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mazingerz88's avatar

Where can I find a world map from 1920?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) February 18th, 2021

Something that can be downloaded for free or for a fee?
Thank you.

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11 Answers

chyna's avatar

Have you tried a library?

bernd's avatar

Second-hand bookshop

flutherother's avatar

There’s a political map of the world in 1920 here

mazingerz88's avatar

Thanks so much jellies. I settled on working with an artist on Fiverr to help me out with graphic that I need for a family album.

chyna's avatar

Sounds like a fun project!

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Yes. Helping out a friend make a family album ( 1900–1933 ) using Amazon Photos. I’m on page 145 and my friend wanted a map showing the route his parents took to get to the US from Europe.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Poland and Odessa.

Inspired_2write's avatar

For more interesting maps try Cadastral Maps.

Here is a link to Cadastral maps of Ukraine, Poland, Austria since over time periods those boundaries changed hands several times with Germany ,Russia, Austria, Gallica Empire and so on.

I am currently researching my late in law side of the family (Matriarch line who lived in Austria/Poland/Ukraine/Gallica/Czech Republic as boundaries changed often)

I have been researching through these Cadastral maps internationally as well as locally as these types of maps were universal in every locality.

I even obtained Cadastral maps of an old neighborhood that I had grown up on, and it

showed the exact homes that I lived in.
( maps but also aerial images can also be found since the year
1912 every country had these done.)

I got an image zoomed in to show exact house as it was in that exact time period of one home that I grew up in as a child .

We moved approximately every three years and I have lived in 17 homes as a child…due to the economic climate .

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