Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

How much time do you spend thinking about how you’re going to spend the day?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) February 20th, 2021 from iPhone

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9 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

Maybe two minutes as I have a long list of things to get done:

Projects: Researching a Family History lead.

Cross Stitch kits (2) to finish,

Get an early start on Spring Cleaning ( did some already and cleared out unnecessary clutter).

Sent parcels out after a year long delay in Postal service.

Managed to arrange a pick up of one of my sofas to a stranger to take off my hands, since I received a newer sofa from a neighbor recently.( pick up in mid March ).

Sent letters out ( email) to longtime Friend as usual. About every week or so.

Checked on brother who I discovered was in Hospital as no one in the family mentioned
( he is a very private person who keeps to himself)

Called /texted my son daily to see how he is doing ( every day) and discuss interesting topics etc.

Always have things on the go and can choose to do this or sometimes just relax listening to music once in a while.

Zaku's avatar

Around 5–20 minutes per morning in an intentional habit where I make a list for that day.

janbb's avatar

I generally go over plans for the next day the night before.

JLeslie's avatar

Depends on what is already on my calendar. If I have a lot on my calendar for the day I might think about the day for 30 seconds. If nothing is in my calendar I think about things I can get done. Clean, work, exercise, make a nice meal. I don’t think about it very long, just a few minutes.

I had been thinking about going to the beach for several months now. One day I spent a good hour seeing what beaches were closest and if they were busy, did it cost money to park, and reading some reviews. I narrowed my choice down to the beach I wanted to try out.

I’ve asked my husband maybe 4 times in the last 6 months if he wants to go to the beach, and each time he said no for some reason or another, which was fine. Today, I asked him, and he said, “sure, let’s go.” Does that count as planning for an hour since that was my initial research? I have other sites to see that I keep in my back pocket as something to do if an opportunity arises. All of these places I have done some research about.

Once a month I go through the live entertainment list here and put dates into my calendar. That probably takes me 30–45 minutes.

gondwanalon's avatar

I spend a couple minutes checking the weather forecast. The weather will tell me weather what type of outside activities I’ll be doing each day.

JLoon's avatar

First I have to remember what I did the night before – Then schedule enough time to bribe the witnesses.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Sadly, I spend more time thinking about what I will have for breakfast than I do planning the day. That would be a worthwhile habit to acquire.

Zaku's avatar

@LuckyGuy Yeah, it makes a massive difference to me.

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