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elbanditoroso's avatar

Theoretical Groundhog Day (movie) question. Could there be more than one person suffering like Bill Murray did?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) February 14th, 2021

Bill Murray’s character was caught in a repeating cycle that didn’t let him escape the repetition until he turned into a decent guy.

Is it possible that the same cycle could have applied to other people – women, for example? Could he have met a woman on one of his days, fallen in love that day, and kept repeating with her?

Does the movie ever say any thing about this being a one-off? Or is the implication that anyone can experience it?

Could people synchronize?

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2 Answers

filmfann's avatar

These are unknowns.
However, there is another story much like it. Check out the series Russian Doll

LostInParadise's avatar

He could not have kept repeating with the women, because both of them would remember from the last time, even though everybody else would be clueless.

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