Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why is wearing a mask such a problem for some people?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23498points) February 11th, 2021

Does it prevent you from getting or spreading C-19, no but it helps that with social distancing is something we all can do.
If we all do it the faster we can get over this nightmare, not overwhelm the healthcare system and get back to normal, so again why do some have such a problem with this?

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26 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

It does help prevent you from spreading corona.
I must correct you on that, because you know that they would respond with “so what is the point?”.

To answer the question:
It is because it is ‘someone else telling them what to do’.
And I do not mean that in a general “it impacts personal liberties”, oh no.
I mean that it impacts them, personally.
They act similarly in other cases.
When a black person gets murdered by cops, they are like “he should have just obeyed them”. But if the cops prevent them, from storming the capitol, they literally beat them to death with a flag.
They cry “socialism!” when universal healthcare is brought up, but then run around with signs saying “keep your hands off my medicare”.
They love telling others what to do, but if the roles are reversed, they get triggered.

hello321's avatar

It has something to do with refute or something.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry @ragingloli You are totally right it does help.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s a problem because they don’t want to be caught wearing the Jewish star. Those Marxist, child trafficking, atheists who want to bring sharia law to America and cover people’s faces. You can’t identify a stolen child if they have a mask on.

Haven’t we answered this before.

Plus, some people believe they are helping others by willingly putting themselves out there to get sick. That they will contribute to herd immunity.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Some people don’t want be told what to do during a pandemic or any other time.

smudges's avatar

I wear a mask when I go into buildings, but I resent every minute of it. It has nothing to do with politics or rebelling. Plain and simple, I have trouble breathing when I wear a mask and move around. Just going from my car to a building makes me pant and I’m miserable. I often have to sit down if I can find a chair. It’s silly, but I’m mad at Covid. Fuckin’ HATE Covid and what it’s done to our lives! I’m dreading when summer and the heat arrives. And excuse me?? Now they say they want two masks?! I don’t think so. Nuh-uh. Not me.

JLeslie's avatar

@Smudges Maybe wear a slightly looser mask. I watched a video of the droplets and it said a slightly looser mask might even be better than one that is very tight at preventing transmission.

smudges's avatar

Looser might be better for breathing, but I already have to keep pulling the ones I wear down because they ride up my nose and interfere with my sight…like, every minute or less. LOL

Thanks for the thought, though. }8^)

JLeslie's avatar

^^Lol. You might need better fitting ones. The paper masks are easier to breath. If everyone was masking from the start maybe we could be using the clear ones Japan food service uses as an alternative. Those masks are more open.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t imagine it affecting your breathing THAT much unless there is an underlying problem, @smudges. Maybe you should see a doc.

smudges's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have. Cardiologist was able to do a test which showed whether my shortness of breath was caused by the aortic valve, mild emphysema or being out of condition and it was the valve. I had a replacement in Sept, but they ended up having to go in again in Nov to open the valve more. Both were done through the groin rather than open heart. Now I’m working on increasing my tolerance for activity, but it’s harder to breathe with the mask on. It just takes time.

Yellowdog's avatar

Why is wearing a mask such a problem for some people?

Some people just like exposing themselves in public.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My coworkers said it’s hard to breathe in a mask, and it prevents them from talking loudly, which affects teaching a lot.

I speak from the perspective of a teacher.

si3tech's avatar

Some people refuse to be orderd to do anything. Rules, laws do not apply to them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@si3tech and it shows in their diving as well.

hello321's avatar

^ Violating diving rules and laws is a problem. Many scuba divers are outlaws who play chicken with their oxygen levels.

cheebdragon's avatar

Some people with ptsd are triggered by wearing masks, there are also people who are triggered just by seeing other people wear masks. Don’t assume people without masks all have the same reason for not wearing them, just stay the fuck away from them if you are concerned about exposure.

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon In the beginning I said people without a mask on in stores should be left alone and not confronted. I said it because some people have really psychological and physical reasons why it’s difficult, and because I don’t think a $12 an hour supermarket employee should add confronting a no masker as a new task in their job description.

What I didn’t expect back then is a good 40% of the country rejecting masks as a health precaution for the greater good. It wasn’t a few stray people with real problem who we should give a pass, it was a huge portion of the population making it impossible for the people who really needed a pass the ability to get one.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

People that are exempt due to health issues should wear a badge or arm band,for others that simply don’t want to wear a mask,then don’t but stay out of indoor public spaces where it expected then.

cheebdragon's avatar

@JLeslie Where are you getting 40% from? 90% of Americans were wearing masks last October.

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon I guess the August number in your article.

Where I live in supermarkets it’s about 80% wear masks in supermarkets and about 20% wear masks in public spaces outdoors. I’m talking about crowded public spaces where people congregate.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Early on I didn’t like my glasses fogging up. I didn’t like my mask getting all moist and snot covered. I had problems breathing.

It’s ok with me now.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why don’t my masks get all moist and snot covered?

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Seriously? Because you’re perfect.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe because you didn’t walk as far as I did wearing a mask. I take taxis instead of walking across town now.

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