on walks (gloves, wallet, chapstick), she’d pick them up and carry them for me until I noticed.
TJBM is helpful like that.
TJBM is a good guard dog, especially when little ones are around.
Grrrrrrrrr! Get away from the kid you scary-looking human!
TJBM thinks I’m a good dog.
It’s hard to avoid when I’m stoned!
TJBM is familiar with old song “My Dog Has Fleas.”
On my ukulele. . . . .
TJBM understands why it is a ukulele.
No I do not.
TJBM keeps accidentally discovering the Halloween candy they hid from themselves.
Nope. the grand kids left what was left over sitting out, someone keeps getting in to it. Must be that dang ghost. TJBM is glad that Halloween is over. Onward thru the fog!
Onward to Thanksgiving!
TJBM has a stoned dog.
My dog doesn’t use the stuff ; ) TJBM has both cats and dogs, and even a couple of birds.
I have 1 stoned dog, 1 frustrated cat and multiple birds that sing every morning. SHUT UP BIRDS!!!
TJBM is as close to their grandkids as they can be.
I am. TJBM is feeling festive.
No she is not. Feeling tired and discombumerated
TJBM is feeling festive.
More bah humbug. But I’ll make it through the season. TJBM says, ‘Tis the season to be jolly, tra la la la la, max out the cards.
Waiting for Spring ! Hoping to go straight to Summer.
TJBM is starting pollen season YUCK !
Pollen doesn’t affect me.
TJBM says yesterday was the warmest day of winter.
Could be! It was nice out.
TJBM Will tell us their favorite dessert.
Mmmmmm. Cheesecake is my favorite dessert.
TJBM will tell us their least favorite dessert.
Marshmallows. However, they’re okay if they’re toasted over a campfire.
TJBM knows in what country Mila Kunis was born.
Everybody knows that Mila Kunis was born in Chernivtsi, Ukrainian! Geez!
TJBM knows what state I was born in. (Hint: not Kansas.)
I don’t know that I know, because I’m not sure, but I think you were born in WA, or perhaps FL.
TJBM has no idea in what province I was born. :p
(I love how you put things together @Brian1946! I was born in Texas, moved to WA when I was 6 months old, from there we moved to Florida then landed here, in Kansas)
You were born in….the province of Rhode Island?
TJBM wants some toast dripping with butter and honey.
I was born in Toronto, which is in the province of Ontario.
I like toast with butter and honey, but I’m going to have bread with peanut butter and jam in about an hour.
TJBM can name the province where RedDeerGuy1 lives.
Red Deer, Canada.
TJBM can name the province Mimishu lives in.
It’s Alberta. Red Deer isn’t a province.
Mimishu lives in Vietnam.
TJBM has never gone ice skating.
Not true. I skated many times as a child, but I wasn’t very good.
TJBM knows karate.
I know Taekwondo. But it would kill me if I tried to practice it now.
TJBM bought “new” furniture off of FB Marketplace last night like they need any new furniture.
Haven’t bought anything through Marketplace.—Was it a good experience?
TJBM will tell us what they’re listening to.
I’m listening to Ken Jennings host Jeopardy.
I was listening to “Lend Me a Dime”, by Duane Allman & Boz Scaggs.
TJBM will tell us what they’re listening to.
I am listening to some background music of the game I’m playing :P
TJBM will recommend some music for me. I like to listen to something classy.
Thomas Bergersen – Empire of Angels
TJBM will tell us what is on their mind at this moment.
The FB Marketplace can be awesome @Strauss. I bought this. All three pieces, bed (including mattress) dresser and side table for $300.
What is in my mind is being hungry but don’t want to hassle with eating.
TJBM is ready for all the crap to be over.
It is over.
THBM is ready to start dealing with the “new normal”, whatever that is.
Slowly healing. Tired.
TJBM made some progress on their house today.
Yes, more tomorrow !
TJBM can’t wait for the weekend !
I can. I’m retired.
TJBM uses the Roku channel to find movies they’ve never seen before .
Yes! We have 3 4 Roku devices. I keep telling my wife we need to cut the cord, but she’s still reluctant.
TJBM has cut the cord
Sort of. We still need WiFi for everything to work but we don’t have cable or DishTV and stuff any more.
TJBM likes PB&honey sandwiches.
Yes. Anything tastes better with peanut butter, bacon chocolate and/or cheese.
TJBM would like to try a grilled cheddar-bacon-peanut butter sandwich with a chocolate dipping sauce.
I did that once or twice – -onions – mustard – relish – GRILLED HAMBURGER !
TJBM has had other concoctions !
I’ve made a few concoctions of my own, but nothing so dramatic. And nothing calls for the addition of peanut butter.
TJBM still reads the comics in the newspaper.
Nah. I haven gotten the paper in decades.
TJBM hates getting up early in the morning
I do. Sometimes I even hate getting up in the afternoon.
TJBM loves nail polish—and uses it on things other than nails.
I don’t do nails. In the 70s I did use a clear coat to stop the tarnishing of a Virgin Mary necklace my granma got for me in 1958 at Lourdes.
TJBM uses things for their not-intended purpose.
I do sometimes, especially when it comes to reusing things that are done with their original purpose. Little glass yogurt jars have candles in them now.
There’s a new thread over here, not numbered but it’s apparently #88.
We all use items for purposes other than the manufacturer’s intention. I clean tiny spaces with 409 and toothpicks.
TJBM think it’s fine to have more than one game going at once.
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