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JLeslie's avatar

If the governor of California is recalled what happens next?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) February 28th, 2021 from iPhone

Does California hold a vote to elect someone new?

Do you think he should be recalled? Do you think he will be?

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

California has a history or recalls for no good reason. Talk about the cancel culture!

Yes, they would hold a vote, probably this November.

zenvelo's avatar

The only time a governor of California was recalled, a simultaneous election was run for a replacement. 135 people ran, and the race was won by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

filmfann's avatar

@elbanditoroso Gray Davis was recalled for mismanaging the budget (for example he gave more money to schools than they asked). That ended up biting him in the ass when we had a financial crisis.
Schwarzenegger didn’t do much better, which was disappointing, since he has a degree in economics.
When Jerry Brown took over, things got much better, partially because the US economy did better, and partially because he is famously cheap.

YARNLADY's avatar

I hope people realize it is tRumpanzies who are trying to get rid of him hoping to replace him with one on their own kind. I read that they are trying to get rid of all the Democratic Governors. There are currently 5 being targeted.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Ack. I lived through the Gray Davis recall. Republicans whipped up a outrage about an increased vehicle tax and a $15B deficit.

Arnold got elected, borrowed at least another $15B (I don’t feel like googling the exact number) from the Wall Street financiers who bankrolled his election. Gray Davis was not doing anything egregious. Arnold did not do anything notably better.

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