Meta Question

gorillapaws's avatar

If you could add one new feature to Fluther, what would it be?

Asked by gorillapaws (31070points) February 12th, 2021

Fluther is no longer being actively developed, but if you could magically add a feature to Fluther, what would it be?

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18 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

I’ll kick it off with this idea: there would be a “purgatory” for posts/threads. Users with something like 5k lurve would receive a special demi-mod status. When 2 demi-mods flag a post or question as spam (and this is ONLY for spam), it automatically gets pulled from public view and placed in purgatory until a mod can make a decision. If someone abuses their demi-mod privileges the mods can revoke them at their discretion.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d like to be able to search my past messages by user.
Some users are no longer here and I’d like to revisit them by reading our PM’s as needed.

hello321's avatar

Image hosting. Inline.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Redeem Lurve for cash or prizes. Or vote for mayor of Fluther. A new way to stop spam and trolling. Like a PayPal or credit card registry fee, of $1.

Jeruba's avatar

A way to block members whose posts I simply do not want to see. Wishlist topper from way back.

It’s not a bad idea for us to mention now and then that there’s no new development, though, in a context like this. Having new users pop in and start talking right away about changes they want is always a considerable annoyance. Here, we know what there is, and that’s what there is, and people who want something else can go find it elsewhere.

Making Fluther like all the other sites would certainly devalue what it is.

kritiper's avatar

Along with “general” and “social,” a “off-the-wall” (or off-the-sea-floor, if you like) category for not-so-serious, humorous questions.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Notifications to edit posts.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I only want the nice people to answer.

Jeruba's avatar

hey, Randy

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Doesn’t matter to me. I roll with the flow. I suppose if you put a gun to my head and demand an answer, I’d say a chat room that works. Lot of people were complaining about feature, or lack thereof, that no to long ago.

Demosthenes's avatar

@hello321 This. The ability to embed images and videos.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Demosthenes I can certainly appreciate the advantages, but I could also see threads being polluted with animating cat images and memes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not to mention viruses and malicious computer programs.

Jeruba's avatar

^^ Right. Too much latitude for junk. A link should be enough. If someone doesn’t want to follow a link, why force them to look at something they couldn’t even spend one click on?

KRD's avatar

Be able to search questions.

Caravanfan's avatar

I actually like that there is no image or video inline. It gives it a cleaner look. If you want to link to a video you can do this.

idktimmyturner's avatar

I think I’d add more than us just asking questions to one another. And add if the person is online or not.

KRD's avatar

That is a good answer!^

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