I was head over heels with a girl from about 3rd grade until I graduated college. She and I became great friends, but never brought it any further than that. Long story short, after graduation, I moved on to my career and met someone. I’ve been with her for 14 1/2 years, we are married and have a 7 year old son. At times I couldn’t imagine a life without this girl, now I don’t even think about her, I’ll probably never see her again, and I’m OK with that.
What I found was that my unrequited love was an idealized version of reality…I wouldn’t have believed that at the time, but if I could go back and get together with her, that would change the future, I’d probably not have my wife and son and THAT is a LOT more painful to consider than it EVER was to think about my unrequited love oh so many years ago.
The other thing I realized was that out of fear, embarrassment or whatever, I never acted, and I am not 100% convinced that she wouldn’t have gone out with me if I’d have asked. But I was so worried about the consequences that I didn’t realize that some day, either my actions would have paid off, or they would not even be a factor in my day to day life. If I’d asked her out and she’d shot me down, my life today would be no different than it is now, and this is the life I want. But if time were put in reverse, and all memory of what I was losing (my wife and son) were wiped from me, and all I retained was the sense that no matter what I was scared of, there really WAS nothing to be scared of, I’d have gone for it.
It’s a heavy concept, but essentially, whether you make a move or not could or could not impact your future, and that could be good or bad, and there’s just no way of knowing what the best, ultimate path would be for you, but chances are, no matter what, it will all work out. What you need to know is, the love will never stop being unrequited if you don’t take action, period…it’s not likely to just all fall into place some day. And number two, if you never fulfill this need within you, some day, something will make you forget.