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La_chica_gomela's avatar

Should I tell me boss and go home early today?

Asked by La_chica_gomela (12594points) September 9th, 2008

I talked to one of my profs after class about how I’m not peforming as well as I would like, and now I’m really sad. I was crying on the way over here. My boss hasn’t come into work yet. He’ll be here in less than an hour. I know if I tell him, he’ll let me go home, but I don’t want to seem like a sissy, and I also don’t want to seem unprofessional. I don’t know what to do. I know I should get over it, but I just want to cry some more…

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21 Answers

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I even went to TCBY on the way here, which ALWAYS cheers me up, but now I can’t even eat it. The ice cream is just sitting in front of me right now all melty and gross-looking…

basp's avatar

Eat your ice cream, tell your boss you aren’t feeling well and go home and enjoy a good sulk.
Then,tomorrow, get up and face the day with a smile on your face and a new determination.

tinyfaery's avatar

I agree with basp. If your boss will understand then go home, have a good cry, and do whatever it takes to make yourself feel better.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I just threw it away. It was grossing me out.

marissa's avatar

If someone else can cover for your work, I would tell your boss that you aren’t feeling well and ask to go home, however, I wouldn’t get into an explaination of why you aren’t feeling well, unless you are put in a situation that you have to explain yourself. As long as this isn’t something that happens repeatedly. You aren’t being fair to your employer if you are too upset to do your job properly, yet they are still paying you to do the job. We all have bad days, so you aren’t being unprofessional. You are showing you are professional by knowing when you can’t do your job properly and professionally because you are too upset and having the good sense to go home. I hope you have a better day tomorrow {{{cyber hug}}}

Bri_L's avatar

Sometimes you just need to do for you La Chica.

You have to do that. Indulge. Set it up with your boss and go.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

thanks guys. i really appreciate it.

he just walked in…

flameboi's avatar

Talk to him, o.k. by now you already did, I hope everything gets better for you, I know how if feels, just go home and cry as much as you need, then, do something that makes you feel better, ice cream, chocolate, coffee, read something, I dunno, sometimes we tend to get overwhelmed but is just part of life, its been dreadful for me, at one point I felt so bad I just wanted to die cuz I just could not go on… but after a few years, I’m still here :)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

thanks. i’m just . ahhhh, it’s like every little thing that goes wrong today is just huuuuuuuuge to me. i was going to go to a party with a friend this weekend, and he just told me now he’s going out of town. i wanted to talk to my boyfriend about my class thing, but i missed his call during his work break, and now i can’t talk to him until after 5:00. i JUST found out i have a meeting tonight that i didnt know about before. i’m supposed to do a lab tonight, but the stupid prof never told me what time it’s meeting, so i’m upset… i’m just…upset…

flameboi's avatar

take a day off of your life, that works great!

Bri_L's avatar

hang in there La Chica!

augustlan's avatar

A mental health day every now and again can do wonders for your outlook. Take care, LaChica!

bodyhead's avatar

Cheer up. On the scale of bad things happening to you, if a professor telling you off about a class is at the top then you have a pretty sweet life.

Think of all the good things you have going for you. Your boyfriend could have been shot today. You could have been in a paralyzing car accident. Things could be way worse.

I hope things get better for you.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

wow bodyhead, thinking about my boyfriend being shot or getting into a car accident makes me feel SOOO MUCH BETTER

tinyfaery's avatar

La Chica you are on edge. If you can’t go home, go out for an hour or so. Take a walk, eat something yummy, call a friend…anything to bring down your anxiety level.

shadling21's avatar

Oh man I’ve been in your position. It’s hard to work when you feel like things are falling apart. Convince your boss that you’ll be a better worker if you take the day off – there are things you need to sort out.

bodyhead's avatar

Yea I’m sorry to be the downer in this conversation. I can see how that could come off badly.

All I’m saying is that things seem bad right now in comparison to your regular wonderful life. Take a little time to appreciate how good things are. Count your blessings (as my mother use to say).

shadling21's avatar

Sometimes a good cry is needed… It’s hard to see blessings through watery eyes.

marinelife's avatar

Please feel better and let us know how you are doing.

marissa's avatar

La chica gomela, I hope your day is better today :0)

Bri_L's avatar

Amen to that marissa!

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