Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

[NSFW] Do you think that Lola Bunny's redesign for the 'Space Jam' remake was successful in making the character less sexualised?

Asked by ragingloli (52368points) March 7th, 2021

I think that they largely failed.
Maybe it made it less alluring to people who are attracted to the anthropo-centric template of long legs, bug butt, thin waist and large breasts.
But I think that when it comes to actual furries, it did absolutely nothing to make her less hot in their eyes.
In fact, quite a few people will think that the redesign is actually more attractive. It is the same basic body shape of the main characters in Zootopia, and there are oodles of pornographic fan art, comics, and animations of them out there in the wild.

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3 Answers

JLoon's avatar

There will always be a uniquely special group of fans that seek and find erotic satisfication in perving on animated characters. Lola Bunny meet Jessica Rabbit, meet Minerva Mink, meet Shego, meet Fritz the Cat…

But they’re toons dammit – fantasy is what it’s all about, and all in fun. So I see your point and think I agree. Besides that I feel kinda sad that one more refuge for imaginative chaos and noncomformity is getting jammed up with oppressive “woke” sensibility.

Leave it to some male corporate drone to decide that female characters can’t ever be sexualized, fun, and empowered all at the same time.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m not sure “Space Jam” and “successful” ever belong in the same sentence, in any context, remake or not.

As for “perving on cartoons,” it’s not my thing, but as long as nobody is getting hurt, I say “whatever floats your boat.” I’m sure that for every cartoon perv who’s into curvy animated animals, there’s probably one who’s into less curvy animated furry animals. Kind of makes you wonder if they own faux-mink tube socks…?

kritiper's avatar

What little girl dreams of growing up and being attractively flat chested??

As keen as girls are to the wonders of womanhood, I would think they were uniquely attuned to seeing the humor of large breasted animated bunny rabbits.

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