Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What sort of human being would celebrate Trump's non-impeachment in this way?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) February 16th, 2021

People got killed yet someone paid for an airplane banner saying “Trump Best President Ever.”

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10 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I can’t figure the conservative mind set out, Trump did non-stop lying and the conservatives don’t believe it,when you can with out a doubt prove one of his million lies they either respond yeah well all politicians lie,or you took it out of context.
His handling of the pandemic is truly disgusting all his loyal butt lickers will say yeah he put that travel ban on from China,look at how well that worked.
What I don’t get is how people are so blindly loyal to him,he wouldn’t cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire.

ragingloli's avatar

Pick one or more of the following:

~500.000 corona deaths:
– not drumpf’s fault
– demoncrats’ fault
– fake news
– would be a lot higher if not for drumpf’s tremendous leadership

people killed during the insurrection:
– not drumpf’s fault
– demoncrat’s fault
– antifa in disguise
– but BLM!

Make sure to read all of that in some redneck voice, ending it with a chewing tobacco laden side spit, while he is pounding his sister.

gondwanalon's avatar

That’s a weird thing to do. Prior to Trump’s apparent meltdown during the last few months I would have agreed that Trump was a good President. After all he did accomplish quite a lot of conservative goals (massive deregulation, ended NFTA, ended Obama Care’s individual mandate, rebuilt the military, cut taxes and death tax, 3.5% unemployment, made the USA energy independent, helped secure the s. border, nominated 3 conservative Supreme Court judges, Operation Warp Speed, supported laws to end late term abortion and much more).

kritiper's avatar

A Putin type.

JLeslie's avatar

They don’t think the Capitol attack was Trump’s fault. I know Democrats all over the media are saying how brilliant the case for impeachment was presented and argued and proven, and that even McConnell basically admitted he believed Trump was responsible, but most Trump supporters didn’t watch the hearings and have all sorts of “proof” it was planned before the 6th.

chyna's avatar

I believe it has been in the planning stages before the 6th at trumps behest. Some had tshirts pre printed. Bombs were stashed prior to the riot.

janbb's avatar

There are folks on here who still believe he was one of the greatest Presidents ever.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump harmonizes with right wing conservatives (especially the ones that want to return to the 1850’s, white men ruling).

Inspired_2write's avatar

Since we all wonder who actually believes anything Trumps says and why they do I suggest one read this book .

I just ordered it and intend on reading it to understand the “why”?

Book: Authoritarian Nightmare
Trump and his followers
By John W. Dean
with Bob Altemeyer ( Retired Professor of Psychology)

On Amazon read the comments from others who had read this book already and one stands out more than the others and I think Carl …..comments are worth reading.

Basically Trump is an Authoritarian
His insecure followers that makeup his base are like sheep being led to the slaughter.
Bob Altemeyer’s psychological analysis is worth reading to understand why his followers blindly follow.
I look forward into delving into his book for answers.

flutherother's avatar

Even if they carved those words into the side of Mount Rushmore it wouldn’t make them true.

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