General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Who else is reading and enjoying Heather Cox Richardson?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) February 27th, 2021

She’s a history professor at Boston College, I think. She writes a daily column about the news. When I got my first installments, I wanted to cry with joy she was so good.

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13 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I have been.

With corporations buying news companies and firing most of the actual journalists, and/or affecting what the still-employed ones write or say, we can use as many good well-educated well-informed intelligent non-corporate news sources as we can get. Reading a history professor’s take on current events has been massively refreshing.

flutherother's avatar

I hadn’t heard of her before but I took a look at some of her recent articles and I like what she says.

janbb's avatar

I have subscribed. She is very astute.

canidmajor's avatar

Every day.

mazingerz88's avatar

I can’t find her videos in FB anymore. Not sure if I have to pay now to see her.

janbb's avatar

@mazingerz88 They come up for me. Maybe search for her and follow her? But I don’t think she videos all the time. I subscribe to her letter and get it in my email every day.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Thanks. It just started this week not being able to find her in FB. I’ve always followed and watched her two weekly videos regularly. I will try again.

Jeruba's avatar

I hadn’t heard of her before, but you’ve certainly piqued my interest. I like to read astute and well-written commentary from anywhere on the political spectrum.

Can I sample any of her columns without subscribing?

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba I just emailed you one.

Cupcake's avatar

It is genuinely a highlight of my day. I am so glad to follow her and learn from her.

mazingerz88's avatar

Well that is just weird. I lost her in my oldest account in FB. I couldn’t even find her page. But in my Dad’s account which he allows me access to…Prof. Richardson’s page shows up. What gives?

raum's avatar

Have been following her since that post about shock events.

Her posts have been strangely comforting.

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